
The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

author:Three squirrels

Autumn and winter tend to change into days without a word, and loss of appetite is a common thing. So how can you save your appetite? I believe that many people have thought of the word plum!

The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

Speaking of Mei, I believe that everyone is full of memories. Every time I eat it, I think of my childhood, and in addition to the sweet and sour, there is also a bit of a flavor similar to licorice flakes. Then in the world of plums, there is a plum that can be regarded as a well-known "national snack", which is one of the indispensable existences in the classic childhood memories of the post-80s and 90s, which is the nine-system plum.

The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

Although you eat a lot of plums, in the process of eating, have you ever thought about how you have changed from fresh fruit to a small snack that can be preserved for a long time? What kind of "truth" is behind the nine-system plum?

"Nine systems" is borrowed from the ancient medicinal materials concocted, which means that it has been processed through multiple processes, but it does not refer to the established nine processes. As for the specific production process, which work is counted as a process, and whether there are nine in the end, it is difficult to say.

The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

But in any case, the process of jiuzhimei will generally go through several stages:

1. Salting: Add 45 kilograms of table salt to every 250 kilograms of fresh plum fruit, and press "one layer of plum fruit and one layer of salt" into the tank for salting. This process takes about 25 days, during which the cylinder is poured several times to make the salt penetrate evenly.

2. Rinse: Put the salted salted plum blank into water to soak and rinse, until the salt is removed about 50% and fished out, continue to rinse with water.

3. Drying: The rinsed plum blanks are evenly spread on the drying field and exposed to the sun. The material layer should not be too thick, and it should not be turned over when it is just sunburned, so as not to hurt the outer skin of the plum billet and affect the appearance of the product.

4. Screening: After the plum blank is completely dried, use a sieve to sift off the debris and put it into the cylinder for later.

The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

5. Maceration: Mash the licorice into slag and put it into a pan and fry. The resulting head water is put aside for later, and then fried to pour two water into the plum blank, and the cover is stuffy for about 2 hours to be fished out.

6. Drying blank: Drain the remaining water from the fished plum blank, spread it in a bamboo drawer, and then add sugar and saccharin to the licorice water obtained for the first time, dissolve evenly, and mix with the plum blank evenly. Then expose the plum blanks to the sun until dry.

7. Oil spraying: When the plum blank is dry, the vanilla oil can be sprayed on the plum blank.

"Ten steamed nine sun, a few months a plum" is probably the production process of nine plums.

The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

Jiuzhi plum is only one kind of plum, it has many other types of "brothers and sisters", and the basic process principles of production are similar. The main difference is in the choice of materials, if you choose yellow cooked plum, the plum will generally be drier and shrunkier; if you choose fresh plum, then the final finished plum water content will be higher, the taste is also relatively wet and soft.

The Truth about National Snacks - Which Nine Systems is the Nine Systems?

If you usually have a low appetite, you can buy some plums. Words plum sweet and warm, sour and sweet, super appetizing, there is a good effect of thirst quenching, healthy food appetizer, eating and eating may have a great appetite, want to come to a table full of Han full of seats. However, it should be noted that mei cannot eat too much at one time, otherwise the teeth will be soft.

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