
Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

author:The real estate market is a good house

The lively and noisy South Gate Street is crisscrossed with many ancient alleys. Under the erosion of these streets and alleys, some buildings have not regained their original appearance, and even become dangerous houses. Fortunately, the transformation of Zhenjiang's old residential area this year just covers here - Jin Jia Lane area.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation


Jin Jia Lane area actual exploration


It is understood that Jin Jia Lane is in the west of Nanmen Avenue in Zhenjiang City, east out of Nanmen Street, and west of Hejia Lane. This is a place name from the Ming Dynasty.

Local chronicle records: Jin Jia Xiang was the residence of the Ming Dynasty crown prince Taibao, Wuzong Wuyingdian University Scholar (the Ming Dynasty abolished the post of prime minister, and the university scholar actually held the power of the prime minister) and the residence of The Rebbe Shangshu Jin Gui.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

(Source Network)

Jin Gui was an upright, honest and incorruptible man, with a wide range of knowledge, and was deeply respected by Emperor Wuzong, and was named the elder of the imperial cabinet. However, because he did not want to be with the eunuch Liu Jin, he was ostracized and attacked by Liu Jin and others. Jin Gui was helpless, and in 1518 he resigned his official post and returned to his hometown, living in an ancient alley near the southern section of Nanmen Avenue.

Two years later, Jin Gui died of illness, and in order to commemorate him, people changed his residence to Jin Jia Lane.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

When entering the JinJia Lane area from Nanmen Avenue, a standing sign has been placed at the entrance of the lane, informing the owner that this place is being renovated and pay attention to safety.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Looking at the floor from the streets and alleys, many houses have been scaffolded.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

The alleys are very dilapidated, and it is quite common for the walls to be damaged due to water leakage problems.

Since I entered Jin Jia Lane, the tangled wires have been everywhere, which has a certain safety hazard.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Because the alley buildings are old, the management is not in place, and the planning is not so reasonable, so there are more illegal constructions. The uncle who was resting next to me told me: "Now it is good, change it, repair it, and it will be comfortable to live in the future." ”

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

According to the workers, the scaffolding on the shelf is mainly reinforced first, and the wall surface of the water seepage is regular and regular, and finally the façade can be packaged.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

The community roads are narrow and uneven, and cars take up almost the entire passageway when driving. Due to the lack of supporting parking spaces, vehicles can only be parked on the side of the road.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Moreover, the phenomenon of random parking and littering of electric vehicles downstairs in the community is very serious. An old resident pointed to me and told me that the place where the blue tin was built was mostly illegal.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

An old uncle also lamented that the garage was built less. His family has a large population, and some cars have no place to park, either on the first floor entrance, or they can only expand the garage area to park, they said they are helpless.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

According to my observation, there is almost no decent landscape in the whole area, and the greenery barely supports the trees.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

The building I entered had mottled walls, rusted and damaged boxes for sending letters, no fire hydrants or fire extinguishers, and the emergency system that could be used to escape was nearly paralyzed and looked dirty.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

When I entered the construction site, the vacant space in front of the building had been built as a space for temporary vehicles as there was no parking lot.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

The illegal construction in the precinct is not only a garage, but also a small room directly built out to live in, which is not firm and unprofessional, and the safety hazards are huge.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

The air conditioner exhaust fan was placed on a crumbling rusty bracket, and it looked very dangerous when someone passed by on the side of the road.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation


Residents and merchants have a strong desire for transformation


A big sister who sells snacks is very concerned about the transformation and has been talking to her neighbor about the content of the transformation. From the chat I learned:

Her family lived on the top floor, the roof occasionally leaked, and the walls of the house fell off piece by piece, which was very ugly. Since there is no elevator, the old man in the family climbs up and down the stairs, and she very much hopes that the elevator can be installed after the transformation.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Grandma who came out to consume food kept lamenting that they had been waiting too long for the transformation. The building where she lives has no night lights, and it is not convenient to go up and down the stairs at night, so she can only try to avoid going out at night.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

There is also an aunt who is very interested, she said that there are basically elderly people living here, and young people don't like to live here and feel broken.

Her family lives on the 4th floor, engaged in decoration for nearly a week, external transformation, interior decoration, the house will definitely be comfortable to live in the future.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Inside the alley, the owner of the tailor's shop was making clothes. She said that now that she is older, the clothes she makes can't keep up with the trend of the times, and it is the neighbors who take care of the business, and she comes to pass the time and supplement the family by the way. After learning the news of the transformation of Jin Jia Lane, I was very happy for them.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

The owner of the store said that they are now renovating the storefront to make it look better, just to match the new look of the neighborhood.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

While observing the surroundings, I also noticed that there was also a problem of the expiration of the house, the bedding store moved to the back alley, I don't know if it has anything to do with the renovation.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Residents who sit around playing mahjong say that after the renovation, there will be a special place for leisure and entertainment, and there is no need to move a table out, saving a lot of trouble.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation


The reconstruction of the precinct began planning


It is understood that the area renovated 22 buildings, involving a total of nearly 2300 people. The owners mentioned the addition of non-motorized parking areas, the improvement of roofs, and the problem of water leakage on the walls, etc., all of which have corresponding measures in the plan.

The plan pasted on the wall shows that the renovation includes three aspects: building renovation, municipal supporting facilities, and landscape improvement, with a total of 21 rectification contents.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

For example, the green space in front of the house is restored, the façade is new, and the overall area is neat and clean.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

In the renewal of the event venue, the use of open space to create an activity place for residents to concentrate on rest.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Combined with the historical and cultural connotation of the Jinjia Lane area, a cultural display wall was set up and a cultural propaganda column was arranged.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

For the merchant's storefront, the plan has also made corresponding measures. For example, the façade along the street is regularized, and the shop signs are rectified.

In terms of municipal facilities, wall headlights and garden lights will be added in the future area.

In order to facilitate living and living, express delivery cloud cabinets, letter boxes and garbage bins will also be added.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation


Write at the end


During the actual investigation, I saw a group of residents shopping for vegetables and returning home, and they discussed the transformation of the precinct as they walked.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

After inquiring, they learned that they had very much affection for Jin Jia Lane and had been reluctant to move away. The vendors in the vegetable markets, the doctors at the health center, the fruit shop owners and even every shop on Nanmen Street are familiar with them.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

It is understood that some owners are very concerned about the project of leveling the slope, and sometimes chat with construction workers and ask about the progress. He said that if he could thoroughly rectify the problem of water leakage on the wall, he would be very satisfied with the whole plan.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

In order to ensure that the construction project is generally understood, there are many notices and renderings pasted on the walls and billboards here for residents to view.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Jin Jia Lane is located on the outskirts of Dashikou Business District, just a few steps away from Nanmen Avenue. In the most popular period of Nanmen Night Market, Jin Jia Lane was only hidden in the obscure "Ugly Alley", interpreting the story of ordinary people.

Once a celebrity home! The golden area of Zhenjiang City has now ushered in transformation

Fortunately, with the end of the transformation, I believe that here will usher in a new look, let us wait and see!