
"Brother, I'll see you coming!" Revolutionary martyr Lin Baofa, your loved ones have found

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula all-media reporter Zhang Changwei

"Brother, I'll see you coming!" On the morning of September 22, Lin Baoyan, the younger brother of the martyr Lin Baofa, who was buried in the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery in Chengyang District, Qingdao City, together with the local Veterans Affairs Bureau and the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, went to the Chengyang District Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage to the martyr Lin Baofa. This is the first martyr who has successfully searched for his relatives since the launch of the special activity of "Searching for Relatives for Martyrs and Returning Loyal Souls to their Roots" in Qingdao.

"Brother, I'll see you coming!" Revolutionary martyr Lin Baofa, your loved ones have found

"We have received a letter from the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Chengyang District of Qingdao City, hoping to cooperate with the relatives of the martyr Lin Baofa, according to the materials they provided, the martyr Lin Baofa is a martyr from Rizhao Wulian, and there is information on it that it is WulianShi Village." Chen Dongning, head of the office of the Wulian County Veterans Affairs Bureau, said that in response to the information provided, they immediately notified the veterans service stations in various townships and towns to check all the villages with stone characters in Wulian County and the villages with more Lin families.

"Later, we received news from a staff member from Hubu Township that there was an old man named Lin Baoyan in the three stones of the natural village belonging to the village of Chahe in The Great Liu Family, and he had an older brother who died in the army, also called Lin Baofa, and it is very likely that he is a relative of the martyr Lin Baofa." Chen Dongning said that after receiving the information, they quickly rushed to The Three Stones Village to visit and investigate and understand the relevant situation.

"Lin Baoyan also served as a soldier for 7 years, considering that he had to have an archive when he joined the army, we went to the Hubu Township Armed Forces Department to find Lin Baoyan's enlistment file, which is recorded on it, and his second brother is called Lin Baofa, which records that he died in the army." Chen Dongning said that through this information and the information obtained from the visit and investigation, they finally confirmed the kinship relationship between the martyr Lin Baofa and the family of Lin Baoyan.

"Brother, I'll see you coming!" Revolutionary martyr Lin Baofa, your loved ones have found

Speaking of the second brother Lin Baofa, this 83-year-old veteran, his voice is a little choked, and there are tears in his eyes. Martyr Lin Baofa was born in 1926, enlisted in the army in 1946, and died in May 1949. According to Lin Baoyan, there are four Lin Baofa brothers and two older sisters, Lin Baofa ranks second, Lin Baoyan ranks fourth, and when Lin Baofa joined the army, he was not yet married, so he had no heirs.

"When my brother joined the army, I was very young, and when I was a child, he would often play with me and leave good food for me to eat. Unexpectedly, he never came back after going to the army. Lin Baoyan recalled, "Later, I heard that my brother died on the battlefield, and I cried sadly in the bed."

Under the influence of Lin Baofa, Lin Baoyan also joined the army in 1962, determined to serve the country. "My second brother is the pride of our family, and I want to inherit his dedication and be a useful person to the country and society." Lin Baoyan said.

After receiving the news of Lin Baofa's sacrifice, Lin Baoyan's mother cried almost every day. "I cried all day and wanted to go to my second brother's grave and see him, but I never found him."

Although it is sad to lose her relatives forever, what makes Lin Baofa's mother difficult to let go is where her son's body is buried?

"My mother's generation was inconvenient to travel, and then she asked our brothers to go out many times to look for them, but we didn't have any culture and limited financial ability, so we never found it." Lin Baoyan told reporters that later her mother has been comforting herself: "Where the loess soil can not bury people, since he joined the army, he is a member of the army, and it is better to be with their comrades-in-arms." ”

"When my mother was dying, she told us that she missed her second brother and hoped that we could find a place to bury her second brother." Lin Baoyan said that before the old mother died, she was still unwilling and made a will that she could not be reunited in this life, hoping that one day, her children and grandchildren would find Lin Baofa's cemetery and sacrifice him.

It has been more than seventy years since the martyr Lin Baofa sacrificed, and more than seventy years of painstaking searching have finally come to an answer. "I've been looking for it for 70 years, but now I've finally found it, and I'll have to come to the festival every year from now on." Lin Baoyan said that after receiving the call, their whole family was excited, and now knowing the burial place of Lin Baofa has fulfilled the family's wish for many years.

It is understood that since Qingdao Launched the special action of "Searching for Relatives for Martyrs and Returning Loyal Souls to the Roots", the action has been rapid and the measures have been effective, and the special action has been steadily promoted. All districts and cities have set up special work classes to be responsible for the search for the relatives of martyrs. Chengyang District actively contacted the veterans' affairs department where the martyrs were located, and issued a total of 17 letters of assistance to help more martyrs find their relatives in a wider range. In the next step, the city's veterans' affairs departments at all levels will communicate with veterans' affairs departments throughout the country, party history memorials, archives, etc., mobilize social forces to actively participate, dig deep into clues, do their best to find relatives for martyrs, and effectively enhance the sense of respect, honor and gain of martyrs' families.

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