
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

author:Chun An released
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and it is also a key year for Chun Safety to practice the high-level transformation of "Two Mountains" and the high-quality development of Kangmei Qiandao Lake. The CPC Chun'an County CPC Committee, the Chun'an County People's Government and the Hangzhou Culture Radio and Television Group jointly planned and launched the "Reading China and Reciting Chun'an" - a large-scale reading party in Chun'an County to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China.

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

This activity will comprehensively and multi-angle display the social style, civilization style, humanistic customs and connotation of Chun'an since the founding of New China 70 years ago, stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole people in the form of recitation, praise the style of Chun'an, and show the changes of the times.

Such a big event

Who are the big names participating?

Let's take a look


A purple

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Ah Zi is a famous contemporary Chinese poet and lyricist. 2016 Chinese Recitation Literature Contribution Award. Representative works: "I am a communist party member", "born as a poplar", "Reading China", "Hero" and so on have become the classic famous articles of the population. This time, she also created a poem for Qiandao Lake, "Love of Qiandao Lake", which will also be brilliantly staged at this reading meeting

Liao Jingsheng

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Liao Jingsheng, a famous veteran actor in China. Representative works include "Life and Death Choice", "The Sky is On", "Years and Clouds" and so on.

Huang Xiaoli

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Huang Xiaoli, head of the A Zi Recitation Art Troupe. The second CCTV "Chinese Mother" Spring Festival Gala won the honorary title of Excellent Mother!

Xiao Feng

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Xiao Feng, famous host and reciter. He was named one of the top ten program hosts in Liaoning Province and the "Golden Microphone" Award.

Zhang Changshui

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Former deputy director of the Film and Television Department of the National Drama Theatre of China, language performance artist.

Maria Keck

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Maria Keck, a Sierra Leonean. CCTV Avenue of Stars Annual Division Champion. She won the Best Talent Award at the Miss World World Finals.


Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Lei Ming, chief anchor of FM89 Hangzhou Voice, host of "People's Sentiment Hotline". He has won awards such as Excellent Broadcast Host of Zhejiang Province (Provincial Golden Microphone Award). He will serve as the host of this recitation meeting, and he will join hands with Li Meixia, a national labor model in Chun'an County, Jiang Youbing, a moral model in Hangzhou, and He Jujuan, a pacesetter in Chun'an County's "Four Kinds of People", to bring wonderful programs

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Are you looking forward to it?

There are also many big coffee editors who will not introduce them one by one

Let's take a look at "Reading China and Reciting Chun'an"——

Chun'an County celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China

Chant Chun An

1. Dance "Dance of the Lake"

Performance: Hangzhou Dance Saint Blue

2. Group recitation of "I am a member of the Communist Party"

Recitation: Lei Ming, Li Meixia, Jiang Youbing, He Jujuan

Group performance unit: Chun'an County People's Court

Chun'an County People's Procuratorate

Chun'an County City Administration

State Administration of Taxation Chun'an County Taxation Bureau

3. Group poem recitation "I love Chun AnHao"

Performances: Hangzhou Recitation Association, Hangzhou Voice Recitation Troupe

Instrumental accompaniment: Guzheng Wang Yuting Pipa Lang Xiaoya

4. Recite "Chanting Chun'an" together

Recitation: Xin Kai, Qi Fan, Zhang Jianguo, Lin Nan

5. Recite "Love of Thousand Island Lake"

Recitation: Ah Zi, Zhang Changshui

Read China

6. Male and female duets "Don't Forget the Initial Heart"

Singers: Wang Zhaozhang, Huang Ying

7. Recite "China in Capital Letters" together

Recitation: Shen Lin, Xin Kai, Li Si, Mei Chen

8. Recite "We Are the Successors of Communism"

Recitation: Chun'an County Youth Activity Center Recitation Class

9. Recite "Born like a poplar" alone

Recitation: Huang Xiaoli

10. Reciting "Hero" Alone

Recitation: Xiao Feng

11. Solo "Thank You China"

Sung by: Maria

12. Recitation of "Reading China"

Recitation: Ah Zi, Liao Jingsheng

13. Chorus "Red Flag Fluttering"

Singer: Wang Zhaozhang and all actors and audiences

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Time: 20 September 2019 at 2:30 p.m. and 80 minutes

Venue: Spirit of Water Performing Arts Centre (20 Pearl Avenue)

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > bel canto resurgence</h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > high-specification audiovisual feast</h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > coming soon! </h1>

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

At 2:30 p.m. on September 20th, Chun'an News Comprehensive Channel broadcast FM101 "Voice of Qiandao Lake" Vision Qiandao Lake App will broadcast the event live synchronously

Poke "Read the original article" to watch the live stream

News client "Horizon Qiandao Lake"

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

Stay tuned here

Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China! This big reading will be very interesting! Bel Canto's high-standard audio-visual feast is about to debut!

The copyright belongs to Chun'an Publishing, and the reprint must be informed!

Source: Propaganda Department of chun'an County CPC Committee

Compiled and distributed by Qiandao Lake Media Group in Chun'an County

Editor: Junnan Cai

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