
Cat Palace Manor Cat Vision

author:Cat Palace Estate

Cat eyes and human eyes have some similarities, but there are many differences, such as: cat eyes are inherently helpful for them to hunt in low-light environments (night vision), cat eyes can better capture moving objects, cats see different colors than we see.

1. Is the cat color blind?

The cat's eyes cannot see all the colors on the entire spectrum, only some of the colors. Essentially, it's a bit like color blindness. But experts disagree on what colors cats can see, and cats aren't saturated. Some experts believe that cats may only see shades of blue and green, unable to distinguish between red and green, as is the symptom of colorblind people.

2, cats have excellent night vision ability

Cats have excellent night vision, that is, cats can see clearly in low-light environments and at night, which is essential for the survival of cats. The human pupil is round, while the cat's pupil is oval, and the oval pupil will be larger, opener or close faster than the round pupil. The cat's outstanding night vision ability comes from the velvet layer, which is located behind the retina of the cat's eye. The velvet layer reflects light and increases the available light of the photoreceptor cells on the retina, thereby improving the cat's vision in low-light conditions, coupled with the enlarged pupil, which makes the cat's excellent night vision ability.

3. Motion, depth and peripheral vision

Cats' eyes detect even the slightest movement, which helps them hunt. They also have the ability to move their eyes extremely quickly, which allows them to see and track prey. Cats have binocular vision, so cats can see three-dimensional space, which gives them the ability to perceive depth and determine the distance of objects. However, cats' 3D vision is not as fine as that of humans. Cats protrude from the eyes with greater peripheral vision than humans. The field of view of cats is about 185 degrees, and people are about 120 degrees.

4. Cat myopia

Cats are nearsighted, which means they can see more clearly up close than at a distance. A cat can only see two hundred meters away, and it will be blurry when it is farther away. Interestingly, cats also can't see what's under their noses, which is why they sometimes have a hard time finding food that's placed directly in front of them.

5) See how cats see the world

Artist Nickolay Lam consulted several veterinary ophthalmologists to create visual images to compare how the visual interface of a cat differs from a human being.s is his work. The picture above is the vision of the person, and the picture below is the vision of the cat.

Cat Palace Manor Cat Vision