
The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

author:Burned fire

On November 25, 1126, the Song army was defeated in the second defensive battle of Beijing, and the Jin army invaded the outer city of Kaifeng. However, the resistance of the soldiers and civilians in Fenjing was high, and they did not want to be slaves to the country, and they competed to receive weapons and throw themselves into the war of resistance, and 300,000 people flocked to prepare for a street battle with the Jin army. When the Jin army saw the situation, it did not dare to rush to attack the inner city, so while pretending to attack and intimidate, it pretended to propose peace. Frightened, Emperor Qinzong of Song accepted the Jin people's request and not only prevented the various Qinwang soldiers and horses from marching towards Beijing, but also suppressed the people who organized to resist.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

The Jin people asked Emperor Huizong of Song to personally go to the camp of the Jin Army to negotiate peace, but Emperor Huizong did not dare to go, and in desperation, Song Qinzong personally came to the camp of the Golden Army on December 2 to beg for peace, and he knelt down in humiliation and offered a surrender table. The Jin people demanded 10 million gold ingots, 20 million silver ingots, 10 million horses, and the Song Dynasty offered 600 girls.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

Song Qinzong originally thought that after the Jin people plundered a huge amount of wealth, they would take the Jin women to retreat, but they did not expect that this group of tigers and wolves was not satisfied at all, they coerced Song Qinzong to go to the Jin camp again, and as a result, this time he was imprisoned, and the Jin people took Song Qinzong as a hostage to extort more property and women from the Song Dynasty, and finally claimed that Song Huizong must personally come to the Jin camp, otherwise they would not let Song Qinzong go. Emperor Huizong of Song had to go, and as a result, he was also detained. The Jin army with the second emperor in hand occupied Fenjing for four months, during which time not only plundered on a large scale, but also imprisoned more than 3,000 princesses and princesses of the imperial family, more than 3,000 female dependents of ministers, and more than 3,000 civil maidens in The Qingcheng and Liujia Temple of the Zhai Palace, and used them as military prostitutes for the Jin army to enjoy sexual pleasure. It was not until the fourth month of the lunar calendar in 1127 that the Jin army withdrew its troops to the north, taking away all the property and male and female prisoners, including Hui and the Second Emperor of Qin, which became the shame of Jing Kang, and the Northern Song Dynasty perished.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

So how did Song Huizong, who was originally hiding in the deep palace, enter the Camp of the Jin Army, and what did he encounter and do during the long escort journey, and did he reflect on the fate of the destruction of the country and his family? Cao Xun, a Wuyi physician who was escorted to the Jin Dynasty with Emperor Huizong of Song, wrote a memoir after his return to the south, "Records of the Northern Hunting", which detailed what happened during this process.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

On the morning of the seventh day of the first month of February in the second year of Jing Kang,Li Shi, Zhou Xun, Wu Kai, Mo Li, and several other ministers came to see Emperor Huizong and said that the Jin people must ask him to go to the South Gate to offer his surrender table before he could let Emperor Qinzong return. Li Shi also sent a message for Emperor Qinzong: "If you get the will, your father and mother-in-law will come, and you can't delay it, for fear of crashing." It could be seen that Qinzong was desperately hoping that his father would save him.

After Emperor Huizong listened, he groaned for half a moment before he said, "If there is any change in the situation outside, you must tell me truthfully, I gave you a high-ranking official Houlu, you should not harm me for a small profit, if there is a change, I can make preparations early, otherwise I will die in vain!" This passage from Emperor Huizong showed that he was very panicked in his heart and had a great distrust of his ministers, who knew that these people could betray their father for their own selfish interests.

Li Shi swore, "We dare not lie to you in death!" Emperor Huizong said, "The imperial court did not allow me to go to the south, and also blocked the news from me, only to get to this point, you must not deceive me again!" Li Shi once again said that he would never dare to deceive the king.

There is a reason why Emperor Huizong of Song said this. During the first defensive battle of Beijing, Emperor Huizong put the crown on The Head of Emperor Qinzong and fled to Yangzhou himself, where Emperor Qinzong ascended the throne in tears. When the Jin army besieged Beijing for the second time, Song Qinzong was afraid that his father would run away again and affect morale, so he deliberately blocked the news, and by the time Huizong learned that the Jin army had approached the city, it was too late to run. So he was worried that his son and his ministers would join forces to pit him and throw him as an outcast to the Jin people to save themselves.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

But at this time, Jin Jun was threatening to go outside, and his son was asking for help, and he could no longer avoid it, and could only go out. Before leaving, he put on his Taoist costume and asked Empress Xiansu to accompany him.

