
On July 22, 3 events occurred in Asia, the Philippine political "earthquake", Japan said no to the United States

author:Sister America

On July 23, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games will begin, but at this critical juncture, Japan has successively spread the bad news that "multinational athletes have been confirmed, the emperor does not intend to give an opening speech, and Suga Yoshihide has been forced to the palace by the cabinet".

On the question of "whether to insist on hosting the Olympic Games," the Japanese government and the Tokyo Olympic Committee have wavered.

The Tokyo Olympic Committee said that if the epidemic in the Olympic Village continues to spread, Japan does not rule out the possibility of canceling the Olympic Games at the "last minute", but Japan will do its best to host the Olympic Games.

Also facing the challenge is not only Suga Yoshihide, Modi, Duterte and Morrison, all of whom have encountered difficult problems.

Let's start with the Philippines.

On July 22, 3 events occurred in Asia, the Philippine political "earthquake", Japan said no to the United States

In 2022, Duterte's term will end, and unlike Aquino III, Duterte has always ruled with an iron fist, offending many Philippine elites, celebrities and pro-Americans during his tenure, so Duterte, who has been threatened with assassination many times, is likely to be liquidated after stepping down.

There is also the fact that in the Philippines after Duterte, the foreign strategy is likely to take a 180-degree turn, and how to prevent the Philippines from choosing sides has become a challenge that Duterte has to face.

For example, some time ago, Pacquiao, a Filipino lawmaker who was considered to have a good chance of winning the presidency, was fired by Duterte for "fighting against the president".

You know, for a long time, Pacquiao was Duterte's confidant, most of the time only the president's orders, but in the Philippine political arena "earthquake" at the moment, Pacquiao chose to work with pro-American forces to pressure the president.

On July 22, 3 events occurred in Asia, the Philippine political "earthquake", Japan said no to the United States

Pacquiao believes that Duterte's China strategy is too weak, the Philippines must be tough, but in the end it is Duterte's sentence "Pacquiao knows too little."

In a fit of rage, Duterte removed Pacquiao from his post.

In the face of Duterte's public condemnation of Pacquiao, there are still many "Duterte should apologize" calls in the Philippines. Pro-American forces believe that Pacquiao's words are not wrong, and Duterte's foreign strategy is indeed too weak, which is not in the interest of the Philippines.

In fact, these ill-intentioned forces are busy condemning Duterte and then submitting their names to the United States. The major forces are well aware that the Duterte era will soon become a thing of the past, even if Duterte runs for vice president, after 2022, it will not be Duterte who has the final say.

At the moment, whoever can get the support of the United States is more likely to win, which is the root cause of Duterte's attack.

Don't forget, U.S. Defense Secretary Austin will soon arrive in the Philippines.

On July 22, 3 events occurred in Asia, the Philippine political "earthquake", Japan said no to the United States

The second thing is that India and british aircraft carriers hold joint military exercises. The British are really unhappy during this time, while announcing that they will garrison troops in Japan forever, even if they don't forget to call India brothers and brothers, and then they have to collude with Australia, and it is really a bit of a "command of the world, back to 100 years ago" feeling.

The question is whether Britain's current strength can really support London's ambitions?

The answer is obvious, and that is absolutely impossible.

On the surface, Britain and India are holding huge military exercises, with a total strength of more than 4,000 troops, aircraft carriers, warplanes, destroyers, submarines and other weapons, but in fact, Britain's flaunting its military might cannot cause any uproar at all.

Don't forget, the British aircraft carrier has already had the tragedy of collective infection, and when the military exercises with the United Kingdom are held, the Indian army is actually walking on thin ice, even in the British aircraft carrier formation, other warships are keeping a distance from the aircraft carrier.

On July 22, 3 events occurred in Asia, the Philippine political "earthquake", Japan said no to the United States

This can't help but make people sigh: in order to show off their strength, the United Kingdom at sunset is really fighting, and I don't know that the world is watching British jokes.

If you really have the ability, why would you be bullied by the Russian army without temper?

Really thought it was 100 years ago?

Wake up, Great Britain.

The third thing, Japan said no to the United States. Under Biden's leadership, in September, the United States, Japan, India and Australia will hold a "group of four" leaders' meeting, when Biden, Modi and Morrison will rush to the United States.

On July 22, 3 events occurred in Asia, the Philippine political "earthquake", Japan said no to the United States

However, as the prime minister of Japan, Yoshihide Suga was undecided at this time. Japanese media revealed that Suga is likely to be unable to visit the United States, as to what the reason is, the Japanese cabinet did not disclose.

Due to the intention to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, the repeated nuclear leaks in Fukushima, and the continuous spread of the epidemic in Japan, Suga's support rate has dropped sharply, and Japan's Liberal Democratic Party has even had the idea of "changing prime ministers".

In September, the LDP's "president election" will be held as scheduled, with the former determining whether Suga can continue to run the LDP and the latter determining whether the LDP can succeed as prime minister.

At this juncture, how could Suga Yoshihide abolish martial arts in order to cater to the United States?

Of course, judging from the series of moves by the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia, and India, the situation in Asia will inevitably change in the future.

Let's see how the United States moves.

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