
This potato cake is even better than in the restaurant

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This potato cake is even better than in the restaurant

By Meet 890804


A little flour

Potatoes 1-2 pcs

Green onion to taste

Pepper to taste

Cumin powder to taste

Cooking oil to taste

Paprika to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This potato cake is even better than in the restaurant

1: Wash the potatoes and cut into strips

This potato cake is even better than in the restaurant

2: Sprinkle flour and mix well

This potato cake is even better than in the restaurant

3: Pour oil into a pan, spread the shredded potatoes and fry until golden brown and crispy on both sides

This potato cake is even better than in the restaurant

4: Sprinkle seasoning out of the pan


1, potato shredded slightly thinner 2, flour is not too much, but to each potato shredded basically wrapped on 3, the pot oil is slightly more, only brush is not enough 4, potato shredded shop thinner, crisp faster

<h2>Nutritional benefits of flour</h2>

Nourish the heart and kidneys, strengthen the spleen and intestines, remove heat and quench thirst. Wheat taste sweet, cool, into the heart, spleen, kidney meridians; nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, in addition to heat, quench thirst; main treatment of dirty mania, heat, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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