
Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

author:Xiao Yuan History
Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk
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Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

The night in Shenyang is like ink, shrouded in an ordinary high-rise building. On the balcony, a figure swayed in the darkness, as if it was about to fall into the abyss at any moment. She is Wang Leilei, a once radiant model, but now she has been pushed to the edge of the cliff by fate.

The pain of blindness, the burden of her family, as if an invisible shackle bound her tightly. Just as she was about to give up hope, a childish call pierced the night: "Mom! The voice was like a bolt of lightning, instantly lighting up the light in her heart.

Wang Leilei trembled and took a step back, tears blurring her only remaining vision. This moment not only saved a life, but also started a legendary journey - the rebirth of China's first blind model.

In 1980, Wang Leilei was born in an ordinary family in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Since childhood, she has attracted the attention of those around her with her outstanding looks and elegant temperament.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

However, fate quietly planted a time bomb when she was 10 years old.

The doctor's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: retinitis pigmentosa. This rare genetic disorder means that her vision will gradually deteriorate until she is completely blind.

This brutal truth plunged the family into deep grief.

But the young Wang Leilei was not struck down by fate. By the time she was in junior high school, she had reached an astonishing height of 1. 72 meters, more than most of the boys in the class. The encouragement of her classmates inspired her to yearn for a career in modeling.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

Despite her blurred eyesight, she chose to pursue a modeling major in the art secondary school, determined to shine before darkness fell.

At the age of 16, Wang Leilei bravely participated in the "Chinese Model Star" competition, with 1. With an astonishing height of 79 meters and elegant temperament, he won the title of "National Top Ten Models" in one fell swoop.

This honor seems to open the door to her dreams. Two years later, she became one of the only two models in Liaoning to be selected for China's first Ningbo Fashion Festival, competing with international supermodel Ma Yanli.

However, as her condition worsened, every catwalk was a difficult challenge for Wang Leilei. In the dimly lit backstage, she needs to carefully grope her way forward; On the bright stage, the blinding lights made it almost impossible for her to discern her direction.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

Behind every graceful turn, every confident look, is the price of countless falls and collisions.

Despite this, Wang Leilei still shines in the modeling industry for 8 years with amazing perseverance. She has won many titles such as the 5th Chinese Model Star "Miss Phoenix" and Miss China's Bodybuilding, proving her value with her strength.

However, at the age of 24, the sharp deterioration of her eyesight forced Wang Leilei to make a difficult decision: to quit the modeling industry. Once brilliant, she can only grope her way forward in the dark.

The blow plunged her into deep self-doubt and despair.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

Just when Wang Leilei thought that her life would be bleak, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her. This turning point not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also made her an inspirational role model for countless others.

At the darkest moment of Wang Leilei's life, a warm light quietly shone into her world. The name of this light is Ai Shuyi, an ordinary but extraordinary man.

Their encounter seems to be the arrangement of fate, Ai Shuyi's thoughtfulness and kindness are like a good medicine, slowly healing Wang Leilei's wounded heart.

Ai Shuyi is not only able to cook for Wang Leilei considerately, but also warms her every day with endless patience and care. In frequent contact, the two lonely hearts gradually get closer, and finally bloom into the flowers of love.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing.

When Ai Shuyi decided to spend the rest of her life with Wang Leilei, she was strongly opposed by her parents. Parents who are deaf and mute are well aware of the hardships of caring for people with disabilities, and they fear that their son will not be able to bear this heavy responsibility.

However, the power of love transcends all obstacles. Ai Shuyi firmly chose to walk hand in hand with Wang Leilei, and proved the power of true love with practical actions.

After marriage, Wang Leilei had the desire to become a mother. Despite being warned by doctors that her pregnancy could lead to permanent blindness, she chose to pursue her dream bravely.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on her. Shortly after giving birth, she was completely blind in her left eye and her vision in her right eye was drastically reduced.

Facing her two young sons, Wang Leilei's heart was full of conflicting emotions. She couldn't see the children's lovely faces, and she couldn't even complete simple tasks such as taking their temperature and feeding them medicine.

Every time she accidentally hit a wall, every time she needs her husband's support, she feels that she has become a burden to the family.

Once, Wang Leilei was alone at home taking care of a sick child. When she struggled to read the numbers on the thermometer, she found that she couldn't even do something as simple as that.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

At that moment, she felt helpless and hopeless like never before.

Just when Wang Leilei fell into deep self-blame and despair, Ai Shuyi stood by her side consistently. Not only does he take on most of the household chores, but he also gives his wife encouragement and support at all times.

Ai Shuyi often said to Wang Leilei: "It doesn't matter if you can't see with your eyes, I am your eyes." We face it together, and there is nothing that we can't overcome.

It was her husband's love and support that gave Wang Leilei the courage to move forward. She gradually realizes that although she has lost her sight, she has not lost the ability to be loved and to give love.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

This deep love has become a source of strength to support her out of the darkness.

