
From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

author:Sunshine Gossip Jun

Speaking of Zhao Pu, many viewers were deeply impressed by him, and once "became famous in a cry" and was evaluated as the most flesh-and-blood CCTV host.

But why is it that such a perceptual positive energy host has become a "public knowledge" in the eyes of some people in the eyes of some people?

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

In 1971, Zhao Pu was born in Taiping County, Anhui Province, an ordinary family of five.

His father worked in the local water conservancy and bridge repair, and his mother was a barefoot doctor.

In addition to his parents, he has an older sister and an older brother.

As the youngest child in the family, Zhao Pu has received more favoritism from his parents.

He did not disappoint his parents, studied well from an early age, and often performed poetry recitations at school.

According to Zhao Pu's plan, he should have successfully entered the university and then joined the work.

However, after going to junior high school, Zhao Pu's life took a turn for the worse due to one thing.

That year, Zhao Pu's brothers and sisters successively found a partner to prepare for marriage.

But the parents calculated, only to find that the family's money was not even enough to buy enough new furniture for the children.

The sensible Zhao Pu looked at the difficulties at home, and then he decided to give up the middle school entrance examination.

In addition to letting his parents buy all the money to his brothers and sisters, Zhao Pu also ran to sign up as a soldier.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

In 1987, 16-year-old Zhao Pu followed the troops to a logistics department in Beijing.

At the party of the recruit company, Zhao Pu played a poem with great affection,

Unexpectedly, he was directly favored by the leaders of the troops.

Subsequently, Zhao Pu was arranged by the leader to work as a broadcaster in the company's radio room.

The daily tasks are responsible for the number of the division, such as the wake-up number, the morning exercise number, the training number and so on of the entire unit.

After learning that her son became a broadcaster, Zhao's mother was happy.

He also bought a lot of broadcast-related books and radios.

At his mother's suggestion, Zhao Pu practiced Mandarin with the radio every day.

And insist on watching CCTV's "News Network" on time every night and learn from professional hosts.

It is also for this reason that Zhao Pu later got tasks such as broadcasting programs in addition to the division number.

Subsequently, the leader directly asked him to write comments and articles, etc., which were published in the organ newspaper.

This experience not only made Zhao Pu's eloquence have made obvious progress,

At the same time, it also laid a good foundation for him to become a host later.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

In 1990, 19-year-old Zhao Pu graduated from the army and was arranged to sit in the office of the Anhui Provincial Gymnasium.

Although a salary of a few hundred yuan per month was enough for him to eat and wear, the young Zhao Pu was not willing to do so.

Zhao Pu did not forget his dream of hosting, so he began to practice diligently after work.

In order to practice Mandarin well, he copied the words on the Xinhua dictionary into small cards and read them word by word.

In order to practice the image and expression, Zhao Pu specially collected some photos of the host's image.

Stick it next to the mirror, and as soon as you have time every day, you will imitate it.

The following year, Zhao Pu, who was making rapid progress, stood out from thousands of people as he wished and was admitted to Hefei Radio.

As a result, he became a temporary weather announcer on a part-time basis.

Later, in order to learn and master the knowledge of broadcast hosting more systematically,

Zhao Pu began preparing for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (the predecessor of the Communication University of China).

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

For ordinary people, fate always seems to like to play the cruelest jokes.

In 1994, just when Zhao Pu was full of confidence in the future, his father died of cancer.

At the same time, the Anhui Provincial Sports Committee decided not to renew Zhao Pu's employment, and in this way, Zhao Pu suffered a double blow.

It was also at this time that the security section of the Anhui Provincial Sports Committee saw that he was pitiful and expressed his willingness to give him a job opportunity.

And this experience is also the source of zhao pu as a security guard.

Although Zhao Pu did not choose to be a security guard at that time, he also had to give up preparing for the self-examination for three years.

Moreover, in desperation, Zhao Pu took the 2,000 yuan given by his mother and started a clothing business.

But because of the lack of experience, in the end, only two months, I lost a bottom.

Depressed at home for two years, Zhao Pu's will to struggle was completely empty,

At this time, thanks to the encouragement of his mother, Zhao Pu regained his confidence.

In 1995, the Beijing Broadcasting Institute Broadcasting Department Cadre Special Training Class was open to the whole country for enrollment.

The 24-year-old Zhao Pu did not think about it and left for Beijing, once again to his dream.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Enter Beijing Television

This time, Zhao Pu made up his mind to get ahead.

With only a junior high school education, he goes to bed at 1 o'clock every night and gets up on time at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Even when I go to the toilet, I keep learning with a book.

In the end, Zhao Pu spent 4 months to complete the three-year curriculum of high school.

As a result, he also successfully obtained the acceptance letter of the Department of Northern Broadcasting.

But after entering the school, because he was not responsible for the accommodation, Zhao Pu could only find a place outside.

During that time, Zhao Pu had a very bitter life.

