
"Historical Celebrities Influencing Liyang (38)" Ma Shijun: Poor and Strong

author:Wanderer Yin Liyang

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In the history of Liyang, there have been many dignitaries and celebrities, which can be described as brilliant and handsome. According to statistics, Liyang has produced two champions, two list eyes, three tanhuas, and one hundred and eighty-six jinshi. Among the two champions, Ma Shijun can be said to be the only Han Chinese in the history of Liyang, and there is a statue of this Qing Dynasty Liyang zhuangyuan in the Liyang Zhuangyuan Pavilion. Ma Shijun was born into a local prestigious family, less prestigious, talented, living in the high temple and maintaining the true color of purity and integrity, and at the same time, he was also the highest academic achievement among the officials of Liyang. It can be said that in the cultural history of Liyang, Ma Shijun occupies an important place.

"Historical Celebrities Influencing Liyang (38)" Ma Shijun: Poor and Strong

Ma Shijun

Ma Shijun, originally known as Ma Shiqi, characters Zhangmin, Dian Chen, after a word, the number of Han Xian, do not sign Kuang An, Liyang Beiqiao Town Majia Village people. Regarding Ma Shijun's date of birth, some books record that it is the thirty-seventh year of the Ming Wanli Calendar (1609), and some record it is 1617, and in the 1992 edition of the "Liyang County Chronicle", his birth year is marked as "? ", which means that it is not examinable.

The Ma family, where Ma Shijun was born, can be described as a famous and prestigious family in Liyang. "One discipline and five scholars, two generations and four qui-yuan". The Fang Lian of Liyang's "Uncle and Nephew Xie Yuanfang" is talking about the scenery of the Ma family in Liyang Beiqiao in the Ming Dynasty Examination Hall. Ma Zhilu of the Ma family was a jinshi in the sixth year of Ming Zhengde (1511), and his uncle and brother Ma Congqian, his son Ma Yilong, and his nephew Ma Zhenzhang were all jinshi. There was also the later Ma Chengming, who was a jinshi of Chongzhen for four years. Zhongma Congqian, a member of the Five Jins, served as the chief of the Emperor's Jade Seal, Shang Bao Siqing, and the official rank was Zheng Sipin. Ma Congqian was Ma Shijun's great-grandfather. Ma Shijun's grandfather died early, and his father Ma Zhongren took the scientific examination as a student, but he did not succeed. The frustration of the examination room caused Ma Shijun's father to change his original intention and turn his energy to raising children.

"Historical Celebrities Influencing Liyang (38)" Ma Shijun: Poor and Strong

Statue of Ma Shijun in the Zhuangyuan Pavilion

Ma Shijun's mother died when he was young. He was bright from an early age and was able to write poetry at the age of eight. When he graduated from the county school, he repeatedly tried first and was very famous in and around Liyang County. He often wrote poems and composed music with his eldest brother Ma Shijie, and he was very famous, and the two brothers were called "Erma", compared to the two brothers Lu Ji and Lu Yun. But Ma Shijun's road to the imperial examination was not smooth. In the ninth year of Chongzhen (1636), Ma Shijun began to go to the provincial capital to participate in the triennial township examination. At that time, the township examination question was "Yuanyuan Qiyuan". Ma Shijun was conceited and talented, bent on writing a good article, refusing to easily write, meditating for most of the day, and there was still no word on the volume. When the invigilator came to collect the papers, helplessness suddenly arose, half self-deprecating and half lyrical, and wrote down an oil poem: "Yuanyuan and its real problems, suffocate Ma Shiqi in Jiangnan; a white scroll is returned to you, and Ma Rufei returns to Ma Rufei." "Ma Shijun can also be regarded as a precedent for handing over white papers."

After that, he passed the test of falling off the list six times, until the autumn of the fourteenth year of Qing Shunzhi (1657), the seventh time to participate in the township examination, he passed the pass and became a lifter. To this end, Ma Shijun spent 21 years before and after, from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, it has been nearly half a hundred years old.

"Historical Celebrities Influencing Liyang (38)" Ma Shijun: Poor and Strong

Ma Shijun calligraphy fan

In the fifteenth year of Shunzhi (1658), Ma Shijun went to Beijing to participate in the examination, but this examination was also known as Luosun Mountain. So Ma Shijun stayed in the capital and prepared to participate in the second meeting. Ma Shijun's family was poor and remained in the capital, just like the current "North Drifter Family". During this period, he visited many division commanders and seniors, especially with the famous literary scholar and the chief of the Supreme Supervision Organ, Zuo Du Yushi Gong Dingzi. After reading his article, Gong Dingzi was greatly appreciated, and even claimed that he was "really talented!" In order to free the poor man from his economic predicament, he generously donated money and gave eight hundred taels of silver to receive it. This gave Ma Shijun great encouragement and support.