Song Huizong still had a bit of luck at this time, since the Jin people only needed him to meet at the gate of the imperial city, maybe they could let him come back by handing over the lowering watch. However, the minister Jiang Yaochen said: "Although the Jin people say that you only need to be in the door, I am afraid that there is deception, and it is best not to go." Emperor Huizong said, "After all this is the case, why can't I go, and if I can change back to the emperor to keep the Temple, how can I resign?" Only after I abdicated the throne and did not ask about political affairs, did I get this done, is this retribution? It can be seen that Emperor Huizong of Song believed that Emperor Qinzong's improper administration had caused the dangerous situation under the city, and he was very resentful.

Emperor Huizong took the commonly used sabre, let Ding Fu beside him wear it, and then rode out of Yanfu Palace with Empress Xiansu and went out from Chenhui Gate.

When he came to the South Kaoru Gate, the gate opened, and suddenly a group of people rushed out, surrounding his shoulders, and rushing out. Emperor Huizong did not know well, and called Ding Fu to take the saber, I don't know if he was going to resist with the knife or commit suicide, but Ding Fu's knife had already been surrendered by the Jin people.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

Emperor Huizong was escorted by the Jin people to the Southern Suburbs of the Jin Army Commander Yan Zongwang's residence, and all but Jiang Yaochen, Xu Zhongzhong, and Ding Fu were allowed to follow him. Jin Jun then sent someone to question Emperor Huizong as to why he had betrayed the alliance and asked for letters between him and Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue was a general of the Liao State, first to Jin, and then to the Song, and the Song Dynasty accepted his surrender, which was accused by Jin of betraying the alliance, thus becoming an excuse for the Jin army to destroy the Song. The Jin demanded written exchanges between Zhang Jue and Emperor Huizong in order to obtain evidence of the Song Dynasty's betrayal of the alliance.

At the beginning, Song Jin made an alliance on the sea, and agreed that Jin was responsible for capturing DadingFu in Liaozhong and Song for capturing Yanjingjingjing. After the destruction of the Liao, the Song transferred the original coin to the Liao to Jin, and Jin returned the Yan Ji and the area south of the Great Wall that Shi Jingyao had ceded to the Song, and the two sides were bounded by the Great Wall. However, Tong Guan's 200,000-strong army could not defeat the remnants of the Liao state, and both attacks on Yanjing were unsuccessful, and as a result, except for the Liao general Guo Yaoshi who surrendered to the Song and brought Zhuo and Yi Erzhou to the Song, all the rest were captured by Jin. The Song Dynasty had to add one million taels a year to the 400,000 taels given to Jin as a ransom to return to these places. In April of the fifth year of Xuanhe, the Jin army returned Yanjing and the prefectures of Tan, Shun, Jing, Ji, and other states to the Song, while the Jin army swept away the jin treasures and population in the city when it withdrew, and the Song Dynasty only got a few empty cities.

The Song-Jin covenant stipulated that the two sides could not send spies to each other, and could not contain each other's criminals and defectors. However, less than a month after the covenant was concluded, Zhang Jue, the former deputy envoy of the Liaoxing Army, who had already surrendered jin, sentenced Jin to surrender to the Song, intercepted the officials and people of the Jin people who had moved from Yanjing to the Jin state, killed the Jin state's escort official Zuo Qigong and others, and dedicated the Pingzhou he was stationed in to the Song Dynasty.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

Zhao Liangsi, who had made a pact with Jin on behalf of the Song Dynasty, strongly opposed the admission of Zhang Jue and Pingzhou, because this violated the Song-Jin agreement and would surely anger the Jin people, and the consequences would be dangerous. However, Emperor Huizong did not listen, and he degraded Zhao Liangsi's officials, rewarded Zhang Jue, and resettled the former Yan officials and people who Zhang Jue had stopped back in Yanjing, and exempted them from taxes for three years.

The Jin people were really angry, and they raised troops to attack Zhang Jue, and Zhang Jue fled to Guo Yaoshi's army, and the Jin state demanded Zhang Jue's first rank from the Song Dynasty, otherwise it would send a large army to cut down Yan. The Song Dynasty panicked and quickly killed Zhang Jue and gave his head to Jin along with his two sons. The Song Dynasty's move made Guo Yaoshi and other generals feel cold, they saw through the Song Dynasty's cowardly and vicious nature, and the rebellion against the Song Dynasty was already doomed. And this incident also made the Jin people, who were already coveting the wealth and prosperity of the Central Plains, understand the weak nature of the Song Dynasty, so they used the Song Dynasty's betrayal of the alliance as an excuse to invade the Song dynasty on a large scale and attack Beijing.