According to Zhao Puhou's self-disclosure, he lived in the basement when he was most embarrassed,

I've moved to a dozen homes, and once even moved next to a dump.

It was difficult to rent a building, and as a result, because I could not renew the rent stably, I lived back in the basement.

But even so, Zhao Pu still stuck to his original intention.

He not only looked around for a job and a part-time job, but also used his expertise in seal engraving.

Set up stalls in the nearby underground passages to help people engrave stamps to earn living expenses and tuition fees.

Later, Zhao Pu was still with the help of his teacher,

Won the opportunity to work in the school library, salary of 450 yuan per month.

In 1997, at the age of 26, Zhao Pu received an internship at Beijing Television after graduation.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Gain a foothold in Beijing

After entering the Beijing Television Station, Zhao Pu was ambitious and ready to show his skills.

But what made Zhao Pu helpless was that for several months, he did not get too many opportunities.

The only thing he did on the stage was unimportant dubbing work.

And this kind of day continued until the Spring Festival, when everyone else went home one after another,

Zhao Pu decided to stay, he thought, this may be just an opportunity.

Sure enough, by the sixth day of the Chinese New Year, the opportunity finally came,

At that time, because the station wanted to record a program to welcome the New Year in advance, it was necessary to record some exterior scenes.

At that time, the other hosts were either home or busy with other shows.

After Zhao Pu learned of this, he immediately took the initiative to ask for a try, and he also got this opportunity.

After Zhao Pu threw himself into his work, the program recording was unusually smooth,

Zhao Pu's performance has not only been praised by the leadership, since then, he has also been given many hosting opportunities.

Soon after, Zhao Pu was selected as the host of the "Hotline Lawyer" program.

Through the show's high praise rate, he also gained a foothold on Beijing TELEVISION and signed a formal contract.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Jump ship to CCTV

After successfully staying in Beijing, Zhao Pu did not give up self-improvement,

During this time, he was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and received a master's degree in fine arts from Beijing Normal University.

In 1999, Zhao Pu won a number of professional awards such as the China Radio and Television Society Award.

It is worth mentioning that in this year, he also experienced a brief "layoff" crisis.

It is reported that at that time, Zhao Pu and a producer of Beijing Television Station broke out in conflict due to disagreement.

The other party used his own ability to let Zhao Pu go home for a long time.

Fortunately, the top management of Beijing Television Station very much recognized Zhao Pu's ability, and in the second half of the year, Zhao Pu returned to work smoothly.

However, this incident also gave him further plans.

In 2006, Li Jiaming, the host of CCTV's "Happy Dictionary" program, vacated his position because he studied abroad.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

In order not to let this program be cut off, CCTV held a selection activity of "charming new partner".

Zhao Pu saw the opportunity coming, and resolutely signed up to participate,

Even though her mother has been advising Zhao Pu not to reduce her self-worth to compete with a group of juniors,

But only Zhao Pu understands that his goal has always been CCTV.

In this way, Zhao Pu finally successfully entered CCTV with Nigmat and others with the third place.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

There have been many mistakes and jokes

Soon after entering CCTV, Zhao Pu served as the host of the news information program "Chaowen Tianxia".

He also relied on his outstanding ability to become the host of programs such as "Focus on the Beginning of the Little Ascension" and "Evening News".

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

In the years of CCTV, Zhao Pu has always shown people with a handsome face and a sonorous and powerful voice.

More importantly, compared with other hosts, Zhao Pu is more affinity to host.

However, "no one can be blameless without being a sage", and he has also made many "jokes" and created many "broadcast accidents".

For example, once, Zhao Pu was in the live broadcast, because he did not notice that the director cut the camera,

At that time, as usual, he looked down at the manuscript and picked his nose.

As soon as he looked up, he said to his partner outside the screen, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm wrong." ”

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Another time, when Zhao Pu was broadcasting the news, his state was not very natural.

Subsequently, netizens found that Zhao Pu's neck was strange, and if you look closely, it turned out to be a "kiss mark".

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Because of this incident, Zhao Pu fell into the controversy over the "style" issue.

A crying fame "choking brother"

In the two years of CCTV diligent and earnest host, Zhao Pu did not receive much attention,

Until in the live broadcast of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, in the face of the disaster, Zhao Pu suddenly could not restrain himself and choked emotionally.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

In this move alone, Zhao Pu's move was quickly discussed by netizens.

He has also become the most "flesh and blood" CCTV host in the eyes of many viewers.

However, the attention zhao pu received is not over,

It wasn't until the Yushu earthquake in 2010 that Zhao Pu once again choked up while broadcasting the news.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

You know, before this, Zhao Pu also choked up at the Yungui drought Karry donation ceremony.

Three consecutive times this situation, it is inevitable that some netizens think that he is deliberately doing it, and there is a suspicion of putting on a show.

At that time, many netizens believed that the host should have professional qualities and should not choke up again and again.

