
The boy scored 672 points in the college entrance examination, but was taken away by the police, mother: I wish I hadn't given birth to you

author:A broccoli

The boy scored 672 points in the college entrance examination, and his mother rewarded him with 10,000 yuan to travel. Unexpectedly, I couldn't contact my son, and when I saw my son again, I was at the police station.

The boy scored 672 points in the college entrance examination, but was taken away by the police, mother: I wish I hadn't given birth to you

Xiaoqiu (pseudonym) has studied well since he was a child, and his parents never let him interfere in anything other than studying, even if he takes out the garbage, they never let him do it.

The days when clothes come to reach out for food and open their mouths make Xiaoqiu compare with his peers, like a "waste". But he is a real "scholar" in the school.

Some people will describe him as "God has opened a door for you, and he will surely open a window for you",

In the eyes of the mother, things like not being able to do housework are trivial, learning is important, and her son is what other people call other people's children.

With 300 yuan of pocket money per week, Xiaoqiu never spends it indiscriminately, either buying tutoring books or participating in make-up classes.

Therefore, the mother has always been proud of the little ball, and she is proud to mention her son to anyone.

The boy scored 672 points in the college entrance examination, but was taken away by the police, mother: I wish I hadn't given birth to you

Xiaoqiu scored 672 points in the college entrance examination, and in addition to cooking a table of good dishes, her mother also gave Xiaoqiu 10,000 yuan to let Xiaoqiu go out to play.

Xiaoqiu shares the joy of travel with her parents every day. When she came back, her mother went to the airport to pick her up, but the plane had landed for a long time and her son had not come out.

However, a phone call from the police station hit the mother's heart hard.

Xiaoqiu was caught by the police for secretly filming in the women's toilet at the airport.

"Mom, in fact, I have always been under a lot of pressure to study, and when I arrived in Yunnan, I wanted to find some excitement, and I have taken photos like this several times. When I arrived at the local airport, I couldn't help it, thinking that I wouldn't be discovered, so I ......"

The mother slapped down, "I wish I hadn't given birth to you."

The boy scored 672 points in the college entrance examination, but was taken away by the police, mother: I wish I hadn't given birth to you

The mother approached the victim and asked for compensation, but the girl insisted on filing a case.

Xiaoqiu has reached the age of 18, and if he files a case now, he will leave a criminal record, which is a heavy blow to Xiaoqiu, who is about to go to college, and it is a devastating blow to Xiaoqiu's future.

No matter how much mediation, the girl insisted on filing the case, and Xiaoqiu's mother finally reluctantly accepted this fact.

Eventually, Xiaoqiu was detained for 10 days, and the university will consider Xiaoqiu for this matter when admitting him.

Xiaoqiu's mother has always wanted a child who studies well, is a well-behaved child, and is an obedient and sensible child, is it the child's problem, or is it the mistake of her education?

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