
He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

author:Zucchini history

Jiang Glory / Wen

The sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia has made all Chinese enter a state of life of anti-epidemic and epidemic prevention. It seems that "hygiene and epidemic prevention" that is not related to us in ordinary days has become a high-frequency word that we are familiar with.

Before the advent of modern public health and epidemic prevention science, human beings were often helpless in the face of large-scale outbreaks. Plague and cholera cause enormous human casualties.

The first person to introduce a mature modern public health system from Europe to China was Wu Liande, a Guangdong native, but there are many experts who have made groundbreaking contributions and achievements on the road to improving China's modern public health and epidemic prevention science, one of whom is a native of Shenzhen, Guangdong.

He was the earliest qualified forensic doctor in China and the author of China's first forensic science work; he received a German medical doctorate and later studied for a postdoctoral degree in the United States; he served as the head of the health department of Guangdong Province and the vice mayor of Guangzhou; he was also the chairman and honorary chairman of the Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology, and was the predecessor of Academician Zhong Nanshan; after his death, Zhong Nanshan paid tribute to him with "light wind and clear moon, Yaliang sea and wide sky".

His name was Chen Anliang, and he was born in the Zhangkeng Trail Village in Today's Longhua Guanlan, Shenzhen.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

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Chen Anliang's children later used the term "scholar who came out of the ravine" to describe their father, referring to the fact that Zhangkeng Trail, where Chen Anliang was born, was a small mountain village.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

The peaceful and serene Hakka village of Zhangkeng Trail at the end of the 19th century.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

Farmers who plough the fields.

Indeed, from a geographical point of view, Zhangkeng Trail is a mountain village surrounded by mountains on three sides and inaccessible, but in 1908, when Chen Anliang was born, Zhangkeng Trail had some different scenes from other Chinese mountain villages.

At that time, the village was inhabited by a number of foreign (mainly German) missionaries, most of whom were scientifically savvy European social elites; Dr. Sun Yat-sen's baptized pastor and revolutionary patron had also taken numerous photographs on The Camphang Trail and married a German female priest who lived here. Later, a number of revolutionaries appeared in the village who were closely related to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause, although the connection is still unclear.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

The foreign priests built a small building on the Zhangkeng Trail.

Chen Mingxiu, the first known Chinese student in Switzerland, was born in Zhangkeng Trail, and after he returned to China, he spread Christianity in his hometown and opened a church school, and many local children who could not afford to read not only had the opportunity to go to school, but even may change their fate and walk out of the mountains. This gives the Zhangkeng Trail a peculiar landscape: although it is located in a remote area, it seems to lead directly to a distant outside world.

Chen Anliang was born into a very poor family. Born on October 22, 1908, he was the eighth in the family and the youngest child in the family. His eldest brother was born in 1889, a full 19 years older than Chen Anliang. His eldest brother is also very impressive, and we will talk about it later.

The Chen family has been poor farmers for several generations, grandfather Chen Chaoran worked as a laborer in the United States in his early years, and then went to California to pan for gold, and the unlucky gold ore horse team camped in the Sacramento River Valley and encountered a sudden flood, and all the people and horses were killed.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

During Chen Anliang's childhood, these foreigners were on Zhangkeng Trail: Lou Shi and his wife, Shao Bo and his wife, and their children. There was also Rausch, who was not yet married at this time, and later married Sun Yat-sen's baptist priest Xi Jiali.

Chen Anliang's father, Chen Shengda, was in a more difficult situation, working as a bread worker in the german priest's house in the village's Christian church, while his mother Zhong Sijiao opened up the hillside to grow pineapples, sand pears and persimmons to support his livelihood. But the family is too populated, and life is particularly difficult.

The story that Chen Shengda left to the people of Zhangkeng Trail is that every year Chinese New Year's Eve, he hides in the forest in the back mountain and does not dare to spend the New Year at home, because he is afraid that the creditors will come to collect debts, and almost every year Chinese New Year's Eve he has to hide in the mountains, and he dares to go home on the first day of the New Year, because no one will come to collect debts at the beginning of the New Year.

The man who was later known as the "Shengtai Gong" by the villagers died of a sudden illness under the pressure of debt collectors, in 1922, when Chen Anliang was 14 years old. In addition, the family's suffering also includes: Chen Anliang's second brother died of illness before he was 24 years old, the seventh sister died of poisoning when he was 15 years old, the fifth sister was blind due to inflammation and not treated in time, and the eldest brother and fifth sister also had tuberculosis.

