
Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

author:South Window Cultural Life
Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

Recently, there has been a cycle of "Serena" by YiBai.

After more than ten years of leaving home, in the memory of Yi Bai about Alxa, a name appeared from time to time, the face was unclear, the age was unknown, the identity was unknown, the background was blurred, and he forgot when and where to hear it from what population, he only said, "Serena" is a Mongolian girl, but not necessarily.

After listening to "Serena" many times, Bayan's integration makes the whole song covered with a faint exotic veil, and under the veil, it is a popular folk song that we are familiar with.

The recurring "Serena, Selena", like the repeated "rose where are you" in "Rose", Salina seems to be another "rose", a person who is drifting away in memory.

In "Salina", Yi Bai also helps us remember the people who drifted away in their youth: people who have said goodbye, please remember to come back.

From 200's last album, Hey! More than a year has passed since "LookIng Up", and this year, although Yi Bai did not meet everyone in the form of a new song, his works appeared in front of the public in the form of cover songs.

At the beginning of 2018, Wang Feng sang Yi Bai's song on the stage of "Singer 2018". However, what we hear is not "Youth on Dog Day", but "Youth" after castration.

Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

The lyrics of this real and sensitive song did not pass the review, but Yi Bai and his music have long taken root in my heart and are irreplaceable.

1. Comfort the sad people with music

Six years ago, before the folk song was well known to the public, Yi Bai's "Rose" has touched many people.

"Rose" is very simple, is a Douban female netizen noticed when Yi Bai mixed with Douban, her name is "Rose", Yi Bai felt that there was a lot of content in her text that made him feel empathy, so he wrote "Rose".

Yi Bai sang roses, but also sang countless hidden behind the screen living in ordinary fireworks you and me.

It is not appropriate to describe Yi Bai as a catcher, every person who is good at catching has a prey target, Yi Bai is different, Yi Bai is more like a wanderer, seeing roses in aimlessness, so there is "Rose".

The source of this name is that he once bought a second-hand Sony Alpha 200 camera, and the suffix of the camera has become today's "Two Hundred".

The camera is constantly iterating, but the name of the second hundred is not.

Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

He wrote about his hometown in the name of Yi Bai, so he had "Alxa"; he wrote Taiyuan, so he had "Who I Pretend to Be Sad with in Taiyuan"; wrote friends, so there was "Hey, look up!" 》。

Haizi said that the cloudless is like my eternal sorrow.

In The song of Yi Bai, there is always a kind of sadness flowing. Sadness is not to be despised, sadness is a real emotion.

In public perception, what describes sadness is often "infection", but the songs of the second hundred are never infected with sadness, but find sadness.

Especially in Rose, "life is becoming more and more depressing. You become less and less like yourself", such words, in no way to infect the audience, to infuse sadness, but to find that many people in life have similar situations to roses: have bloomed, but also want to escape in reality.

Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

While looking for roses in the song, she comforted roses: Please don't cry, we are all left with a bunch of memories woven with youth.

Today, Jia Zhangke's sentence in "Children of the Jianghu" that "we are all prisoners of the universe" also has such a meaning.

In the music of Yi Bai, it can be perceived that he is a sad person, this sadness is based on reality, not hidden, he is comforting another group of sad people with his song: we are sad, but not indulgent.

2. Comfort the people around you with sincerity

A few years ago, Yi Bai left his hometown of Alxa and came to Taiyuan to open a piano shop opposite the Jiefang Road Foreign Bookstore.

Yi Bai did not forcibly add an aura to the piano shop because of his status as a singer, but only played the guitar as a teacher with the original intention.

At that time, a high school student followed him to learn guitar, and he said to the parents of the students, "This guy thief likes this stuff." ”

These words, without the singer's politeness to the fans, some, are a teacher's affirmation of the students, and Yi Bai inadvertently comforts the people around him with sincerity.

Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

He also did not hesitate to write this consolation into the song, "Rose" may be far away, but "Hey! "Look Up", "Feed the Horse with Dreams" and "Like a White Cloud" are very close.

"Hey, look up! "I have a friend" is actually a café owner he knows, and the life of a friend is laissez-faire. Yi Bai did not evaluate or admonish, he just slowly told the story of his friend.

"Sometimes he guides me forward like a strong and free soul, and sometimes like a lonely homeless drunkard," He said.

A "look up" is worth a thousand words.

In the first line of "Dream as a Horse", he sings, "I have a brother named Wang Feeding Horse, who lives in a small town in the north like me", and many people know that Wang Feeding Horse, a niche singer, is in this song.

There is also "Like a White Cloud", he wrote Yao Thirteen, "just like Yao Thirteen said, never wait", in the name of friends, said the ordinary life like a white cloud.

The friends written by Yi Bai are different, but the commonality of these works is that there is always a trace of the ideal of imminent departure.

Such an ideal trail is not far away from us. Those whose youth are scattered are in their own ends, but there is always one person who is willing to string these memories together.

In the folk circle, this person is a second bai.

He doesn't create sensational pieces, just lightly speaking, or regret, or consolation.

3. Comfort yourself with actions

Yi Bai's last album was released last year, but the creative span of this album has gone through five years.

These five years are the five years in which Yi Bai is "picky" about himself. Many of the works on the album have long been written, but he must be satisfied with himself.

At that time, on the stage of "The Voice of China", a song "Rose" was well known to many people because of the singing of Zhang Jingyi of "The Voice of China", and this year, on the stage of "Singer", Wang Feng sang yi bai's song, which once again made him appear in front of the public.

Yi Bai: A sad person comforts another group of sad people with a song

Ke Yibai, still walking at his own pace:

"The way to become popular overnight may not be suitable for me, and the current song has not yet accumulated a certain amount, even if I accidentally go to a high place, it will fall down quickly." Just like now, step by step, it is good to walk slowly. ”

Step by step, it's good.

For so many years, Yi Bai has always touched us.

If you want to describe the touching of The Second Hundred, the poem of Naranjande many years ago is just right: I am a sad guest in the world, and I know what happens to the king and tears.

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