
Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

author:Often talk about history

Chen Tianhua (1875-1905), formerly known as Xiansu( Pinsu), a native of Xinhua County, Hunan Province, was one of the founders of the Huaxing Association, a member of the Chinese League, a modern Chinese democratic revolutionary and thinker, and a revolutionary martyr of the late Qing Dynasty. In the early years, together with Xie Bingying and Cheng Fangwu, he was called the "Three Talents of Xinhua" in Hunan, and some people called him "the great literary hero of Xinhai". ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Xinhua County, Gumeishan</h1>

Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

Gumei Mountain

Xinhua County, also known as Meishan in ancient times, is also known as Yanyi, located in the middle of Hunan, the middle stream of the Zijiang River, the southeast foothills of Panyi Xuefeng Mountain, known as the "hometown of the Chinese clams". Meishan cultural characteristics, in one word to summarize is "barbaric", harsh natural environment and social environment, so that Meishan ancestors sharpened out of the fierce body, brave and full of bloody character, ancient "Meishan man" said, the Northern Song Dynasty Shenzong Xining five years (1072), "Meishan man" naturalized after the county, "take the new land of the king", referred to as Xinhua.

The "brute" of "Meishan Man" is vividly reflected in the Meishan martial arts, and the martial artist can especially fight hard, fight with people, be fierce enough, and never accept defeat. To practice Meishan martial arts, you must practice the basic skills and practice a steel and iron bone. It can be said that the "hegemonic" spirit of Hunan people originated in the Meishan area. Until the Ming and Qing dynasties, martial practitioners spread throughout the county, and now most families have retained the habit of letting children practice martial arts from primary school and "Meishan Pile".

The Xinhua people have advocated literature and martial arts throughout the ages, and the humanities have gathered and talents have emerged. In modern times, in addition to Chen Tianhua, there are Xie Bingying and Cheng Fangwu, who are known as the "Three Talents of Xinhua" in Hunan along with Chen Tianhua, and Tan Renfeng, the pioneers of the democratic revolution. During the Xinhai Revolution, Xinhua County had the title of "Hometown of League Members", and there were 55 League members and participants in the Xinhai Revolution at that time. Fang Dingying, acting president of the famous anti-Japanese general Whampoa Military Academy, Chen Zhengxiang, a famous Chinese general with outstanding military achievements, and Luo Shengjiao, an internationalist fighter, were all born here.

Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > diligently study</h1>

Chen Tianhua was born on March 6, 1875 in Fengyangping, Lishu, Ronghua Township, Xinhua County. His father was a private school teacher, and his mother died early, and he and his father were dependent on each other, because his family was poor, and he studied while doing some small business to make up for the embarrassment of life. But no matter how difficult life is, he always learns eagerly, and sometimes learns some fist and foot kung fu with his friends. Chen Tianhua is talented and intelligent, known as a "prodigy", "when he was young, he was determined to restore the motherland", when he was 16 years old, he once wrote a poem with a stroke of his pen, "Mo is no Junjie in Caolu, you must know that Yamazawa is a hero", expressing his ambition to serve the country and save the country. In 1896, the 21-year-old Chen Tianhua entered the Xinhua Zijiang Academy with the financial support of his clan. In 1898, he entered the Pragmatic School (now Xinhua County No. 1 Middle School) inclined to new learning, and he was deeply influenced by the ideas of the Restoration and became a supporter of the Law Reform Movement. In 1900, Chen Tianhua was admitted to the Yuelu Academy in changsha, the provincial capital. At the beginning of 1903, he entered the provincial normal school and soon received official funds to study in Japan.

In the late Qing Dynasty, under the influence of the Restoration and Reform Law, the Qing government advocated that Chinese people study abroad, and some students began to study in Western Europe, Japan and other countries. Because Japan's cost is much less than that of Western Europe, Japan has become the main place for Chinese people to study at that time, and some rich children have taken studying in Japan as a shortcut to find a way out. In 1900, there were fewer than a hundred international students in Japan, and the number increased sharply, and by the third year it had increased to more than 3,000. Most international students raise funds by themselves, and only a few with very good grades or special reasons can be admitted to official studies. In March 1903, at the age of 28, Chen Tianhua was admitted to study in Japan with excellent results.

Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > join the revolution</h1>

Chen Tianhua lived in an era in which imperialism intensified its frenzied division and plundering of China, and it was also the era of the qing dynasty's most decadent and incompetent. In the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the new Chinese navy painstakingly managed by the Westerners completely collapsed. With the signing of the Maguan Treaty between China and Japan, China was forced to abandon Taiwan and pay a huge indemnity of 230 million taels of silver to Japan, and Japan also received all the privileges of the Western powers in China. The defeat of the Sino-Japanese War brought too much stimulation to the Chinese, "forty million people wept together, where is the end of the world is Shenzhou", Tan Sitong's poem, shouted out the sorrow and indignation of the Chinese people of insight at that time.