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Despite his family's poverty, Chen Anliang went to school at the church primary school. He "has both talent and diligence, first in the annual examination, and skips two shifts in a row." ”

In 1919, the 11-year-old Chen Anliang was "escorted" to The Huangtang Leyu Middle School in Meixian County to attend junior high school. It should be explained that Meixian Leyu Middle School is also the church school of the Pakse Society, which first entered the Chinese society from Hong Kong in 1847, first in the Hakka people in Huizhou, Xin'an (Shenzhen), and later along the East River to the north, it has been greater development and more far-reaching influence in Meizhou. One is to teach more people, the second is that the scale of the school is larger, the third is to run a church hospital, and the fourth is to popularize football in Meizhou, which is the source of Meizhou becoming the hometown of Chinese football.

At Leyu Middle School, in addition to continuing to maintain excellent results, Chen Anliang fell in love with football and became the left forward of the school's football team. The love of football continues into college and youth.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

In 1920, all the players of the football team of Leyu Middle School took a group photo. It was not clear who Chen Anliang was, but there must be one of him.

In 1921, Chen An Liang Leyu Middle School graduated from junior high school and was admitted to Guangzhou Zhongde Middle School to attend high school.

In 1924, Chen Anliang was admitted to Shanghai Tongde Medical College, which was founded in 1918 by the Shanghai Chinese Moral Medical Association. Chen Anliang's life in college was still very difficult, and he needed to work hard to maintain his life, which also made him closer to the bottom of society and actively participate in the student movement.

On May 30, 1925, the famous "May Thirtieth Movement" occurred in Shanghai, and 2,000 students from various schools in Shanghai went to the Shanghai Concession to distribute leaflets and give speeches calling for the repossession of the concession. The British patrol house arrested more than a hundred students and detained them in the old gate patrol room on Nanjing Road, and the arrester was Chen Anliang.

After the news of Chen Anliang's arrest reached the family, the family was very anxious and began to try to rescue him. Here we must talk about Chen Anliang's eldest brother Chen Anren. This man can be said to be a legend. Here are the notes of an interview with one of the people in the know:

He (Chen Anren) didn't seem to have attended any primary or secondary school, and later became a University Inquirer in China, studying the history of Chinese academic thought, and he didn't know where his cultural background came from! He had been teaching himself, and as a result, he had confused his brain a bit. Legends about his absurd behavior circulated in his hometown, such as he often ran to Pinghu to stop the train, ran to the houshan mass burial pile to find the bones, you know that the ancestors of the Hakka family "washed bones" and put them into the golden altar, he took out those bones and waved and danced in the village, and the village knew that he had a nerve. Later, when he recovered from his illness, he did not know how he became interested in history, and his articles were first-class, so he became Sun Yat-sen's confidential secretary. He was a very early member of the League, and he also went to Australia to participate in some social activities, and worked in the Kuomintang Party Department... After Sun Chenggong built Sun Yat-sen University, he served as the head of the history department in the College of Letters. He wrote more than 100 books, and after Sun Yat-sen's death, he was still a central legislator of the Kuomintang.

As a member of the League, Chen Anren already had a certain status and influence in the Kuomintang. He personally went to Shanghai, found a relationship to rescue his brother from prison from the British, and transferred to sun yat-sen University School of Medicine to study medicine. Sun Yat-sen University School of Medicine is also a medical school of the German Department, and many of the professors are German.

In 1928, Chen Anliang, as an outstanding graduate of the third medical school, stayed on to teach.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

Chen Anliang graduated from the University of China's Medical School in 1928 and studied for a doctorate in Germany in 1936.

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After graduating from university, Chen Anliang worked in a relatively stable environment, further studied, and established a family, which can be said to have spent the golden years of life.

In addition to teaching at the School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University, Chen Anliang is also a military doctor in the Military Medical Department and Hospital of the Whampoa Military Academy, and has engaged in otolaryngology. From 1930, he served as the director of the Education Unit of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau.

