
Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

author:Douban movie

Hello everyone!

Last week, Xiaobian has taken everyone to appreciate the style of Hong Kong film translation, it seems that they are still immersed in the fear of being dominated by "Smithf vs. Smith's Wife"...

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

But in terms of the degree of magic of the name, it is very interesting to say that we are facing the bay of the sea.

Regarding the gap between the translated names of films on both sides of the strait, it has caused many scolding battles between mainland netizens and Bay netizens on the Internet.

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

One of the most intense was the translation of Transformers.

Bay Bay did not make too many demons on the title of "Transformers", but focused on the translation of the characters.

The Autobots → Otebas

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Optimus Prime → invincible iron bull

Inspector → Hound

Jack → Aji

The transmission → band

Flying targets → flutter

The Decepticons → the Dixicans

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Wei Zhentian → King Meto

The red spider → the stars

Thunder → Thunder Gong

Recoil → god legs

Drag bucket → small

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Invincible Iron Bull" and "Meto King" from which aspect, both really poke the laughter, so it has also been criticized as too "earthy".

In fact, if you carefully consider the naming routine of the Taiwanese translation, you really can't stop for a while.

Today, let xiaobian take you to feel the magic of the title of the Taiwanese translation

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles
Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Eight-o'clock series

Taiwan's eight-o'clock series of TV series has long been famous and popular with everyone.

I don't know if it is because this kind of film and television can have a better rating guarantee, and all the films involving love, they like to translate into very grounded, catchy eight-point translations.

"The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" → "True Love Accompanies Me"

Instant Brain Supplement 500 Episodes of Love Abuse Drama...

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Carol" → "Because I Love You"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"One Day" → "True Love Picks The Day"

It really can be named...

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"American Beauty" → "American Heart Rose"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

The Sound of Music → Truth, Goodness and Beauty

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

In short, it is right to trick the audience who like to watch dog blood ethics dramas into the cinema first.

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles
Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

A face of question mark series

If there are still traces of the naming law of the eight-o'clock file type, then the next few are really a bit confusing.

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Pulp Fiction → Black Pursuit Order

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Old No one to rely on" → "Dangerous Road"

I thought I had strayed into the scene of some horror movie...

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Hacksaw Ridge → Iron Heroes

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles
Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Fifty Shades of Grey → Fifty Shades of Gray

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles
Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Saving Private Ryan" → "Saving Private Ryan"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

So shouldn't The Martian be called Martian Rescue, but thankfully it isn't, and The Martian is translated as The Jedi Rescue.

The next group of translated names almost vividly reflects the arbitrariness of the translated names of Bay Bay.

In the 1970s, there was a famous comedy crime movie "The Sting", which was translated as "Deception in Deception" in the mainland and was translated as "Stimulation" in Taiwan, which seemed to have a little bit of reasonableness.

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

But after that, things became more "exciting".

"The Shawshank Redemption," because it also shows the story of high-IQ revenge, was translated as "Stimulation 1995".

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Return to Eden, also because the plot has a small number of similarities, was translated as "Stimulation 1998".

No matter how you look at it, this "thrill" trilogy looks like a series of movies, but can you imagine that they are actually unrelated.

Of course, it's not the first time Bay likes to classify unrelated movies as a series, the most famous of which is the "Gods and Ghosts" series.

Pirates of the Caribbean → Ghost in the Shell

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"The Mummy" → "Legend of the Gods"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Wilderness Hunter" → "Ghost Hunter"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Cat and Mouse Game → Clash of Gods and Ghosts

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

The Punisher → Divine Sanction

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Bad Luck" → "The Great Mage of Gods"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

In short, whether or not you are really telling the story of gods and ghosts, adding gods and ghosts is the end of the matter.

(Devil's Heart OS: Then I'll have a name too.) )

Terminator → Terminator

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Since then, "devil" seems to have become synonymous with tough guy actors like Schwarzenegger in Taiwan.

Almost all the movies they starred in were given the title of "devil".

Cannonball Expert → Devil Expert

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

"Kindergarten SWAT" → "Devil's Child King"

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Evaporation Order → Demon Destroyer

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

Of course, because there are differences in the cultural habits of the two sides of the strait, the different styles presented in the translated names are completely excusable, and there is no question of who is "native" and who is "foreign."

Movies are originally a form of entertainment, and there is really no need to trigger a war of insults between the two sides of the strait in order to translate the name.

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

That said, some of the translated names really poked at my laugh.

Have you ever seen any Taiwanese movie god translation, welcome to join the comment area together hahahahaha bar ~

Those laughing crazy my stage translation titles

*This article is written by Yoko