Although most of the international students went abroad to become officials, some of them felt the serious situation of the country's peril because they came into contact with bourgeois ideas. They believed that in order to save the country, they could not rely on the ruling power of the Qing Dynasty, nor on Kang Liang's reformism, but must seek a new way out, so they became supporters and propagandists of bourgeois revolutionary ideas. Chen Tianhua is one of the representatives.

When I studied abroad in 1903, it was the time when Tsarist Russia invaded the three eastern provinces. Faced with the shattering of mountains and rivers, the corruption and incompetence of the government, and being cynical from an early age, Chen Tianhua, who was determined to serve the country like Huo's illness, was extremely angry after hearing the news, and he bit his finger and wrote a blood book to save the country, dozens of pieces in a row. Bleeding so much that he fainted, but his mouth was still shouting, "Save the country!" Save the country!". After his classmates woke him up, he insisted on sending the blood letters back to China one by one in envelopes. This magnificent and fierce article saw Zhao Erxun, the inspector of Hunan at that time, in tears, and also made the morale of the anti-Russian movement in Hunan Province even higher. Since then, the name of patriot Chen Tianhua has spread throughout the world.

Later, he participated in the organization of the "Volunteer Brigade against Russia" and the "Military and National Education Association", and returned to China the following year to organize the "Huaxing Association" revolutionary group with Huang Xing to prepare for the Changsha Uprising. He threw his body and mind into the action of saving the country, and even a rich merchant admired his talent and wanted to give his daughter to him, "The Xiongnu are not destroyed, there is no home", he politely declined, and said: "The country is uneasy, I will not marry", until the time of the poster country, he did not marry for life.

Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > anti-imperialist manifesto</h1>

In Japan, Chen Tianhua wrote "The Sharp Return" and "Alarm Clock" anti-imperialist revolutionary manifestos. It profoundly expounds the situation of peril in China under imperialist aggression and arouses the people to struggle to change this situation. He said: "The great powers have painted our 18 provinces in the sphere of influence of those countries, and they have not allowed us freedom at all, the Chinese government is like his slaves, and the Chinese people are like his cattle and horses..." "We must fight to the death to save China.", Chen Tianhua believed that it is necessary not only to resist imperialist aggression, but also to oppose the rule of the Qing Dynasty. These two books became the clarion call and alarm bell of the revolution, which not only caused great repercussions among international students, but also was widely printed and copied in China, which had a great impact. "Turning Back" concludes: "Either xenophobia, or revolution, give up death to do it; father and son, son and grandson, never forget; this purpose, sometimes, naturally." It became the most outstanding revolutionary propaganda work during the Xinhai Revolution.

In 1905, Chen Tianhua founded a patriotic magazine with Song Jiaoren in Tokyo, and assisted Sun Yat-sen in organizing the League and drafting the Revolutionary Strategy. The Qing government, intimidated by the establishment of the League, demanded that the Japanese government expel the revolutionaries who stayed in Japan and impose strict restrictions on students studying in Japan. In November 1905, the Japanese government issued the "Rules for the Suppression of Students In the Qing Dynasty", which prohibited Chinese students from participating in any political activities, deprived them of freedom of speech, and prohibited assembly and association. The Japanese government's unreasonable behavior aroused strong dissatisfaction among students studying in Japan, and Chen Tianhua and Qiu Jin and other members of the League organized a demonstration of 8,000 international students.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > save the country</h1>

Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">


On December 8, 1905, Chen Tianhua, a 30-year-old revolutionary volunteer, left a desperate letter of swearing to save the country and came to the coast of Omori Bay in Tokyo, Japan. He looked at the endless sea, with deep love for the motherland, and strong protests against the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese reactionary authorities, he walked step by step from the sea to the deep water area until the figure disappeared completely. In the spring of 1906, his coffin was transported back to Changsha and buried in Yuelu Mountain.

Chen Tianhua spent his whole life trying to save the country and the people, he knew the end, but he still resolutely threw himself into the sea, without the slightest retreat. With his young life, he warned the people of his country that patriotism must be taken action. Premier Zhou Enlai spoke highly of Chen Tianhua, believing that he was the second person in China's past and the present who was willing to use his life to awaken the country and was a real hero. When Premier Zhou was young, he also wrote a poem: "The Song of the Great River strikes the head of the east, and the dense group of Science and Technology is poor." Ten years of wall-facing figures break the wall, and it is difficult to reward the heroes of the sea", to show the nostalgia for Chen Tianhua. Many scholars believe that Chen Tianhua's value is not unique to his act of repaying the country with his death, but also his impassioned literary works, and the world depicted in the book is China many years later, which shows the deep patriotism of Chen Tianhua. At present, the relevant departments have launched the restoration plan of Chen Tianhua's former residence, and Chen Tianhua's former residence will be built into a patriotic spiritual homeland.

Chen Tianhua, a great literary hero in Xinhai, refused to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and posterity said that he was the real hero Gumeishan Xinhua County, who diligently studied and devoted himself to the revolutionary anti-imperialist declaration to save the country

Sunrise over Big Bear Mountain in Xinhua County

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