
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

author:Kuko GG


In the early morning of October 1, Beijing time, the warm-up match between the national football team and Syria finally shook hands and made peace 1-1. Because this battle is extremely confidential, in addition to knowing the scores of the two sides, the goals scored by Zhang Yuning, and the internet rumors jiang Guangtai, Wu Xi, Zhu Chenjie, Zhang Xizhe, Guo Tianyu and others on the field, the outside world knows very limited. As a result, various comments came pouring in, of course, most of them were "singing the decline" of the national football team. 比如说“进攻乏力”、“又上张10”等等老调重弹,骂人都没啥新意,倒是知名李姓‬记者的一番点评极具代表性——

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

"When I woke up, it was said that the fight was 1-1. In fact, the score is meaningless, and nothing can be seen. Let's wait and take a closer look at the results of this month's training. If the adjustment is not good, I really can't complain about the league anymore, and the throwing pot must be appropriate. ”

In fact, I think there are many places to "read" this warm-up game, and I also "see" a lot of things.

First, the national football team has changed

This is the biggest significance of the warm-up game.

Previously, the fans' criticism of the national football team was that Li Tie's 442 formation remained unchanged. However, Guo Tianyu's appearance and Zhang Yuning's goal at least show that the national football team has begun to change the lineup, and it can be seen that the key training a few days ago should be worthwhile, that is, the national football team will "bombard" the opponent with a high school forward.

Even if it is still a 442 formation, because of the high point of Guo Tianyu, the tactical play of the national football team will be more concise and more direct, that is, the cross from the side and the opponent with the header. Of course, other offensive players will also launch onslaughts against opponents in different ways, such as Wu Lei's speed, Zhang Yuning's mid-road fulcrum, long-range shots, and the grab points of Axon or Alan, etc. The national football team constitutes a "sea, land and air" three-dimensional offensive system.

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

Second, Li Tie has become smarter

The Syrian team participating in the warm-up match is missing most of the main force, and it is not even as good as the team in the last game of the top 40. However, the 1-1 draw with the battle is not "lack of offensive strength", nor is it the incompetence of the national football team, but it is really considering the needs of the warm-up game, and each point may even be the result of the pre-match negotiation between the two sides. Second, since it is a warm-up match, the two sides will each have a vicious battle after 6 days, and "holding back" should also be the "martial virtue" agreed in advance, that is, not to injure the players on both sides and not to consume too much physical energy.

On the other hand, in addition to the above players, the national football team has no way of knowing who else is on the field. However, after Guo Tianyu, Zhang Yuning and Zhang Xizhe came on the court, the possibility of 3 naturalized players such as Axon, Alan and Luo Guofu starting at the same time was not too great, which is probably the main reason for fans or netizens to "complain".

But I think Li Tie is a good move. Why?

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

The first is to play in different formations and lineups to achieve the purpose of "taking the formation and lineup" of the warm-up game; the second is to have reservations. Because I dare not say that this warm-up match can be absolutely confidential, it is difficult to say that the opponent will not "peep". The third is to play in a relatively weak lineup can score goals, and if you fight with all your might, your strength is bound to be more impressive, which is also for the "backhand".

From these points of view, Li Tie has come out of the stunned "full attack and full defense" style of playing in the first game against Australia and the "full defense for the first 60 minutes" of the battle with the Japanese team. The so-called eating a trench is long and wise, afraid that I am afraid of "eating" "one grain", but "one wisdom" is not long. Judging from this warm-up match, Li Tie or the national football team has at least "grown a wisdom". That is, we do not take the gains and losses of one city and one place as gains and losses, focus on the long term, and lay out the future, which is about strategy.

Third, the platoon deployment may have new ideas

Zhu Chenjie's play has many interpretations.