In December 1933, Chen Anliang went to Shanghai to attend the first postgraduate class of forensic medicine at the Institute of Forensic Medicine (Shanghai Zhenru) of the Ministry of Justice, and was qualified as a "forensic physician", so he was the first forensic doctor in China to obtain certification. After 1949, he also served as a forensic consultant to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

In 1937, Chen Anliang was admitted to the Humboldt Foundation Scholarship in Germany to pursue a doctorate in the Institute of Hygiene and Social Medicine of the Medical School of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany. The Humboldt Foundation Scholarship is not only a grant, but also an honor. Before 1923, the Humboldt Foundation only funded German scholars to conduct scientific expeditions abroad. After 1925, the fund was converted to support foreign scientists and doctoral students studying in Germany. Lu Yongxiang, former president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Wei Yu, former vice minister of education, also received this bonus, but they were all chen anliang's later studies.

Chen Anliang lived in a German family, providing Chen Anliang with some life care, so that he could study and study with peace of mind. Due to the excellent results of the examinations in various subjects and the breakthrough of the thesis, Chen Anliang obtained the best medical doctorate.

In 1938, Chen Anliang also participated in the World Congress of Forensic Sciences and was the only Chinese representative.

In early 1939, the Japanese invasion of China had led to the fall of large areas of Chinese land, including Guangzhou, where Chen Anliang's family lived. Chen Anliang decided to devote himself to the War of Resistance, and he arrived in Shaoguan via Hong Kong, where he served as the president of the Fifth Epidemic Prevention Hospital, the director of the Health Laboratory, and the technical director, technical supervisor and captain of the Third, Seventh and Eighth Epidemic Prevention Brigades of the Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Before the fall of Shaoguan in the later stages of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the epidemic prevention brigade moved away from Shaoguan to Dingnan County, Jiangxi. After the Japanese attacked Jiangxi and Dingnan faced the fall, Chen Anliang's Eighth Epidemic Prevention Brigade moved to Xingning, Guangdong (part of Meizhou).

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

In Shaoguan in 1941, Chen Anliang took a group photo with his mother, wife and eldest son and second daughter.

Chen Anliang also taught part-time at Lechang Cuma University Medical College in Shaoguan and was also the head of a hospital; when he was in Xingning, Chen Anliang went to Meixian Cuma University Medical College to teach part-time. In addition to doing a good job in preventing intestinal infectious diseases such as cholera, he also participated in the rescue of residents injured by the explosion during the Air Raid of the Japanese aircraft, carried out a large number of trauma cleaning and suturing and amputation surgery, and rescued patients with severe malaria (black water fever), often working until late at night.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Anliang, who returned to Guangzhou, became a professor at the School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University and the president of the Convenient Hospital.

In 1947, Chen Received a grant to conduct postdoctoral research at the Institute of Health Research at new York University School of Medicine in New York City. After returning to China, Chen Anliang, who continued to serve as a professor at the School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University and the president of the Convenience Hospital, decided to transform the backward convenience hospital according to modern standards. With his efforts, the convenience hospital had the largest and most modern ward building in Guangzhou at that time, and each department was enriched with accomplished expert medical personnel.

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After the liberation of Guangzhou on October 14, 1949, Chen Anliang was appointed professor of the School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University and president of the Convenient Hospital. In 1952, when the national adjustment was made, the Convenient Hospital merged with the First Hospital of Guangzhou to form the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou, with Chen Anliang as the vice president. Chen Anliang was also rated as one of the eight first-class first-class medical experts in Guangzhou and was highly valued by the people's government.

In 1953, Guangzhou city created a health and epidemic prevention station, Chen Anliang served as the first station manager, leaving the front-line work of the hospital. At the same time, in the great adjustment of faculties, The School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University, the School of Medicine of Lingnan University and the Guanghua Medical College were established after the establishment of the South China Medical College. Chen Anliang concurrently served as the first director and professor of the forensic science teaching and research group. The medical school was renamed Guangzhou Medical College, Sun Yat-sen Medical College, and (today) Sun Yat-sen Medical University. In 1960, Chen Anliang was appointed deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau. Since 1949, Chen Anliang has been a forensic consultant to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

In the 1960s, Chen Anliang took a group photo with his wife and children.

