100% Spirit Energy is an anime that aired in 2016 and starred Shigeo Oyama (Ryutao) (voiced by Tetsuo Ito), Shintaka Reiko (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai), and Ryo Inariyama (voiced by Free Irino), and is a daily warm and funny anime about superpowers.
In other anime, having superpowers means being a hero who can go to heaven and earth, has a mission, and is admired by thousands of people for guarding and fighting.
But our male protagonist Dragon Suit, although he has superpowers, is a child who has never been in the world.
Gentle and kind, inferior and cowardly, he will only look at the girl he likes from a distance.
He is not sociable, does not look at the color, has no sense of existence in the crowd, and is often bullied by bad teenagers.
The superpowers brought him only a meager salary from a part-time job and the embarrassment of breaking a spoon while eating.
The master, the master of the male protagonist's dragon set, another main protagonist of this work, boasts that he is a "master of spiritual ability", but in fact he is a charlatan, using the male protagonist's superpower to make money for himself and squeeze the male protagonist's salary.
But it is such an unscrupulous boss, but he is the person who can understand the male protagonist the most, he teaches the male protagonist how to look at his own ability, learn to accept himself, help the male protagonist overcome every difficulty in life, and even tell the male protagonist to "strive to become an excellent person".
Repeatedly at the time when the male protagonist is in a thousand and one shots, when the male protagonist is hesitant, he guides the male protagonist and encourages the male protagonist. In addition, how can this contrast between the master's people not be loved?
Shadow Mountain Law, the younger brother of the male protagonist Dragon Set, ranked first in academic performance and has quite outstanding ability. But because he is afraid of the superpower of the male protagonist's dragon set, he makes him desire strength and pursue power and hurt others.
In the end, when the male protagonist Dragon Tao gave up his life to save him, Shadow Mountain Law began to reflect on his own behavior and released his former suspicions with his brother Dragon Tao. In the end, Shadow Mountain Law began to understand his brother Dragon Set, began to understand superpowers, and his relationship with His Brother Dragon Set also got a heating up.
In addition, there are the arrogant evil spirits who dream of becoming the New World Carmi Sama, the bad teenage boss who listens carefully to the lectures in class, does not smoke or drink, and the pacifist warm male group of five who are bursting with muscles.
This series of settings is the special feature of this hero anime story, which is a different team of heroes, and the stories about "self-salvation" and "saving others" that happen between them are sometimes warm, sometimes funny, and sometimes bloody.
The most prominent place in the animation is its funny ghost animal painting style, distorted strange shots, exaggerated expression, all of which make people impressed by this anime, and it is no wonder that some people say that "the screenshot is a meme, and it is a ghost animal video"
"Spirit Energy 100%" This anime is definitely an anime that cannot be missed, it is very worth watching, and if you don't watch it, you will suffer losses!
Finally, the little handsome guys and little beauties like it, click a concern, don't want money drops (๐•̆ ·̭ •̆๐)!