Starting, the most direct result shows two points, one is that Zhang Linpeng has not fully recovered after recovering from injury, and the main center-back will still be a combination of Jiang Guangtai and Zhu Chenjie; the second is that Zhang Linqian's injury has healed and he started, but he plays as a right-back. However, the need for tactical secrecy was not disclosed to the outside world.

Again, it is also possible that Zhang Linpeng did not play at all. There are also two reasons, one is that the wound has not healed, and the other is that after the healing, various reasons have not yet come into battle. If it is the latter, the main force of the warm-up match may be Wang Gang or Wang Shenchao.

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

If the right defender is Wang Gang, the left defender of the Sino-Vietnamese battle may be Wang Shenchao; if it is Wang Shenchao, the left defender of the Sino-Vietnamese battle is a high-precision wing.

That is to say, a single Zhu Chenjie playing involves several positions, multiple players and the corresponding changes in the overall tactical play of the national football team.

For example, if Wang Gang starts with a right-back, the national football team's right-sided attack will be very frequent. Predictably, there will be Wang Gang's full-back assist + Kim Kyung-do's side-breaking. If Wang Shen exceeds the main right guard, the possible left-back Gao Zhun wing will be the focus of the national football team's more dependent side attack, and his combination of side attack with Wu Xinghan or Wu Lei may make the opponent exhausted and exhausted.

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

And that's just the defender line. If new adjustments are made in the midfield and front, the tactical playing style of the national football team will have more changes, and it can be done with a degree of tension and freedom.

And so on and so forth.

Fourth, the words at the end

In ancient Chinese history, there are countless classic examples of the first world war that determined the trend of the world. Among them, the most famous and most worthy of reference for future generations is, I think, the Battle of Guandu.


First, the confrontation between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's armies at Guandu was a strategic decisive battle. Cao Cao, who was a widow, avoided confronting his powerful opponents and personally led 5,000 elite soldiers to raid Wuchao, the granary of the Yuan army, and then defeated the Yuan army. In this way, Cao Cao laid a solid foundation for the unification of the north.

After unifying the north, Cao Cao led a million troops to the south and launched the greatest battle in ancient Chinese military history, the Battle of Chibi, the Battle of the Three Kingdoms. Although Cao Cao was defeated in the Battle of Chibi, the north, which was rich in land, rich in products and highly developed in culture, was still his base camp. The final return of the Three Kingdoms to jin and the unification of the world can be described as the foundation laid by Grace in cao Cao's year.

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

Pulling this story, of course, is not for the sake of "storytelling". Rather, the warm-up game of the national football team is also of great significance. This is not only the first warm-up game since Li Tie took office as the manager of the national football team, but also the only warm-up game before October 7. The game itself is not to divide the wins and losses, but to improve the players' state of mind, practice tactics, and fill in the gaps. To put it bluntly, it is to find the problem and then find a solution to the problem.

Vietnam is not Australia, let alone Japan, although its strength can not be underestimated, but it may not be too much higher than the national football, and may even be inferior to the national football team. As long as the tactics are appropriate, the commanders are united, and the three armies are used for their lives, the national football team is very likely to usher in the first victory of the round of 12. And this victory, just like the Battle of Guandu that year, if it can be won, who dares to say that Li Tie is not the Cao Cao of that year, and cannot take advantage of the victory to advance and then take Saudi Arabia?

From the Battle of Guandu, to the Battle of Chibi, until the return of the Three Kingdoms to Jin, there is a main line that has been held, that is, "Return to Jin". Although the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is "Yang Liu suppresses Cao", throughout the text, the final unification of the world is still the credit of Cao Cao.

History is so interesting, and so strikingly similar. I hope that this warm-up match is the battle of Guandu of the national football team, from now on, although there are still ups and downs, the more courageous and stronger the national football team is, the stronger it is, and it will eventually become a great cause and enter the Qatar World Cup!

is for the solution.

The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match
The new "Battle of Guandu": The First World War will determine the country! Interpret the three major meanings of the national football warm-up match

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