
On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

author:Diagram of military aircraft

The latest developments in the situation in Afghanistan since the U.S. withdrawal appear to have been released by the Taliban, who released an important message on July 22 after claiming control of 85 percent of Afghan territory.

On July 22, Taliban spokesman Zabiula Mujahid said 90 percent of Afghanistan's border was controlled by the Taliban. These include Afghanistan's borders with Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran. The Taliban suddenly sent this message, releasing 3 signals.

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

(1) The Taliban is particularly strong in the remote areas controlled by the Afghan government forces, and after taking control of more border areas, the Taliban's prestige in Afghanistan will inevitably be enhanced, which will cause great pressure on the Afghan government forces in public opinion, especially the Afghan authorities are currently negotiating with the Taliban in Doha.

(2) The Taliban's release of its control over more border areas is also a signal to neighboring countries that the current border control is in the hands of the Taliban. Then it means that the right to speak on border issues is also in the hands of the Taliban, and neighboring countries must strengthen dialogue with the Taliban, who will be of great help in taking over Afghanistan in the future, because if they want to stabilize the peaceful border environment, the neighboring countries have to recognize the legitimacy of the Taliban.

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

(3), the Taliban is also responding to the recent us dynamics, recently the UNITED States strategic bombers flew over Kabul to support the Afghan authorities, the Taliban is to send this signal, no doubt to tell the United States, withdraw all the withdrawal, do not care more, the Taliban to seize more disk is an inevitable trend.

In addition to Afghanistan, relations between Russia and Ukraine have undergone some subtle changes recently.

The laying of the Nord Stream-2 subsea gas pipeline project between Russia and Germany was completed in June this year, and the overall progress of the project is relatively smooth, and it is expected to be officially ventilated later this year. Seeing that the "Nord Stream-2" natural gas pipeline was about to be ventilated, Ukraine could not sit still at all, and quickly pulled Germany and the United States to a meeting to make a final attempt before the "Nord Stream-2" ventilation.

On July 21, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that Ukraine was consulting with the European Union and Germany on issues related to the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project, and Ukraine's current appeal was to delay the timing of the gas supply of Nord Stream-2 until the Eu, Germany and Ukraine worked together to find a mutually acceptable solution.

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

At the same time, Ukraine also issued a statement with Poland to boycott the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project, saying that the start of operation of the Nord Stream-2 project will pose a serious threat to Ukraine and Central Europe, including but not limited to the energy sector, and the two countries requested Germany and the United States to make a comprehensive assessment of the Nord Stream-2 project before carefully deciding whether to start the project.

Earlier, Germany and the United States reached an agreement on the Nord Stream-2 project, the main contents of which are as follows:

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

1. The two countries agreed to extend the agreement on the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine for 10 years, and after 2024, the gas imported from Europe from Russia will continue to transit through Ukraine.

2. Germany and the United States will create a total $1 billion energy fund for Ukraine to help Ukraine complete its energy transition and improve its energy efficiency and energy security. Germany has pledged at least $175 million in start-up funding for the project, while the United States has provided ukraine with technical support to help it move away from its energy dependence on Russia.

3) Germany promised that if Russia used its energy supply as a weapon against Ukraine, or if Russia launched an aggressive action against Ukraine, Germany would take measures against Russia and even launch sanctions against Russia at a pan-European level as appropriate.

Germany and the United States for Ukraine to come up with this energy transition plan, although there is some "placebo" feeling, but for Ukraine this is already the best result that can be obtained, Germany can not because Of Ukraine gave up the "Nord Stream-2" gas pipeline that has been laid, the United States will not fall out with Russia for Ukraine, after all, Biden has said that it will not stop the "Nord Stream-2" project, Ukraine gets compensation from Germany and the United States If it is still in trouble, it is a kick in the nose.

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

Ukraine is looking for pressure from the European Union and Germany, while at the same time looking to the United States to sell misery for comfort. On July 21, Andrei Yermak, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, and Derek Skoli, adviser to the U.S. State Department, discussed the progress of the Nord Stream-2 project and the security situation in Donbass. In a statement after the meeting, Derek Skerley said that the United States has noted the potential impact of the Nord Stream-2 project on the energy security of Ukraine and the European region after the start of operation, and the United States will continue to maintain close communication with Ukraine on issues related to Ukraine's energy security.

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

On the same day, US White House spokesman Psaki said that the US position on the "Nord Stream-2" issue has not changed, and the United States does not rule out the possibility of continuing to impose sanctions on entities related to the "Nord Stream-2" project in the future, and eliminate the geopolitical benefits obtained by Russia through the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline as much as possible.

Clear-eyed people can see that the United States seems to have said a bunch of things, but in fact it is equivalent to not saying anything, it is all empty words. Biden has long established the basic position of the United States on the "Nord Stream-2" project, that is, the United States will not waive sanctions on the entities related to the "Nord Stream-2" project, but it will not hinder the construction and operation of the "Nord Stream-2" project. If the United States really wants to stop the Nord Stream-2 project, the Nord Stream-2 pipeline laying project will not be completed. As for the entities and individuals sanctioned by the United States, compared to the entire project, they are insignificant, and those who are interested can go through the list of UNITED States sanctions and work on a few engineering vessels involved in pipeline laying.

Ukraine is still chasing Russia after the completion of the Nord Stream-2 project, and Russia is not a master of swallowing. On July 22, Putin's attitude towards the fight back against Ukraine also changed, from a deterrent at the level of force and words to a "soft" counterattack. The Office of the Attorney-General of Russia announced that Russia had filed a lawsuit against Ukraine with the European Court of Human Rights, which mainly included illegal imprisonment by ukraine's powerful departments, ill-treatment of prisoners, suppression of public opinion, persecution of media workers, discrimination against Russian-speaking groups, restrictions on Russian media editorial activities, shelling Russian enterprises in Ukraine, and cutting off water supply on the Crimean Peninsula. The Russian Foreign Ministry requested the European Court of Human Rights to thoroughly investigate Ukraine and render a judgment on the basis of the relevant evidence submitted by Russia.

On July 22, the Taliban said it had controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan's borders, countering Putin's attitude toward Ukraine changed

Russia's move is really cruel, Europe has been flaunting human rights issues, then Russia will talk about Human Rights in Ukraine, a bunch of evidence to the European Court of Human Rights, no matter what the result, the review process is going through, and this will undoubtedly affect the process of Ukraine's accession to the European Union. At that time, in case the European Court of Human Rights really finds out something, then Russia can laugh haha, and this is not a good opportunity for the EU, anyway, the EU does not want to accept Ukraine, and then Ukraine will urge the EU, the black material will directly swing out, Ukraine will cry.

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