
The new album of Yi Bai was officially launched| "Naïve people please forget yourself"

author:Modern skies

After three years of separation, Yi Bai finally brought this new album that had been precipitated for a long time. The title of the album, "Innocent People Please Forget Yourself," is derived from a single lyric from the previous single "No More Young," but it is enough to sum up the theme of the entire album.

On the album cover, Yi Bai uses nine one-inch ID photos of himself from childhood to adulthood to frankly and faithfully trace his own path. With the passage of time, the gradual blurring of photographs seems to imply the inevitable process of maturity: we do not want to maintain the innocence of the beginning of the world, but the reality is full of thorns, growth reveals a complex essence, "innocence" alienation into "self-grasping" becomes the root of loss, creating a cyclical dilemma, "forgetting ourselves" may be the only outlet.

The new album of Yi Bai was officially launched| "Naïve people please forget yourself"

From the cover to the theme, the meaning of the album is self-evident, it is more like a portrayal of the personal heart of Yibai, expressing text in different dimensions, recording the reflection and transformation in ordinary life.

For the emotional retracement, he calmly and frankly. Whether it is the "Selena" in the memory of the teenager, or the "If" about love, those regrets that are not enough to make up. In the end, they all stayed in that "2018 that can't go back", and like those youths, it became yesterday when it was too late to say goodbye.

For the understanding of real life, he is sincere and transparent. He wrote "Don't Disturb Him" for the homeless people who are on the edge of the world, trying to talk to the world who are deeply involved in the myths of modern society in the song, and also expressing a firm attitude towards life: "If the mind is the world, why care about everything." In Don't Go Away, he incarnates as a listener to life, "no longer pessimistic about this life." As long as the heart stands in "At this moment", it is no longer entangled in continuing or waiting, "To be a person who is not willing to be ordinary is no longer important." ”

At the level of music creation, Yi Bai has also made richer explorations and attempts on the road of continuous improvement. In "Strange Wedding", he completed the creation closer to the essence of the folk with the sharp expression of rock and roll tendencies, changing the impression of everyone in the past. The song "I Can't Say", which has been sung on the tour stage many times before, has a new instrumental arrangement to interpret a sense of flowing storytelling, melodious strings coiled around the heartstrings, reshaping the past state of mind in the present.

Continuing the romance of the previous album, the closing song is also a pure instrumental work. "Nine Stars" connects the scenery along the way with a layered storytelling arrangement. Yi Bai seems to be interested in broadening the possibilities of his own music creation, so that the carrier of expression is no longer limited to the word "folk song".

On the cover of the previous album, Yi Bai wrote, "The more people desire, the less they can be free." Three years later, he reinterpreted today's understanding of self and freedom with "naïve people please forget yourself." The practice of life is not to go to complexity, but to reach innocence. The years have changed, everything has changed, and Yi Bai, who sang "No Longer Young", is still the purest person, writing "Even if there is no end, don't stop."

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