In the face of Jin Ren's fierce questioning, Huizong also made up his mind, and he replied strongly: "When I first accepted Zhang Jue, I didn't know that the covenant stipulations were not allowed, and then you wanted people, I sent his head to the first rank, what is the text between me and him, I don't know why you accuse me of betraying the alliance, now that the city is broken and the country is destroyed, life and death follow you, don't mention this matter again!" ”

Jin Ren originally wanted to give him a ma Wei and scare him, but he did not expect that Huizong put on a posture of hob meat, and jin ren could not take him, and after that, they no longer looked for him, but only threatened Qin Zong.

During the more than twenty days of being imprisoned in the camp of the Jin army, Emperor Huizong wrote a note to Yan Zonghan, the Xiangguo of Jin: "It is an alliance on the sea, and it is said that happiness can be good for all eternity." Try to recruit Zhang Jue, follow Mengsuo, that is, order the sacrifice. It is not a sin to be committed, but the soldiers are coming, but they are meant to be provocative. So-and-so abdicated, avoided sin and went south. After returning to the dao palace, the soul is nurtured, and it has not tried to do anything with the government. And the traitors waited for the gap, separated the father and son, although the soldiers came south, they did not report each other. To annoy the heavens, Su Jia approached the city, and when the city was broken, he knew that it was caused by the failure of the three passes. Gai Zizi cannot flatter the covenant of the great powers, and he also loses the discipline of the righteous party. At this point, who will be to blame? There is still blood sincerity, praying back to Hong, a certain willing to take the place of the heir, far away from the Court, but ordered the male so-and-so, begging a small county of Guangnan, in order to worship the ancestors, all his days and years. A certain is willing to axe and axe, listen to the orders of a big country, sincerely force and cut, and wait for Orders from Taiwan. ”

The gist of this passage was: he did not expect that taking Zhang Jue captive would offend the Jin State, and later he immediately killed Zhang Jue and offered it to the Jin State, and he also abdicated and apologized, and he did not know that it was Song Qinzong's improper handling that led to such a dangerous situation, and now he was willing to replace Song Qinzong as a prisoner, only to ask the Jin State to leave a small piece of land for the Song Dynasty in the land of two guangguang and retain the Zhao Sect Temple. This Zazi is written as a slave and a, and has not left the slightest face for himself and the Song Dynasty.

On the seventh day of the first month of March, when Emperor Huizong heard that Zhang Bangchang had usurped the throne, he was furious, and some of his subordinates defended Zhang Bangchang: "Yi Yin ding returned to the shang sheji, and Huo Guang will eventually become a neighbor of Han Chen." This means that Zhang Bangchang will eventually be like Yi Yin of the Shang Dynasty and Huo Guang of the Han Dynasty, but Emperor Huizong scolded: "When he returns to shang and Xinghan, then I will already be in the north of the Dragon Waste." If you don't have the opportunity, there are so! "Dealing with the fierce Jin and Zhang Bangchang, who was forced by the Jin people to become a hypocrite, Huizong had completely two attitudes. It is okay for foreign enemies to occupy it, but it is not okay for subordinates to get involved, which is to prefer to foreign thieves than to domestic slaves.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

On March 30, the Jin army informed the next day that Huizong and Qinzong would be escorted to the Jin Kingdom separately, and the empress, kings, concubines, emperors, and horses would go on the road together. When Emperor Huizong and Emperor Yanzong looked forward to taking Hebei Road, And Emperor Qinzong and Emperor Yanzonghan took Hedong Road, when they bid farewell to the Temple, Emperor Huizong fell on the ground and cried uncontrollably.

On the first day of April, Emperor Huizong was first escorted to Liujia Temple, met With Emperor Yan zongwang, and then joined the concubines and emperors who were imprisoned there as military prostitutes, and Emperor Huizong sat on the ground with the kings and concubines, waiting to be escorted.

Emperor Huizong was very open-minded at this time, he said: "Since the ancient sages, there is no yao shun, but they all have to give way to virtuous people, and the fortunes of all generations have changed, which I can accept." Compared with all the concubines and children of the Liao Kingdom, who were all rationed to soldiers as slaves, we can still be together, which is not bad. Then he begged Emperor Yan zongwang to release Song Qinzong and let him go to the Golden Kingdom alone, but Yan Zongwang refused. Finally, he begged Yan Zongwang to save the lives of more than a thousand of them: "Prince Shang lai blessed, all live a thousand mouths." Emperor Huifu asked Emperor Huifu to make a concubine for Emperor Huizonghan's second son, and Emperor Huizong of course could only agree.

