
"You are really gold, everywhere will shine" (Wang Qi teacher live video original words)

author:5 sunflowers

Why don't I live in Beijing? Many people know that this industry is the most suitable for living in Beijing, in Beijing there will be many opportunities to go on TV, participate in some of this social opportunity, I know that there are many opportunities, but I think I have low emotional intelligence, I can't mix in that circle, I don't like socializing, I don't like flattery, I can't do it, in order to go on some columns, do some things I don't want to do, I can't do it, do you still say that I have high emotional intelligence? I call this low emotional intelligence, I have high emotional intelligence, with the flow of my songs, I am not today's me, but I do not regret ah, but I do not regret my choice, I do not regret, is my own choice today, I think it is very good, and it is just right. And sometimes people have gains and losses, once you get these things, you turn yourself into such a person, into a person who is eager for success, I believe that I must not be able to write something, if I turn myself into a person who is eager to make a quick profit, what I write must have no soul and no emotion, which is not worth it for me... Not cost-effective!

I am also very good in Dalian, that is, you are gold, really gold, everywhere will shine! This sentence is not false at all! Really, you have to be good enough! If you are good enough, I am in Dalian, he can come to Dalian to find me! If you are not good enough, even if you live in Beijing, he still does not need you...

So our life is a self-cultivation, after cultivating yourself strong enough, you will have everything you want! You are not strong enough, and you will not be able to ask for it on your knees in the future... And if I had to choose, I would choose the composition, I would choose the music! I don't spend my time on socializing, for the ways I ascend... I would choose music! If this is my gain or loss, I'd rather I get music and lose those opportunities, I don't want those opportunities!

But fortunately there is the internet, the network saved me! Without the Network, without modern high technology, and even without the Kuaishou platform, there would be no me today... So special thanks! So I feel like I've got enough on Kuaishou... So you also say this, you should go out to brush gifts, increase fans, PK with people, make money... I think it's really fast to have given me enough! Thank you very much Kuaishou! Really, without Kuaishou, I wouldn't have known you, and there wouldn't be a platform for me to put this nonsense with you... Thank you! It's all the truth, the truth, every word is the truth!

Don't make yourself too tired, or that sentence, no easy people! All tired! It's not me who's tired, you're tired...

A lot of people think you must be very rich, how about... It's not what you think... As far as I know, it is not my personal situation alone... I've learned a lot about singers, and they don't seem to be as rich as you think... Singer Ha, is not as good as the anchor to earn more... It's true! Singers don't earn as much as anchors, really!

But I, thank you very much my wife Ha! My wife, she feels very satisfied, she thinks you are healthy, you are healthy and happy... So she didn't, my family didn't put pressure on me to say you must do this... Yes, it's much better than the original, a little name, your house is not a little bigger than the original, the car is a little better than the original... They didn't, my parents, my wife didn't have this requirement for me, they all felt this, we have enough house to live in, just three people, right? Parents are in the countryside, enough to live on the line... The car can drive, the means of transportation only, our family does not need to use that to show off... Yeah, use that to show off how it is, not what, there is nothing worth showing off, I don't like to show off myself... So this is very good for me, my family gave me this reassurance pill, so I don't have any luxury for these things... Well, just like two performances in half a year this year, then you can't do anything, isn't everyone like this? Aren't a lot of people just not working? Yeah, so there's no way...

For comparison, what do you want to have, what do you want to have? How much money do you really have to have? How big is the house to live in? How good is it to drive a car? What the hell are you going to toss around? Who is your house for? What exactly do you want to prove by driving such a good car? What the hell are you trying to prove?

I prefer to prove myself with music! I prefer to prove myself with music! And not these external things... I'm wearing ordinary clothes, aren't they? Ordinary, I wear this board shoes, I like to wear board shoes, I wear ordinary, that is, I am still Wang Qi, I am full of gold and jade is all brand, are you not still Wang Qi? That is, a lot of people like you and won't like you because of your famous brand, right? But I believe that you will not look down on me because I am dressed normally, because I am Wang Qi! Isn't it? Right? You're not going to look down on me because I'm dressed like this, are you? But you wouldn't look up at me because of how extravagant I was dressed, would you? So why should I wear that? Right? So after you figure this out, you're not so tired...

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