
"I saw a beautiful heart in Changxing"

author:Information News
"I saw a beautiful heart in Changxing"

Recently, Jin Jingfen, executive director of the county people's hospital (The Second President of Zhejiang Medical College Xingyuan District), received a letter of thanks.

The letter was written by Aunt Tao, a retired teacher. Aunt Tao found multiple polyps in the gastrointestinal tract during a physical examination in April this year and was told that surgery was needed. At first, she was worried and wanted to go to the "big" hospitals in Huzhou and Hangzhou for treatment.

After Aunt Tao returned home, she thought that there was a good doctor at the doorstep, so why bother to seek far away? Therefore, she hung up the expert number of Zheng Weiming of the county people's hospital on August 31.

Before going to the outpatient clinic, Aunt Tao prepared a cash red envelope of 3,000 yuan and wanted to be at ease. Zheng Weiming refused to accept, and his words made Aunt Tao feel warm, "It is the duty of the doctor to operate on the patient, and it is a matter of responsibility." It's okay, don't worry, minor surgery. ”

"Thank him for understanding the patient with the mentality of an ordinary person, rather than the 'righteous' rebuke, and exempting the patient from embarrassment." Aunt Tao wrote in the letter.

(Source: Changxing County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send private messages or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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