In the autumn of 1969 during the Cultural Revolution, Chen Anliang was shocked and imprisoned. Her children later recalled, "In prison, the bed she slept in was only half the width of the bed, and there was no way to turn around. According to his roommates, my father slept soundly every night, snoring incessantly, and when asked why he slept so peacefully, he said: 'What is so terrible about my life of innocence!' ’”

In 1972, at the age of 64, Chen Anliang regained his freedom. He was reappointed as the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health and Epidemic Prevention Station, and successively served as the deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau, the vice mayor of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress, the chairman of the Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology and the honorary chairman.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

Chen Anliang with students.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

Chen Anliang (right) conducts epidemic prevention surveys in rural areas.

Chen Anliang is a veteran of the Chinese forensic science field, and Chinese was first well-known in the world forensic science community, which was his doctoral dissertation "Hair Typing". He is the founder of modern forensic medicine in Guangdong and the founder of the Guangzhou Forensic Science Association, and the monograph "Forensic Laboratory" became the first professional forensic book in China after 1949.

In the field of health and epidemic prevention, Chen Anliang proposed to build a toilet suitable for the actual situation in rural areas with water sealing pits and septic tank ceiling wall water seals, which can achieve the effect of anti-fly odor and decomposition; he studied the spray technology of low-altitude and low-capacity mosquito repellents on aircraft, which was the first to propose this technology in China; he made important contributions to the prevention and treatment technology of acute intestinal infectious diseases such as Japanese schistosomiasis and paracholera and infectious hepatitis in Guangdong Province.

In the field of epidemic prevention and hygiene and epidemics, Chen Anliang respects science and shows a high degree of professionalism. Guangzhou once launched a plan to add fluoride to tap water to prevent caries. This project has achieved a certain anti-carious effect and won the Medical Science Conference Award of the Ministry of Health, and Chen Anliang also personally received the award as a representative of Guangzhou. However, it was later found that this method would lead to harmful effects such as spotted enamel teeth, and Chen Anliang immediately organized manpower to investigate and study, and finally Guangzhou stopped adding fluoride to tap water. Chen Anliang dared to deny himself and pursue the public interest, which made the insiders in the industry feel and respect.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

Chen Anliang led the task force in the countryside.

He was the first forensic doctor in China and an important founder of China's epidemic prevention science

Front row left to right: Chen Qiqi, vice mayor of Guangzhou, Zhu Linlin, mayor of Guangzhou, Hua Luogeng, Xu Shijie, secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Xiao Ming, secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Chen Anliang, executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. In 1985.

Chen Anliang's main monographs:

"Defense of Toxic Gas and Its Treatment after Poisoning" (1935), "Forensic Laboratory Science (issued internally by the Ministry of Public Security in 1964), "Labor Medicine" (manuscript), "Immunology and Its Lymphocyte Interferon", "The Relationship between Suppressive Cells and Immune Balance and Certain Diseases"; Thesis: "Garbage Disposal - Incineration Method", "Smoking and Health", "Overview of Preventive Medicine", "Labor Medical Monitoring", "Epidemiology", "Determination of Immune Levels of Normal Human Silicosis in Guangzhou", "Diagnosis of Immune Levels of Normal People with Silicosis in Guangzhou", " Determination of immune level before and after silicosis treatment, adrenal cortex function test, rural fecal management experiment, application and evaluation of animal experiments in the field of labor medicine, discussion opinions on issues related to environmental elements and tap water fluoridation in Guangzhou, bacterial warfare defense routine, cholera and paracholera, and prevention and treatment of occupational manganese poisoning.


1. "The Light of the Southern Heavens: In Memory of Chen Anliang, a Famous Public Health Expert and Forensic Expert", Guangzhou Publishing House 2, "Scholars, Experts and Servants of the People Who Came Out of the Ravine: In Memory of His Father Chen Anliang", Chen Chengzhang, Chen Lingjie, Chen Shaozhang

3. "A Lonely Goose in the Wilderness", Schrader, Chongzheng 4, sequel to "History of the Pakse Society's Missionary Mission in China", Schrader, Chongzheng

(This article refers to the articles of Mr. Chen Anliang's children Chen Chengzhang, Chen Lingjie and Chen Shaozhang recalling their father, quoting the conversation records of Mr. Liu Chenghao, the nephew of Mrs. Chen Anren, who was interviewed by the author, and also received information photos and documents provided by Mr. Wang Zhaoyu, an artist stationed in Zhangkeng Road. )