
"The Biography of Zhen Huan": Zhen Huan arranged a comfortable life for Hongyao, and the historical Hongyao ended tragically


Zhen Huan in "The Biography of Zhen Huan" from a pure girl to the last empress, she lost her beloved man in exchange for supreme power, but when she ascended to the throne of the empress dowager, she knew what a real lonely person was, in order to let her son live a happy and comfortable life, she chose to let her adopted son Hongli succeed to the throne, and in order to completely eliminate Hongli's suspicion of Hongyao. In the 3rd year of Qianlong, he offered to pass on Hongyao to the king of Guojun.

"The Biography of Zhen Huan": Zhen Huan arranged a comfortable life for Hongyao, and the historical Hongyao ended tragically

The historical Hongyao was originally the son of the Yongzheng Emperor when he was 57 years old and Concubine Qian, and the old Son Yongzheng Emperor loved this son very much, Hongyao was born in 1733, because he lived in the Yuanmingyuan when he was a child, and also called him "the brother of the Yuanmingyuan". In 1738, the king of Guojun died, because the king of Guojun was childless and the title could not be inherited. Prince Zhuang asked hongyao to be passed on to king guojun as his adopted son, and the Qianlong emperor let the 7-year-old hongyao directly inherit the title of king of guojun.

After Hongyao succeeded to the Queen of Guojun, the Qianlong Emperor was very fond of this little brother, and he specially asked the famous teacher Shen Deqian to educate him, and under the education of the famous teacher, Hongzhan learned a lot, "The poetry returned to the right tone, not for the ordinary." Hongyao is good at collecting books, and his study is comparable to the Mingshan Hall in the Yiwang Mansion. The history books record that "Hongyao Shan poetry, Yahao collection of books, and Yifu Mingshan Hall". As Hongyao grew older, Qianlong entrusted him with a heavy responsibility:

"The Biography of Zhen Huan": Zhen Huan arranged a comfortable life for Hongyao, and the historical Hongyao ended tragically

"In the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750), Hongyao had just turned 18 years old, and Qianlong asked him to manage the Wuying Hall, the Eight Banners Guard Barracks of the Yuanmingyuan, the Imperial Library, and the Pharmacy. After another two years, in the nineteenth year of Qianlong (1752), he was put in charge of the affairs of the construction office."

First, let him go through the experience, and second, the fat water does not flow to the outsider's field, is Bi Zhanghongyao his own brother? As the saying goes, "Fight father and son soldiers, fight tiger brothers". However, the young Hongyao was in a high position, and it was inevitable that there was some noise in his heart, which laid the foundation for him in the future. Hongyao liked to amass wealth, his family's gold and silver jewelry filled the whole house, and he also used Qianlong's favor for him, not only setting up a coal kiln privately but also forcibly occupying civilian property, and did not think about the royal reputation at all.

Even Qianlong sometimes asked him to go to Shengjing to deliver jade, but he had to go hunting first, and then go to send jade, although the Qianlong Emperor was dissatisfied with him, after all, he had not made a mistake in principle, so he had to let him come. The pampered and arrogant Hongyao not only did not restrain his own form, but also did not take his emperor brother seriously.

"The Biography of Zhen Huan": Zhen Huan arranged a comfortable life for Hongyao, and the historical Hongyao ended tragically

The Yuanmingyuan of Kyushu Qingyan was on fire, and Qianlong was trapped in it, while Hongyao was the closest, but he came the latest, and had no concern with the hippie smiling faces of the princes. What was even more excessive was that he actually owed money to merchants in spite of his status as the emperor's royal brother, and privately interfered in the government affairs as a doorman, so that the Qianlong Emperor could not bear him, and decided to punish this favored and proud brother so that he could restrain his form. What was even more excessive was that Hongyao asked for peace at the empress dowager's place, and actually sat in the position where the emperor sat, without any courtesy of the monarch.

In the end, Qianlong punished Hongyao for his "kneeling and sitting without form", and on September 4, 1763, "a fine of 10,000 taels of silver, and the ninth day of the ninth day of the Ninth Dynasty, Guang chu Si played to destroy the prince's golden treasure", and was demoted from the king of the county to Baylor. Qianlong's original intention was to beat up this young brother who did not understand the facts, and as for money, he could reward it to Hongyao at any time. Who knew that Hongyao could not withstand the blow, and after Hongyao was stripped of his title, he closed the door, and Hongyao, who had never suffered such a blow, fell ill at once.

When the Qianlong Emperor heard that Hongyao had fallen ill, he personally went to visit him and let him recuperate well; when Hongyao was critically ill, Qianlong went to visit his brother who was critically ill, and took his brother's hand and said: Because you are young and crazy, I punish you a little and let you change, who knows that you are sick like this. In order to make Hongyao better, Qianlong issued an edict to restore Hongyao's title of county prince. Unfortunately, hongyao's life could not be saved, and on March 8, 1765, the 30th year of Qianlong (1765), Hongyao died at the age of 33.

"The Biography of Zhen Huan": Zhen Huan arranged a comfortable life for Hongyao, and the historical Hongyao ended tragically

Zhen Huan arranged a comfortable life for Hongyao, because of Hongzhan's arbitrary behavior, could not withstand the blow, and finally died with regrets. When Qianlong heard the news of Hongyao's death, he greatly regretted his punishment of Hongyao, and in order to express his grief, he personally wrote a tribute text for Hongyao, which revealed his pity for his brother.

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