
It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

author:Moson Films
It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Recently, there is a strange story circulating on the Internet in Dejiang County, Tongren, Guizhou, saying that Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and a health center are all dispatched, not to engage in any large-scale free clinics, nor to go on a collective spring outing, but to keep the spirit!

After all, most of the collective actions we usually see are because of major public events, but this wake-up incident is simply a mudslide in a clear stream, which makes people call "see you for a long time"!

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Guizhou Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and Health Center all the wake, this matter is more exciting than the Internet celebrity hot spot!

Schools and health centers, these two places are usually a temple of knowledge, and the other is a guardian of health, and the eight poles can't be touched, but now they are "cross-border cooperation" because of the wake of the spirit, isn't it more surprising than the cross-border chorus on Douyin?

Moreover, all of them are dispatched, what a big deal this must be, what a big deal!

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

At first, I thought it was a big man who died, but when I checked it, it wasn't the case.

This makes people even more curious, what is it that makes these two units so "uniform"?

Could it be the local customs?

Or is there something else going on?

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Guizhou Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and Health Center all held vigils, and speculation from all parties behind the incident was flying

After this incident spread on the Internet, for a while, all kinds of speculations flew all over the Internet, and some people speculated that the deceased may be a senior teacher who has been deeply involved in the field of education for many years and is full of peach and plums.

Just like that old locust tree, rooted in one place for decades, it has witnessed the growth of countless children, leaving the shade and memories of the tree.

With such a teacher gone, can the students not feel distressed?

Can the school not pay attention to it?

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Others say that he may be an "invisible hero" who has made significant contributions to society.

Maybe it's a scientist who is silently dedicated, or a veteran cadre who has been working at the grassroots level for many years.

They are usually inconspicuous, but they can always stand up at critical moments.

When such people are gone, all the health centers will go out to guard the spirits, which can be regarded as the highest respect for their usual hard work.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Of course, there are those who disagree.

They think that this matter may not be so simple, maybe someone is taking the opportunity to do something special.

After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in society nowadays.

But then again, even if you want to be special, you have to have enough prestige and influence.

Otherwise, who would have allowed so many people to willingly go to the vigil?

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Guizhou Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and Health Center Wake Incident: The Department's Response Caused Heated Discussions, and the Public Expects "Acceleration"

As soon as this incident came out, all kinds of speculations and doubts on the Internet continued, which was simply a storm of public opinion!

It stands to reason that as soon as this kind of thing happens, the relevant departments should quickly give a clear response to stabilize the people's hearts.

The public's eyes are clear, and everyone is looking forward to a reasonable explanation and investigation results as soon as possible.

After all, this matter is related to schools and health centers, which are the places that we people are most concerned about in their daily lives.

If there is a problem, the impact is not ordinary.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying
It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Let's put yourself in the shoes of a person, if you are a parent of a student at that school, or a frequent visitor to the health center, how do you want this to be handled?

I must have wanted to know the truth earlier, right?

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for the public to expect "acceleration".

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Guizhou Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and Health Center Wake Incident: Netizens Hotly Discussed, Calling It "Absurd"

The wake, which was originally a way for immediate family members to express their grief for the deceased, has now become a large-scale collective action, which makes people call it "absurd".

Some netizens ridiculed: "The custom of the wake on our side requires immediate family members to go into battle, and I have never seen such a large-scale 'team building' wake up!" ”

Indeed, as a traditional custom, the original intention of the wake is to hope that the deceased can be accompanied and bid farewell by their relatives, but now it has become a whole unit, as if it is carrying out some kind of ritual "punch-in", which really makes people feel a little unbelievable.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Of course, we are deeply sympathetic to the passing of this public health worker.

The grief of his family, friends and colleagues is understandable, but it is a bit confusing to have the entire staff of the secondary school and health center come to the vigil.

This makes people wonder whether this practice is a kind of respect for the deceased, or a kind of "kidnapping" of the living.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Some netizens pointed out sharply: "Behind this, shouldn't the higher-level units also come out and take two steps and talk about their thoughts?" ”

Indeed, what role did they play in this matter, as the higher authorities of secondary schools and health centers?

Is this "absurd" behavior acquiescing, or is nothing known about it?

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Guizhou Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and Health Center Wake Event: The Mirror of Power, Illuminating the True Sense of Service

Schools and health centers, which are supposed to be sacred places for teaching and educating people, curing the sick and saving people, turned out to be a miasma because of an inopportune wake.

This is simply a child's play with public resources, and the public rice bowl is regarded as its own back garden.

You say, is this kind of power used crookedly?

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Power, it is like a mirror, reflecting your true heart and your true nature.

If you sincerely serve the people, then you in the mirror are glittering; But if you take power as a child's play, then you in the mirror will become a demon and a monster.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

Now, this matter has become so big, I hope that the relevant departments can thoroughly investigate to the end, and do not let those who are hiding behind the scenes go unpunished.

We have to give the public a convincing truth, just like those similar incidents before, after an in-depth investigation, it finally came to light, so that everyone applauded.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying


In the end, this incident is not only an abuse of power, but also a test of public trust.

We have to get power back to where it belongs, and that's to serve the people.

It's a long time to see! One person passed away, and all the dead in secondary schools and health centers? The comment area is frying

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any suspicious part of the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!