
"Gold Rush" finale countdown to 1 day! Everyone has their own place to go

电视剧《夺金》自‬9月‬25日‬首播以来‬,成为‬这个国庆‬期间‬央视‬当之无愧的‬“黑马‬”剧‬! 十来天‬的时间‬,稳居‬同时段‬电视剧‬第一‬的‬佳绩‬! 收视率‬连续‬破一‬,市场占有率‬更是破八‬! 高收视‬、高热议‬、高口碑‬引发行业‬及大众‬超高关注‬!

"Gold Rush" finale countdown to 1 day! Everyone has their own place to go

《夺金‬》再现了中国“国球”的拓荒传奇,由郑凯、张逗逗、夏星、白恩、王璐等一众青年演员领衔主演,巫刚、程煜、吴连生等多位老戏骨倾情加盟。 The drama traces the history of table tennis, pays tribute to sports heroes, and shows the precious qualities of the older generation of table tennis people who still adhere to the dream of a sports power in a difficult environment with flesh and blood and full of images, and boosts domestic sports dramas to climb to a new peak.

"Gold Rush" finale countdown to 1 day! Everyone has their own place to go


"Gold Rush" finale countdown to 1 day! Everyone has their own place to go

On October 7th, we will usher in the finale of "Win the Gold"! Time has rushed for 40 years, we have experienced the ups and downs of the history of table tennis together, and watched it return from glory to ups and downs!

Let's lock in CCTV, lock in the new time, and watch the finale of "Seize gold"!