
The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

author:DJ Yaqing

In the 80s, the leading actresses of various film studios were particularly dazzling.

For example, there are Chen Chong, Zhang Yu, Gong Xue, Zhao Jing, Wu Haiyan, Zhang Zhihua, Chen Hongmei, Chen Ye, etc.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

For example, Beijing Film Studio has Liu Xiaoqing, Zhang Jinling, Li Xiuming, Zhang Liwei, Fang Shu, Shen Danping, etc.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Bayi Factory has Siqin Gaowa, Zhao Na, Hong Xuemin, Han Yueqiao, Song Chunli, etc.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

And the Changying Studio in Changchun, which is far away, can also be called a purple and red.

Song Xiaoying's temperament is tranquil, like a narcissus.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Jiang Li's dawn is bright and bright, as bright as a peony.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Fu Yiwei is bright and bright, and his face is like a peach blossom.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

There are also Zhou Lina, Zhao Yamin, Shi Rong, etc., all of whom have their own beauty and charming style.

Among them, there is also an actress, although her fame is not very great, but she also bloomed with unique elegance and beauty on the big screen in the 80s.

It's just that she doesn't appear much as the heroine, and the works she starred in basically haven't had a particularly huge impact, so over time, everyone gradually forgot about her?

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

However, when we really calm down and appreciate the works she has starred in before, we will find that there is a unique charm in her.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

First of all, her beauty is a little different. There is an extraordinary heroic aura like a beautiful man on her body.

She has thick eyebrows and big eyes, dignified and elegant, and has no sense of femininity. In fact, they belong to the same type of beauty as the popular movie stars Zhang Jinling and Gao Ying in the 80s.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Secondly, her performance is also very scrutinizing, and several roles she has played have fully demonstrated her performance strength.

I remember that back then, when her appearance was at its peak, her beauty photos also appeared on the covers or inside pages of movie magazines, but there were not too many. This made many fans who once liked her feel very unpleasant.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Why don't we review and revisit this former beauty star through more exquisite old photos of her? Look at what changes she has made in the past 40 years? I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised when they see her recent photos. Because I didn't expect her to become more and more beautiful.

Her name is Zhang Baishuang.

Born in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian in 1955.

Her parents, both intellectuals, hoped that she would grow up to be a teacher or a doctor.

But Zhang Baishuang has loved literature and art since he was a child, especially acting. So in 1972, when Changying Studio went to Dalian to recruit actors, she signed up without saying a word.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

At that time, Zhang Baishuang had just graduated from middle school and was only 17 years old. But she has the momentum of "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers". The teachers in charge of the examination admired her very much, so they brought her and a group of boys and girls such as Liang Tongyu, Yin Fuwen, and Sticky Hongshun who were in the exam back to Changying Studio.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

At that time, the teaching conditions of their actor training class were very limited, but their young students studied very seriously. After graduation, they all became actors in the actor troupe of Changying Studio, and Zhang Baishuang was no exception.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Their career path to art basically starts from playing tricks and playing mass roles. Therefore, in the first few years, Zhang Baishuang only showed a small face in several movies such as "Yellow River Boy" and "Who Wears This Flower", and he played supporting roles with few scenes, and some roles didn't even have names, let alone be on the cast.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

But Zhang Baishuang has no complaints about this, and only regards every performance as an opportunity to exercise himself and accumulate experience.

When her classmates Gong Xibin, Chi Zhiqiang, and Liang Tongyu, who debuted at the same time as her, have all become eye-catching new stars in the film industry, she finally got a chance to take the lead in 1981.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

This opportunity is very rare for her. But at the same time, it made her feel lost.

In fact, the role she played did not bring more benefits to her acting future.

Because she played a more "embarrassing" role. That is Ah Ying in the movie "Love Song in the Valley".

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

First of all, "Love Song in the Valley" itself is a movie with obvious bugs, which is the result of "behind closed doors". As for Ah Ying's character, he is a scout in our army who is dressed as a man. In fact, this setting is also very fresh and challenging for an actress. But the choreographer had no choice but to arrange a large number of emotional scenes for Ah Ying and the heroine Dali in the play. This makes it a little difficult for the audience to accept.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Especially when Ah Ying knew that Dali liked herself and didn't explain the truth, and she also pushed this "farce" to continue, it had already challenged our psychological bottom line.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

So after the release of this movie, there were constant complaints, not without reason. Even Zhang Baishuang's acting career was also affected.

But Lin Fangbing, who played Dali, became famous because of this movie.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

The biggest reason for this is that before the movie was released, the makeup photos of her starring Dali appeared on the covers of major movie magazines. Her look is indeed beautiful and delicate. So no matter what the quality of the movie is, she is popular, and she is so red that she turns purple, and then starred in another film of Changying Studio, "Jade Broken Palace".

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

But Zhang Baishuang was not so lucky.

Is she the leading actor in "Love Song in the Valley"? Or the heroine?