Cao Xun, the author of the "Records of the Northern Hunt", as a minister of the Song Dynasty, must take into account the face of Emperor Huizong, calling the captive captive to the Jin Kingdom "Northern Hunting", and the unbearable scene on the way to the escort is not described much, but his record still reveals the misery of Huizong's family. Huizong's favorite son, King Yan, was starved to death on the road and could only be buried with a manger, but both feet were exposed, and the Jin people dragged him out and burned him, and Huizong cried very sadly with his remains in his arms.

On the way to the "Northern Hunt", Huizong and his party sat in an ox cart pulled by five cows, totaling more than 860 vehicles. The road is very desolate and "there are no houses in the month of October". Camp in the wilderness at night, and when it rains, the mud is deep. The cattle were exhausted and could not be replenished, and many had to get off the bus and walk, and if they could not keep up with the team, they were killed. They were not allowed to rest near the river, and as a result, they did not even have water to cook. Later, whenever I went to a place, I first dug my own well before I could cook. Every day Emperor Huizong and the empress had a sheep and a bucket of millet. The kings and emperors had four men and a sheep, or six people and a sheep, and each gave two liters of millet.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

When passing through Huanzhou, Emperor Yanzong looked around and asked Emperor Huizong to accompany him. In the paddock, Emperor Huizong met Guo Yaoshi, who confessed to Emperor Huizong that he could not defeat the Jin army before surrendering. Emperor Yanzong said to Emperor Huizong, "If this person is not loyal to Emperor Tianzuo, he will certainly not be loyal to the Song Dynasty." Emperor Huizong said in a loud voice, "Yes, yes!" ”

After crossing the Yellow River, Emperor Huizong said to Cao Xun, "I am the only one around you who is young, and I want to send you to escape and send a letter to King Zhao of Kang, asking him to come and save us." That night, Emperor Huizong removed his collar and wrote, "But it is true, come to save his parents." A few words, and then sewn on Cao Xun's clothes. Zhao Shuo's wife Xing Bingyi took off a ring and gave it to Cao Xun, asking him to bring it to Zhao Shuo, using the "ring" to mean "return". Emperor Huizong cried and told Cao Xun that when he saw Zhao Shuo, he must let him: "There is no pain in forgetting my journey north." He also gave Cao Xun a handkerchief with a white veil to wipe his tears, and then instructed: "If you see the upper play, there is a plan to clear the Central Plains, and it is urgent to hold it, and there is no way to think about it." And keep the temple, wash the snow and accumulate anger. He also said: "Fearing that the virtue of the Wu Sect is not lost, when the disciples are pushing it, it is advisable to quickly respond to the heavens and the people and keep their own temple." If you don't cooperate, do you remember that Guangwu did not make a decision? The meaning of Huizong's words was to let Zhao Zhuo ascend the throne as soon as possible, and then preside over the restoration of the Central Plains and save him. He also came up with an idea, asking Cao Xun to tell Zhao Shuo that he would flood the Jin army with the Yellow River and "want to decide the river to flood the river with people and other things."

Emperor Huizong also summed up and analyzed in the face of cao Xun's defeat and demise of the Song Dynasty, but he did not reflect on his absurd extravagance and favor and adultery, but blamed Song Qinzong, believing that he violated the ancestral system and caused the disaster. He said that the ancestral system of the Song Dynasty was not to kill ministers, but "every time he read Jing Kangzhong, the punishment was even greater." He was referring to the fact that after Emperor Qinzong of Song ascended the throne, he killed Cai Jing, Tong Guan, and several other traitors who had harmed the country and the people. He also asked Cao Xun to bring a message to Zhao Shuo, "to know and to be vigilant" about this lesson. At this point, it is still so obsessive that the Northern Song Dynasty will not die.

In Yaoshan County, more than 100 Yandi people knelt in front of Huizong's car and said, "There are more than 100,000 yan people living in the emperor, and my generations of young and old are full of gratitude!" This refers to the fact that Emperor Huizong originally relocated the Yan people who had migrated north by the Jin people back to their original places and reduced taxes. Huizong was also very emotional when he saw the situation.