With Ai Shuyi's encouragement, Wang Leilei began to re-examine her life. She realizes that she should not be defined by darkness, but should be brave enough to pursue new possibilities.

And just like that, an amazing decision slowly took shape in her mind - she wanted to return to the modeling stage and inspire more people with her story.

From the night when she almost gave up her life, Wang Leilei's life seemed to have pressed the reset button. With the encouragement and support of her husband Ai Shuyi, she made up her mind to return to the modeling stage.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

This decision requires not only great courage, but also unimaginable effort.

Blindness has brought unprecedented challenges to Wang Leilei. Every movement, every expression, needs to be practiced repeatedly to achieve perfection. She must rely on touch and memory to perceive space and use hearing to determine direction.

Ai Shuyi became her most loyal partner, not only as her personal trainer, but also as her eyes on stage.

In order to fully support his wife's dream, Ai Shuyi resolutely quit her job. On every catwalk, he would stand on the side of the stage and show his wife the way with a slight voice.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

The couple weaved an invisible safety net with love and trust, allowing Wang Leilei to remain graceful and calm in the dark.

Through unremitting efforts, Wang Leilei finally re-entered the modeling stage and became the first blind model in China. Her story has touched countless people and won her more opportunities.

In 2018, 38-year-old Wang Leilei won the 22nd "Mrs. Universe" crown with amazing perseverance and talent. This award is not only an affirmation of her external beauty, but also a tribute to her inner strength.

But Wang Leilei is not satisfied with this. With her husband's encouragement, she bravely pursued another dream - to become an actress. Although this goal is almost impossible for a blind person to achieve, Wang Leilei sees it as a new challenge.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

She applied for the Beijing Film Academy and read Helen Keller's "If You Give Me Three Days of Light" affectionately at the interview scene. The judges were impressed by her courage and talent, and she was eventually admitted to the school's choreography department, becoming the first blind student in the school's history.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Leilei accepted a new challenge and participated in Dragon TV's variety show "Mamma Mia". In the show, she impressed the audience and judges with her story and talent, and finally won the national championship in one fell swoop.

Her performance not only showcased her talent, but also conveyed the spirit of never giving up.

Wang Leilei's story has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Eventually, she was also awarded the prestigious honor of "Goodwill Ambassador" by UN Women, becoming an inspirational role model for others.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

From a desperate person who almost gave up on life to an inspirational idol who stands on the world stage and shines, Wang Leilei uses her own experience to interpret the resilience and possibility of life.

Success did not stop Wang Leilei. Instead, she began to think about how she could use her experience to help others. She knows that every step of her success is inseparable from the care and support of the society.

This gratitude drove her to set her sights on a special group of children with Down syndrome and autism.

Wang Leilei deeply understands the plight faced by these special children and their families. Determined to help them with her expertise, she founded a school dedicated to training these children to become models.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

She believes that through model training, she can not only help these children enhance their self-confidence, but also let the society see their unique charm.

Under the careful guidance of Wang Leilei, these special children gradually showed their smiles and found their own stage. The progress of every child makes Wang Leilei feel extremely gratified.

She saw the renewed hope in the eyes of these children, and the relieved smiles on the faces of the parents.

In the process, Wang Leilei found herself feeling unprecedented satisfaction. She deeply understands that helping others not only makes others happy, but also makes her own life more abundant.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

She often tells these children, "Each of us is unique and has our own light. As long as we are brave enough to show ourselves, we will definitely be seen and appreciated by the world.

Wang Leilei's story and actions have inspired not only these special children, but also countless people facing difficulties. She used her own experience to prove that everyone, no matter what difficulties they face, have the potential to shine their own light.

From a person in need to someone who helps others, Wang Leilei has completed a profound self-transcendence and interpreted the deeper meaning of life.

Looking back on her 44 years of life, Wang Leilei's story is like an inspirational legend. From being a glamorous model to despair in the darkness to getting back on her feet as an inspirational role model for others, her story illustrates a simple yet profound truth: the meaning of life is not what happens to us, but how we respond.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

Wang Leilei often said: "I have experienced wind and rain, so I am willing to hold up a clear sky for others." This sentence is not only her life creed, but also her interpretation of life.

She proved that even in the darkest moments, we can find hope and create miracles.

"Since I can't see the world, let the world see me!" This is Wang Leilei's declaration of life. Her story teaches us that the real obstacle does not come from the outside, but from within.

As long as we have the courage to face it and never give up, we will be able to live a wonderful life of our own.

Wang Leilei, China's first blind model, gave birth to two sons after marriage, and her husband helped her complete the catwalk

Wang Leilei's experience teaches us that the value of life is not what we have, but what we can contribute to the world. She has interpreted the resilience and possibility of life with her actions, and has become a beacon in the hearts of countless people, illuminating their way forward.

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