
"A Beautiful Mind" film review

author:Yu qi 685

What exactly does a beautiful mind mean? It wasn't until I looked back that I understood.

Some people say that "beautiful mind" refers to the wife. True. But it also refers to John himself, the strong heart. Strong, itself is also beautiful.

If I were John, the lonely shadow could get a little comfort through fantasy, and people who didn't understand were the side effects of "unsociable", so denial, irony, and contempt followed. People who are accustomed to wrapping themselves up are helpless, unable to call for help, unable to be solved, let alone paranoid geniuses? Thus came Charles, who gave a little encouragement and companionship when he doubted himself; and then there was William, the embodiment of his desire to be valued; and thus there was the symbol of the little girl, of love, and tenderness.

It is not denied that these illusions are poison, and there is no one to extricate yourself from falling into them. John went from not knowing to knowing, the transformation of cognition, the distinction between true and false, who can say it clearly, who can easily completely negate the inherent cognition. It's love.

Just like in interstellar, love can guide the way. Here, love guides John, in the right direction.

"They are my past, in fact everyone is entangled in the past." Suddenly, those fantasies became broad and meaningful. It is poison and it is also an antidote. At least after this, John stepped out of his own cage, was able to communicate with students in a friendly manner, could receive admiration from many professors, and finally landed on the podium of Nobel.

Of course, everything is inseparable from his wife Alicia.

"Only in this mysterious equation of love can the logic or origin be found." Maybe everything unfolded that day, in the office, in the phrase "I'm still here," for eternity.

What moved her? I think it was the graffiti under the stars, the exposed heart by the creek, the gem that reflected all colors, and John's character that he thought was flawed. In fact, sometimes, simplification can make things more pure. It's also a romance that belongs exclusively to two strange people.

Author: Ni Mengxi

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