
Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4

author:Science is a small world


More and more people are dying of prostate cancer, so much so that the World Health Organization has to list him in the third place, is prostate cancer so terrible?

Is it really that scary?

And the more developed the region, the higher the proportion of this cancer.

Why is the mortality rate from prostate cancer increasing?

So about this question, patients must have been paying attention to and seeking answers, after all, they also want to try to comfort and reduce the pressure of their lives.

Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4

Is prostate cancer mortality on the rise?

Is it really on the rise?

Isn't prostate cancer chronic?

At that time, when medical technology was not so advanced, if you were between the ages of 40 and 50, you probably only had a 5-year survival rate, which of course led to the third highest number of cancers in the field of cancer.

And now we have entered the 21st century, medical technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, so doctors carry out more precise surgery, including acute cancer or chronic cancer five years ago, such as lung cancer, stomach cancer, which can be seen by the naked eye, etc., five years ago, this cancer is an acute cancer, five years later, if the patient is actively treated, it becomes chronic cancer, such as prostate cancer, many patients have been in for more than 20 years and may not have mortality.

In chronic cancer, the mortality rate is very low.

So from this, it can be concluded that medical technology is becoming more and more advanced, and acute cancer is developing into chronic cancer, so let's take a look at why the mortality rate of prostate cancer is getting lower and lower.

Why is the mortality rate from prostate cancer increasing?

Prostate cancer is no longer an acute cancer, and the medical technology is more precise, and the mortality rate of prostate cancer should be lower and lower, but since 2016, the mortality rate has begun to rise.

Until now, not only has the prevalence been on the rise, but the mortality rate has also been on the rise.

So everyone must be asking why?

The incidence of prostate cancer in mainland China remains high, especially in developed areas such as Beijing and Shanghai.

In fact, it is especially common because of the diet and living habits of the mainland, most of which are in a hurry, etc., which are the reasons for the majority of prostate cancer, of course, the factor of heredity cannot be ruled out.

When you learn about prostate cancer, you will know how dangerous this cancer is to people, but from teenagers to old people, this cancer lurks in every man's body.

The reason for this is that the excess testosterone in the male body will be converted into androgens, and then the cells in other parts will accelerate the growth of this male hormone.

As a result, the cells and cell growth in the human body become very abnormal, which is also the main factor that causes cancer in men.

People often say that people who sit all the time, especially those who sit in front of computers and mobile phones and work all the time, have a relatively higher probability of developing this cancer.

Others, such as salted fish, chili peppers, and the impact of too much alcohol, are all causes of illness.

Especially for those elderly people who live a long life, how many people are brought up single-handedly during this year, so these elderly people are not very concerned about many other things in their lives, and they don't pay much attention to their own bodies, which can lead to cancer.

Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4

Of course, there are also some elderly people who suffer from many chronic diseases, and the immunity of these elderly people is much worse than others, so people must pay attention to their physical health in life.

The elderly should take the initiative to carry out surgery with prevention to remove these suspected diseased tissues, such as these cancers, if they are not treated in time, the treatment cost is not only expensive, but also the key is that it will endanger people's lives.

These are all factors that contribute to the increasing mortality rate of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4

So how do we go about solving this problem?

Tell everyone to do 3 and 4 don't.

Why does prostate cancer persist once it is present?

That is because the cells of prostate cancer are heterogeneous, even when the doctor operates, it is difficult to distinguish and locate the cancer cells in the diseased tissue, so it is difficult to remove, naturally, the surgical resection is not clean, then the cancer cells will definitely spread in the human body, in this way, even if the doctor assists the patient in chemotherapy, it is difficult to completely remove the cancer cells, and even in the last time, and after chemotherapy, it is inhibitive immunity to the human body, and there is another point, even if the number of chemotherapy increases, Eventually, it will also fail.

So after learning this, many people will run away and don't want to go for surgery and chemotherapy, in fact, this is also a misunderstanding, so next, I will introduce you to prostate cancer, that is, to warn everyone to do 3 and 4 not to do.

Many cancer patients will learn about the surgery of this cancer they are suffering from, and the chemotherapy process of these cancers is not the same as the chemotherapy in each patient, the cancer cells in the human body are also different, and the genes of the cancer cells are also different.

Only through this treatment can doctors better understand the patient's condition, how many stages there are, and only by understanding these can the cancer cells be better removed.

Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4

Therefore, remind everyone that we must actively treat, remember not to think that your cancer cells are similar to other people's treatment, which will delay the best treatment period, and the harm to the human body will be greater, and there is another point, that is, the cancer cells are not detected as early as possible, but to find as many as possible, for example, wait until our cancer cells accumulate to 5 or 6, so that the human body may be able to completely remove the diseased cells through surgical resection, so that the patient can also undergo chemotherapy after surgery. In this way, even if there are many genes in cancer cells, they can be eliminated by chemotherapy.

The harm of cancer to people lies not only in its diseased cells, but also in the structure of genetic mutations, and in the fact that diseased cells will choose whether to affect or inhibit the development of the disease with a certain random probability.

Only in this process can the doctor understand how many kinds of diseased cells in your body there are, and only by understanding these can the best medical treatment be carried out for the patient.

There is also a patient who will be ineffective after one month of chemotherapy, but he does not know that chemotherapy will check people's immunity and will have a certain inhibitory effect on the body's immunity.

The reason why it has such an impact on the human body is that doctors will check the patient's immunity every month, which is also more conducive to the patient's postoperative recovery and treatment.

Find the best period of treatment, because the doctor needs to determine whether the patient's next treatment is to continue chemotherapy or opportunity enhancement according to the patient's immunity.

Only through the examination of immunity, the doctor can more accurately understand the current stage of the patient, rather than blind treatment, only by understanding the patient's own immunity, the doctor can determine how much risk the patient needs to undergo some adjuvant treatment.

Patients should keep a smile and maintain a good attitude during chemotherapy, only in this state, can they better help their immunity to improve, only in the improvement of immunity, in order to better defeat cancer, as for when to carry out chemotherapy, it is not just to go to chemotherapy, the doctor will formulate a chemotherapy plan according to the specific situation of the patient, in fact, these people's behavior is also irresponsible, and they are also irresponsible for their own body and life.

Many patients begin to resist during the chemotherapy process, but they don't know that in this process, doctors can understand the cancer cells more clearly, which is very beneficial to the patient, so no matter how painful the patient is in this process, it is still necessary to persevere.

Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4

So how do we solve this problem?

Prostate cancer deaths are on the rise! Doctor: Tell all patients to do 3 and don't do 4


On the one hand, doctors must explain the cancer cells to the patient in detail, and then the patients must take more time to understand the cancer cells, so as to better help themselves get out of a safe path.

We hope that everyone will understand the process of prostate cancer surgery and chemotherapy, the importance of our condition, and our immune test.

I also hope that after learning about this, you will not delay for your body, so how should we solve these problems?

The first is to conduct an immune test, and then chemotherapy, which is not a one-time process.

So we need to work hard to change our attitudes, to change some of our thinking, to change whether it is a problem on our patient's side.

Therefore, the only time we patients do better and more actively, the better the effect of our treatment will be.

Therefore, I also hope that our doctors can spend more effort and endure more hardships, and inform patients in more understandable language how to clear our cancer cells and better help us, instead of blind treatment, only in this way, our patients' mentality can be more optimistic.