In March of the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661), Ma Shijun went to the meeting again. This time the public opinion is also favorable to him, people familiar with him said that Ma Shijun will try to win the top three, and he is also very conceited: "I don't think of the second person in my life." Although he did not win the championship in the initial examination, he was quick in his thinking in the subsequent temple examination and played beyond normal. His article is straightforward and sharp, saying that "the king of the world is home, it is not appropriate to show similarities and differences, and he will do his best to donate the name of Man Han, and he will be pure and white, so as to become a ruler." This idea of Ma Shijun won the heart of the Manchu Qing rulers who had just entered the customs. Therefore, Ma Shijun was deeply appreciated by the newly enthroned Kangxi Emperor (there are also sources that the Shunzhi Emperor, because the Shunzhi Emperor died in February of that year, it seems that the time is not right), was promoted to the first rank, monopolized the first place, and from then on entered the career path, the first appointment to the Hanlin Academy. Three years later, he was promoted to the rank of Hanlin Attendant, and in 1664 he was appointed as the examiner of the Kochen Branch Examination, and later became a direct subordinate to the School of Politics.

"Historical Celebrities Influencing Liyang (38)" Ma Shijun: Poor and Strong

Paintings by Ma Shijun

Ma Shijun is conceited to learn, but he is low-key and high-profile. He saw the Prime Minister, and he did not worship. When he was proclaimed the head of the family, he did not ride on a horse and walked back to the apartment alone, which was a good story at the time. At that time, he wrote a poem himself: "Listening to the first sound, how does the jade step mean to lead all beings." Tongzhan Ruibang moved with the clouds, holding the palace robe alone to reflect the sun. Sakura recommended the first swallow in the garden, and Liu Yi forbade the imperial still to smell the warbler. You should be merciful for ten miles and have no return to ride, and only when you are ashamed of yourself can you avoid fame. "Different from Mengjiao's "spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, see all the Chang'an flowers in one day.".

Ma Shijun has a lonely and arrogant personality, he does his own thing, does not flatter the powerful, does not covet glory, does not climb high positions, is willing to be lonely, and always refuses to socialize with the general officialdom. He was a clean and honest official, neglected to manage money, and became a Beijing official, but his life was still very simple, and he could not even afford to ride on a sedan horse. The upper and lower dynasties always walked back and forth, never taking a car, which should be rare among officials in the past.

Ma Shijun entered the Hanlin Academy, still immersed in the study and studying hard. Sooner or later, he did not leave his books, and he spent his life accompanied by poetry, music, calligraphy and painting, and wrote a lot of works in his life, and his academic achievements were the best among the officials of Liyang Dynasty. His main achievements, therefore, should be known as articles. His tongzhi juxtaposed Wenyuan's book "Thirteen Classics", a reference book for students in the Qing Dynasty to study the thirteen classics of Confucianism, was engraved and awarded to the Tianxia Academy in the twenty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1689). Ma Shijun did not stay as an official in Beijing for a long time, but his works such as "Kuang'an Poetry Collection", "Kuang'an Anthology", "Records of the Origins of Science", "Yu Gong Notes", "Notes on Li Du's Poetry Collection", "Thirteen Classics Compilation", "Huayang Youzhi", "Ma Shijun's Manuscript" and other works have been handed down. At the same time, Ma Shijun is not only good at poetry and literature, but also good at calligraphy and painting, and is known as the "Second King (Wang Youjun, Wang Wei)" in calligraphy and painting; he can also write and compose, and write poetry. It is really chess and piano calligraphy and painting, all of which are exquisite, and can be described as literary wizards. He wrote a lot of paintings and calligraphy in his lifetime, but unfortunately many of them have long been scattered and have nowhere to be found.

"Historical Celebrities Influencing Liyang (38)" Ma Shijun: Poor and Strong

Ma Shijun inscription

Ma Shijun has a certain degree of understanding of the sufferings of the lower classes and the corruption and inversion of the officialdom because of his long life and his career, and he often feels that he is poetry, which is quite critical of reality. His poems dare to violate the taboos of the times, such as in the "Taishan Women's Behavior - After the Book "The Tale of the Cool Official"": "Last year, my husband made a tiger's breast, and this year my son buried the tiger's belly." He wanted to quit his family and choose a happy land, but he did not flinch. Jun did not see shang jun imprisoning Wei Shui chi, and Ning Cheng was angry at the three tribes. He was willing to kill all his widows, and there was no house left behind. The woman is still under Mount Tai, and she has worked hard all her life to keep her alone. Woohoo! The eater left me behind, and thanked the fierce tiger for being so benevolent. "The helplessness of peasant women to avoid harsh government in the mountains is vividly expressed.

Ma Shijun lived in Liyang for most of his life, and the old county chronicle contains dozens of beautiful poems written after visiting the landscape of his hometown. Perhaps, it is the clarity of Liyang's landscape that moisturizes this talent and enriches his creative source, which makes him have such achievements.

In the fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1666), Ma Shijun served only 5 years after becoming a member of the Imperial Household, and died of illness in the capital. After his death, his luggage was poor, and only a few volumes of books remained. His son fu coffin and returned to his hometown of Liyang, there were almost no relics, and the townspeople did not believe that The Duke of Yuanyuan was so poor. Although he is a dwarf of wealth, he is a giant of thought and art, and has set a benchmark for our descendants in Liyang in dealing with people.

Text: Liu Guoqing

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