
The release of the new album is imminent, and the first single "No Longer Young" is the first to be released

author:Modern skies
{"info":{"title":{"content":"贰佰新专辑发行在即,先行单曲《不再年轻》率先上线","en":"The release of the new album is imminent, and the first single \"No Longer Young\" is the first to be released"},"description":{"content":"听到这粗粝而真挚的嗓音,你就知道,那位远方的朴实老友贰佰,回来了。继2018年相继发布两支单曲《陌生的婚礼》、《莎琳娜》...","en":"Hearing this rough and sincere voice, you know that the simple old friend of the distant place, Yi Bai, has returned. Following the release of two singles in 2018, \"Strange Wedding\" and \"Selena\"..."}},"items":[]}

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