
"A Beautiful Mind"

author:The boat of the untied boat

After the second brush, I am not sure why it is called "beautiful mind"? Is he beautiful or is his wife more beautiful? Isn't it straightforward to call a "gritty scientist"?

Young Nash walked like a cripple and couldn't see clearly until he was old, clutching the things in his hands to protect his stomach. Thick and scared.

After living for a long time, I feel that perhaps any place, any person from any history, is paying off the kind of debt tailored for him.

Nash is a mysterious genius from West Virginia, and the reason why he is mysterious is that he does not know how to communicate with people at all, and he can talk about the sky to death with one mouth. He smiled and stayed away from the crowd, and all the accidents happened after the bystanders felt that there was no.

In the Ivy League, not all geniuses are embarrassed to say hello. He had shared the famous scholarship equally with the other day, and he knew his talents, but he did not know how to stand smoothly on the ground with the treasure.

It seems that interpersonal relations do not deprive you of the right to live freely, and this kind of thing happens to geniuses especially prominently. Ordinary people can learn to be kind, while geniuses rely on it, and have absolute strength to change reality, which is impressive. The only bladeless epee can weigh unimaginably.

So similar to the rebellious children of teenagers, there is passion and momentum, and they do not accept the ridicule of others, but they do not know where to work hard.

Nash's only option was the Institute, which required a gold-rich ticket, not to mention the one who shared the prize money equally with him, and the group of geniuses around.

"A Beautiful Mind"

He desperately bet on the original theory, wanting to brush the sense of existence with the surprise of the achievement and achieve achievements. But in the process of advancing, watching others steadily move towards the node he wants to go, he seems to be slowly sinking, and that kind of powerlessness and unwillingness is really terrible.

After losing the game, Nash saw the "prodigal roommate", handsome, uninhibited, and always supported him. It is conceivable that over the years, he has hoped to express himself, and even, not a real friend with the opposite personality or a very poor personality has appeared around him.

As a result, he did, and Nash's theory of Bo Yi made him famous (until old age). The path is: he aspires, he plans well, he strives, and then he gets. Perfect closed loop.

But the gift of fate is so good to collar, success is like a blooming flower, the bright color of a horse Pingchuan covers the loophole, and everyone knows that the flower will wither and what will be revealed after decay, always later will know.

After graduation, after the end of World War II, the international situation is still dangerous and complex, and the only place in the whole film that is really full of spirit and cold self-confidence occurs in the Ministry of Defense. He was quick to unravel the hidden dangers hidden by the military's intuition, but when asked about the Russian movements, he was blocked out by "secrets".

He hoped that he would be like Turing and change the direction of human destiny with his own strength. The reality is that the Manler Institute, which he chairs, even borrows the school's premises to work on the condition that it gives lessons to students. Oh, and there's not even a good air conditioner.

So, he saw the "military big man" again.

He "participated" in codebreaking and was promoted to "top secret", and his unrelatedness became an advantage for no reason, and all deficiencies were reasonably explained "here". The world needs him, he can satisfy the world, it's as simple as that.

Until he met love, tried, and perhaps there was something fascinating about a peaceful life. The world that can only be saved by relying on him is in trouble. Shooting, scuffles, being followed. Yes, "entangled in the past".

In the past, he was the driving force behind the international situation, and he was satisfied and accomplished in his imagination. The reality is quiet and waveless, but the branches and leaves spread, the wife is pregnant, and the satisfaction comes from the fact that he has a warm home. These two worlds are too difficult to integrate.

So the bug appeared, and he was furious with his wife, apologizing while hiding it. The more he lingered on the happiness of this world, the more he was hunted down by the illusory world. Eventually, he was arrested in a mental hospital and treated with an electric shock.

It's cruel. If you don't know the truth, then the treatment is simply a massacre inflicted on you by the people you love the most, united with all the reactionary forces. He was convulsed by electricity, like a terrified child being beaten.

He didn't believe he was divided, at first. He was back in an alien environment, which was really outlier, medically certified. The psychiatrist is right, the most difficult thing to accept is not the treatment, but the facts that make up your self-confidence and pride, have not disappeared, have not passed, have never existed.

And the most inconclusive thing about all this is that Nash rarely connects with reality, he is always a freak, people are not going to accept him, before it was personality, then it was sick. He seemed to have to go back to the world before him. Otherwise what? Admitting that you are a Loser, admitting that you are not needed, admitting that you have not made a great contribution to the world?

The heavy edge of the Sword of Genius, in Nash's case, is an obsession that must not be buried.

Fortunately, with her, his love for her retained a glimmer of reality, and relying on this line of cognition alone, Nash found his own BUG. What a genius!

"No one cures schizophrenia with willpower", psychiatrists underestimate psychosis, and genius lies in sometimes being really unhuman. Nash doesn't go to the hospital, believing he was born to solve the problem. This time, this problem, although incomparable with the international situation, is the only and important issue that he must solve.

Fear, avoidance, hypothetical defense and guarding are all done. This time, fate revealed the specific fangs, and it was time to confront it.

Alyssa stayed with him. She said, "I should believe that some miracles will always happen." Miracles will exist in everyone, fate is such a thing... Fear is like a ghost in the dark night, you know, but you always feel that waking up is defeating it, and it takes a long time to recognize what it looks like in reality. After recognizing it, the battle is not very fierce and spectacular, from the moment you decide to give up, or pluck up courage, all that remains is the result.

Nash's second effort conquered the Roman conjecture and also retained 3 illusory people coexisting in his world. They didn't leave until he was old, but it didn't matter, he had math, he had lovers, it didn't matter if he had them or not.

Understand that you exist, find out the boundaries of your world, know where you can go and where you can't go. Yes, this is really nothing compared to the fate of mankind and the grand narrative of the world, but people can't help it.

A lifetime is too short, we have fantasized about touching the sky and the moon, the stars on the sea, but until the end of life, we can feel our own boundaries, and we can be serene in the old eyes.

Nash got the Nobel Prize, was recognized by everyone in the university, and was a lifelong achievement. The eccentric boy who was walking alone got everything he wanted and really understood everything.

Postscript: Everyone sees the world so differently, everything that is clearly visible in front of your eyes is so difficult for others to detect. The corners of his mouth trembled, his stumbling steps, his unnatural smile as he turned back... He couldn't see the code between people, and he was desperately trying to decipher the code between newspapers and newspapers.

He sees what we can't see, and when the line of sight returns to the world we can all see, chaos brings blur, weirdness brings the pressure of repulsion, and he can only hide, hide in the corner of the real world. What followed was another, larger, more illusory world that enveloped him, smiled at him, and as longed as he could, how he could not extricate himself. The world is full of crazy people with no signs of illness, fortunate or unlucky? They have no way of knowing for the rest of their lives whether they live in a real or illusory world.

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