Let's look at her character style, dressed in red makeup and heroic, and heroic in men's clothing. Her appearance as a woman dressed as a man is extremely handsome, and compared with Chen Baoguo, who played Tro in the film, it is no better. But because the character of Ah Ying is "embarrassing" and not likable, Zhang Baishuang has not been able to get more attention.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

As an actor, if she fails to "become an instant hit" in the leading role for the first time, then her future path may be more difficult.

Fortunately, she met a mentor in Changying Studio and admired her very much, that is, Bai Dezhang, a famous actor who had played the third squad leader in the movie "Visitors on the Iceberg". Bai Dezhang changed his career to become a director in the 70s, and basically invited Zhang Baishuang to participate in the movies he directed.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

For example, in "Yao Shan Chun", he asked her to play the role of a hygienist, for example, in "Be Proud, Mother", he asked her to play a female military doctor, such as in "Kanto Woman", he asked her to be his assistant director. Later, in 2010, the two of them starred together in the movie "Warm Ice".

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Although Zhang Baishuang appeared as a supporting role in many subsequent movies, the role she played is unforgettable.

For example, in "Be Proud, Mother", she played the role of Liang Shanshan, a female military doctor, as the embodiment of an angel, which is more intriguing than A Ying in "Love Song in the Valley". I think so far when everyone talks about Zhang Baishuang, the first thing that may come to mind is her character appearance in "Be Proud, Mother".

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

For example, in "Flowers Bloom and Fall", she played Zheng Yonghong, which also left a very deep impression on us. In this movie, we see her ability to create the image of a villain.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

In addition, she starred in "Beidou" starring Li Yuanhua, played Shen Xuan, in "Deep in the Heart" starring Liu Xiaoqing, she played Xie Ying, in "Housework Qingguan" starring Wang Suya, she played Hu Xiulan, and in "Strange Circle" starring Huang Meiying, she played Oman.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Although these characters have different identities and different personalities, Zhang Baishuang still portrays them into their own appearances.

But the brilliance in it is still taken up by the big stars, who will pay too much attention to the actors who play small supporting roles.

In the early 80s, Zhang Baishuang had the best appearance, the highest creative enthusiasm, and the most creative energy, but she failed to bloom her charm to the fullest.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Since then, Zhang Baishuang has also played roles in film and television works such as "Hope It's Not True", "Buddies Make a Fortune", "The Adventures of Wolf Dogs", "Red Clay", "Husband and Wife Project", "Difference between Men and Women", "Hu'er Hi Yo Metropolis", "Warm Ice", "I Want to Read" and other film and television works. She has also participated in directing film and television works such as "Kanto Woman", "Director of Men and Women", "Innocent Killer", "Road to Youth" and so on.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

I think Zhang Baishuang's best work is "Warm Ice" starring with his mentor Bai Dezhang. Zhang Baishuang is 55 years old this year, but her acting skills are becoming more mature and sophisticated. She challenged a very difficult role in the film, Feng Ying, pretending to be pitiful in front of people, but in fact, she was a "heinous" bad woman, who could even give up her own daughter for money.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Zhang Baishuang fully demonstrated his acting strength in this play, showing super explosiveness, and his ability to "change face" is also at its peak.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

However, because of the passive nature of the actor's profession, since about 2014, she has gradually reduced the frequency of appearing on camera, and has turned to behind-the-scenes work.

Zhang Baishuang's husband is Gong Xibin, a colleague who was admitted to Changying Studio as an actor in the same year as her. is also a good actor, who has played Qin Fafen in "Entrepreneurship", Zhao Danian in "Ji Hongchang", Xiao Lie in "White Lotus", and Zhang Hai in "Wedding on the Execution Ground".

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Gong Xibin later took up the position of the head of the actor troupe of Changying Studio, Zhang Baishuang was very supportive of her husband's work, silently hiding behind Gong Xibin, and was willing to be a "virtuous helper".

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

They have been with each other for a lifetime, and they have set an example for several celebrity couples in the same period of Changying Studio.

It's a pity that Gong Xibin suffered from cancer in the later stage and died in Changchun on November 18, 2019, at the age of 66.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

The sudden death of her husband hit Zhang Baishuang very hard.

After that, she slowly faded out of the audience's sight.

Fans who like her are very concerned about her current situation.

Although she was devastated by her husband's loss, she eventually chose to face it strongly, and vowed to continue her husband's unfinished business.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

She is now 69 years old. Judging from the recent photos she exposed, she is much thinner than before, with silver hair like snow, but her mental state is very good, and her temperament is becoming more elegant and charming. She is still involved in the creation of some film and television works, and her enthusiasm is undiminished. And occasionally travel to various places to change the mood.

The former long-movie actress was more handsome than Chen Baoguo when she played a boy, and now she is 69 years old, with silver hair like snow, and she is getting more and more beautiful

Zhang Baishuang has regrets in his life. She is actually the kind of beauty that is rarely seen on the screen, with a girl and a male appearance, masculine atmosphere, and if packaged properly, she is likely to become a leader in this track. It's a pity that when she was in her prime, she didn't get more opportunities for development, so she couldn't shine like other female stars in the same period. However, she has a happy marriage, a considerate husband, and has experienced the joy of being a director and producer. In this way, she has gained joy that other stars have not experienced.

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