
Sweet Girl was admitted by three schools and was named a new goddess

author:Sina Education
Sweet Girl was admitted by three schools and was named a new goddess

Wu Yingdi

In this era of fierce collision between strength and looks, there are often school bullies, but beautiful girls are quite rare. Recently, 18-year-old high school graduate Wu Yingdi became popular on the Internet, she is not only sweet-looking, outstanding temperament, but also a full of beautiful female students, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Beijing Normal University rushed to admit this goddess-level graduate. Subsequently, a large number of life photos of Wu Yingdi were also exposed on the Internet, and netizens directly called out that she may become a new goddess on the university campus.

It is reported that Wu Yingdi, 18 years old this year, Virgo, likes to sing, just finished this year's college entrance examination, born in Brazil, but she is not mixed race, has lived in China for many years. Wu Yingdi not only has a beautiful and dignified appearance, but also shows her elegant wisdom between conversations, and this year she was admitted to the psychology major of Peking University and Beijing Normal University, and the environmental engineering major of Tsinghua University.

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