When he arrived at Zhending Province, Emperor Yanzong looked to play polo and asked Emperor Huizong to watch it with the empress, and also asked him to write a poem to praise him, and Emperor Huizong of Song said that he had not been interested in writing poetry since the destruction of the country, but he had to write a poem with a hard scalp:

Jinpao Horse Xiao Shed,

A little star galloping.

To win the top spot, you must be right,

No order is dialed into the evil door.

After Yan Zongwang asked people to translate, he then nodded his head in compliments to Emperor Huizong.

After Huizong and Qinzong fell into the hands of the Jin people, they were not only mistreated, but also parodied. On the outskirts of Yanjing, the Jin people formed a circle with a wooden fence, and the second emperor and his concubines, emperors, kings, and horses were all locked up inside. The guards deliberately and quietly discussed that the Song army was about to fight, and many wounded soldiers were carried over and rested under the fence, and these people said that the Song Dynasty's Qian Xiang was approaching from the southwest with a fair rate of 400,000 to 500,000 horses, and all the young and middle-aged people of the Jin Kingdom had to go to battle to meet the enemy. Emperor Huizong was thrilled to hear this, and felt that they would be rescued immediately, and Concubine Qiao Guifei also made a red robe for Emperor Huizong and prepared to run out to meet them when the Song army called. This kind of news will come once in a few days. When the escort team continued to march north, there was constant news that the Song army was behind, and the Second Emperor was full of hope, hoping every day, but he never saw the shadow of the Song army, and later learned that this was the Jin people deliberately tricking them for fun.

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

On the day of Zhenghe Ding, Emperor Huizong dreamed of hundreds of people sitting in Xuan and His Highness. After waking up, he was in a very bad mood and asked everyone around him not to wear fanren's clothes. It turned out that during the Xuanhe period, Guo Yaoshi and others in the Liao state surrendered to the Song Dynasty, and Emperor Huizong gave a feast at the Xuanhe Hall and prayed for their blessings. Emperor Huizong's dream should have been this scene, he was still angry about the rebellion of Guo Yaoshi and other Liao generals, but he did not want to think about why people had surrendered and rebelled. When the Song Dynasty first offered Zhang Jue's head to the Jin Kingdom, Guo Yaoshi was shocked and angry, and he questioned Wang Anzhong, the envoy of Yanshan Xuanfusi: "If the Jin people want Zhang Jue's head, you will kill him, if the Jin people want my head, will you also kill me?" "Zhang Jue brought a lot of land and people to the Song Dynasty, and made great contributions, but Emperor Huizong was so cold and unrighteous to him, what face did he have to blame Guo Yaoshi for betrayal?"

The Records of the Northern Hunt reveals that Emperor Huizong of Song was both cowardly and vicious, greedy and stupid, and dishonest

One day in the seventh year of Xuanhe, the weather was gloomy and solemn. In the evening, Emperor Huizong prayed for a clear day. After a while, the dark clouds dispersed, the clouds rolled on themselves, the heavens and the earth were clear, and the stars were brilliant. Emperor Huizong was surprised and said to the left and right, "There has never been such a miracle in the suburbs." Suikou Zhan's words: "The rain and dew are not stained, and the dense clouds are straight up; the fragrance is on the side, and the moon is in the middle of the sunset." It can be seen that Huizong has a good mood and hope for the future.

The "Records of the Northern Hunting" ends abruptly here, and it should be that Cao Xun fled from this day. Cao Xun tried his best to safeguard the dignity of Emperor Huizong in the text, and when referring to the dialogue between the Jin people and Huizong, he always used words such as "his request is quite respectful" and "Yu Weiwei", as if Emperor Huizong still held the ninth and fifth dignity, and the Jin people could only reply with a humble and obedient attitude in front of him. However, the events recorded in the "Records of the Northern Hunt" let the reader know the miserable situation of Emperor Huizong at a glance. However, it can also be found from this that Huizong is a person with a very big heart, from the Emperor Taishang who is pampered and superior, he has become a prisoner of the order, eating and sleeping in the wind, eating and sleeping, and it is difficult to take care of food and clothing, although he dares to be miserable in his heart, he can endure humiliation and steal life, and deal with it calmly. He did not die of depression, nor did he seek liberation by death, but he had a strong desire to survive, hoping that Zhao Zhuo could raise troops in the Northern Expedition and save him to go back, this belief supported him to live in the Golden Kingdom for another nine years, this is really not something that ordinary people can do, perhaps he has been cultivating for many years, and has reached the realm of not confusing Dongxuan?

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