In this way, Zhao Pu was ridiculed by the outside world as "choking brother" and "choking emperor".

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

"Banned" due to the "gelatin" incident

In April 2012, 41-year-old Zhao Pu forwarded a text message from an investigative journalist on Weibo:

Don't eat old yogurt (solid form) and jelly anymore, the inside story is terrible, don't elaborate. ”

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Zhao Pu's microblog has aroused great heated discussion, and the number of forwards alone has reached hundreds of thousands.

And when the outside world was still hotly discussed, a week later, CCTV broadcast the program "Secret in the Capsule",

At this point, the "gelatin" incident surfaced, causing a more widespread sensation across the country.

At that time, the outside world found that Zhao Pu had not appeared for many days, and Weibo did not see the update dynamics.

The rumor of "banning" naturally appeared, and the outside world speculated that Zhao Pu had something to do.

It was only after a full 4 months that Zhao Pu resumed his work and hosted an Olympic special program.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Later, Zhao Pu revealed in an interview,

His words touched the interests of some people, and in order to protect him, CCTV had no choice but to suspend his appearance.

As for the rumor of "banning", Zhao Pu explicitly denied it and stressed that the suspension of appearance was only the most helpless move in the confrontation pressure.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Forced to leave CCTV

At the end of 2012, Zhao Pu returned to the "Evening News" after a gap of eight months.

I thought this was a new start to his career, but I didn't expect that he would soon usher in the end of his hosting career.

On November 1, 2015, after Zhao Pu hosted the Evening News,

Use "Zhao Pu in Beijing, wish you peace" as a closing phrase.

Many viewers did not notice that he replaced the commonly used "good night" with "peace".

Because after this time, Zhao Pu submitted a resignation report to CCTV, and in this way, Zhao Pu left his post from CCTV.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

For Zhao Pu's departure, many viewers are very curious about the reasons,

Years later, Zhao Pu revealed in an interview that he had been harassed.

Zhao Pu said that once in the process of recording a ten-minute press release, it was recorded five times.

After the fifth time, Zhao Pu said that he must give an inappropriate reason, otherwise he could not adjust.

At this time, the female leader asked him if he really couldn't adjust, so you should go.

Zhao Pu listened, so he was very happy and went home,

But he himself did not know that the other party was "going", and he was thinking of a completely different thing.

Zhao Pu said, "Someone wants my place, I have to make room for him."

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

"It's a conspiracy"

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

As for the specifics, Zhao Pu did not elaborate.

Confidence swells into "public knowledge"

After leaving CCTV, Zhao Pu, in addition to engaging in work related to the protection of traditional crafts,

He also founded a company called Pre Capital, where he served as CEO himself.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Zhao Pu once revealed that the e-commerce platform he established has extremely high revenue, with annual sales of 50 million.

Although it is not well understood where the reason for Zhao Pu's show off comes from, it is undeniable that

His self-confidence began to swell from then on, and he began to make many "inappropriate remarks" with crooked necks publicly.

A little bit of Zhao Pu's Weibo, in addition to talking about society, current politics, gender, culture, education,

There are also many confusing remarks such as praising the sweetness of the American air, and it is obvious that he is yin and yang.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Moreover, when Zhao Pu discussed with some netizens, there were also many controversial moves.

For example, buttoning hats to netizens, or taking things from the old era to satirize netizens.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

To put it simply, Zhao Pu, like most of the "public knowledge" on the Internet, repeatedly made "awakening" remarks.

Especially the hot events, especially the mainstream orientation, he is most happy to "sing the opposite" in them.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods
From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods
From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Hindered by certain factors, Zhao Pu's more remarks are inconvenient to display,

We also don't know why his temperament has changed dramatically, but what is certain is that at least in the hearts of many netizens,

He has gone farther and farther away from the image of the host who "choked" to the point of being admired.

The popularity of live streaming is sluggish

Today, Zhao Pu is still engaged in art and business-related work.

Not long ago, Zhao Pu opened a live broadcast on a social platform, and the live broadcast content was to take care of the chat with goods.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

Zhao Pu, now 50 years old, looks as well maintained as always,

Fresh and neat short hair, skin condition, etc. can not be faulted,

Compared with the previous host image, he even lost a lot of weight.

However, Zhao Pu's popularity is not high, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is basically maintained at about 300 people in real time.

At its peak, it was only more than 400.

From the famous mouth to the "public knowledge", how zhao Pu, who has been unemployed for many years, has recently become, and now no one cares about the live broadcast of goods

As one of the most popular and concerned CCTV anchors in the past,

Now Zhao Pu, the popularity has indeed had a big gap.

We don't know if it was his remarks that affected his popularity.

But now this kind of "no one cares" situation, at least it should not be what Zhao Pu is happy to see.

And this is actually in a sense, proof of Zhao Pu:

"Prejudice is greater than ability, but resentment is wider than vision."

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