
Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

author:Micro history spring and autumn

In the second year of Jing Kang (1127), jin destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty. The Jin army captured more than 3,000 noble relatives of Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song and a large number of financial classics.

Since then, Song Huizong, Song Qinzong and others have been imprisoned in the Jin Kingdom and cannot return to China after their deaths.

In the eleventh year of Shaoxing (1141), Song Jin reached the "Shaoxing Peace Agreement", Song declared himself a vassal to Jin, and the war between the two sides came to an end.

Shortly after the Shaoxing peace talks, Emperor Gaozong of Song's mother Wei Shi and the deceased coffin of Emperor Huizong of Song, as well as the song envoys who had been detained by Jin for a long time, were all sent back to the dynasty.

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song

But this does not include Song Qinzong, who is still alive.

In the twenty-sixth year of Shaoxing (1156), Song Qinzong died, and it was not until the thirty-first year of Shaoxing (1161) that Emperor Gaozong of Song was informed of his death.

However, Emperor Gaozong of Song still did not welcome back the coffin of Emperor Qinzong, and even when the Jin people took the initiative to ask for the coffin of Emperor Qinzong to be returned, they were still rejected by Emperor Gaozong of Song, who became emperor taishang.

Why didn't Emperor Gaozong of Song welcome back Emperor Qinzong, even if it was his coffin?

At the time of the Shaoxing Peace Conference, Song Qinzong was still alive, so why didn't the Southern Song Dynasty welcome back Qinzong at this time?

An important reason was that neither Emperor Gaozong of Song nor the chancellor Qin Ju was willing to see Emperor Qin return.

After the Shaoxing peace talks, Song Qinzong was happy and looked forward to returning to Song Land.

In the main history, there is no record of The situation of Song Qinzong at this time, but the notes of the literati have left us with relevant information.

The Southern Song Dynasty's elaborate Qi Dongye (Qi Dongye) records: "First, Taimu (Emperor Gaozong's mother Wei Shi) returned from the north, and he had to be separated from the Heavenly Clan. Yuansheng (Qinzong) froze in front of the car and wept: "Fortunate words show me, it is enough to treat me in one county." ’”

Before Emperor Gaozong's mother, Empress Wei, said goodbye to the rest of the captured imperial family before returning to Song, and Song Qinzong cried and said to Empress Wei that he hoped that Empress Wei would go back and tell The Chancellor Qin Ju to welcome him back and give him a county life.

This well-written account is a quote from the story of Zhang Shao, the Song envoy who returned to the south after the peace talks, when Zhang Shao was next to him, "Smell it, and be indignant." ”

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Song Qinzong

There is a similar record in the "Testament of the Dynasty and the Wild" left by the anonymous clan of the Song Dynasty:

"When the peace is agreed, the Empress Dowager Xianren will return, and the Qin Temple will take its wheel and say: 'Stumble, the first and I will return, but it is enough for the lord of the Taiyi Palace, and there is no hope for the Ninth Brother.'" After that, he could not but swear: 'I will return first, and I will not greet you, but I will look at my eyes.' ’”

From these two historical sources, it can be seen that Song Qinzong wanted to return to the south, and he also knew that the obstacle to his return to the south was his younger brother Gaozong, and took the initiative to say that he had no idea about the throne, would not compete with Emperor Gaozong for the throne, and only hoped to get a "Taiyi Palace" or a place to end up old.

As an emperor, even if he was the king of the fallen country, Song Qinzong's insight into the problem was still clear, he saw Gaozong's thoughts, and the ministers at that time also saw Gaozong's thoughts, so there would be such a note.

But even so, Emperor Gaozong of Song did not let up on Qin Zongnan.

Since he sat on the throne, even if he took advantage of the big advantage and sat on it, how could he take the initiative to move his ass.

In addition to Emperor Gaozong, the powerful figure Qin Ju also opposed the return of Emperor Qinzong.

In the thirteenth year of Shaoxing (1143), Zhang Shao, who returned from the north and south, "left qin juniper book, saying that the gold had the intention of returning to the yuan saint and the kings of the clan,

Advise them to send envoys to welcome them. ”

The result? The result is "Hibiscus Fury".

In the same year, the Jin Dynasty sent envoys to the Song Dynasty to demand that Zhao Bin and thirty other family members go to Jin, and Hong Hao, who had just returned to the south, suggested to the imperial court that "Emperor Hou Yuansheng and the imperial family should be sent back." ”

The result is still "Qin Juniper's great anger".

Soon, Zhang Shao and Hong Hao, two heroes who had just returned to the south, were deposed by the imperial court.

Qin Ju's anger was, first, to cater to Emperor Gaozong's wishes, and second, to keep himself in power.

In his heart, Emperor Gaozong of Song was reluctant to welcome back Emperor Qinzong, but he could not show it clearly. He is at least going to do official articles when he is worried about public opinion.

In the twenty-first year of Shaoxing (1151), Emperor Gaozong of Song sent Wu Ling (伋伋) to pray for an envoy to the Jin Kingdom. Wu Ling's conversation when he saw the Golden Lord's face was very meaningful.

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Finish the face

Yan Liang first asked, "Where is the person who asked?" ”

"Bow to the first word, beg to repair the tomb."

Wu Ling replied, come and ask for the imperial tomb in Henan.

Yan Liang "ordered the translator to spread the rumor that he had his own grave watcher" and refused Wu Ling's request.

At this time, Wu Ling made a second request, "The second word, begging to welcome Emperor Jing Kang to return to China." ”

Yan Liang came to be interested, and with great interest, "Let the translator rumor, I don't know where to put it after returning?" ”

Yan Liang wanted to know how the Southern Song Dynasty settled down and returned to Song Qinzong.

"The third word of the emperor, this dynasty is called the word emperor."

Wu Ling said that when he returned, he would be called emperor.

Yan Liang smiled, "And the rumors are made that this is a Ru Chinese matter, so take care of yourself." ”

Wu Ling "only retreated, waiting for his resignation." ”

This conversation between Wu Ling and Yan Liang can see a lot of information. First, the first task of Wu Ling's mission to the Jin Dynasty was to "beg to repair the tomb", which was rejected by Yan Liang.

Next, Wu Ling had a second sentence, "Beg to invite Emperor Jing Kang to return to China", and it is obvious that Wu Ling's answer to Yan Liang's question of "even suspended" "the word "called emperor" does not represent the meaning of Song Gaozong, it is likely to be Wu Ling's own personal thoughts. Therefore, when Yan Liang said, "Ru China affairs, when you take care of yourself", Wu Ling woke up and returned to China under the pretext of "waiting for resignation"--waiting for the excuse of High Intention.

Moreover, judging from Wu Ling's visit, the Jin Dynasty did not refuse to send back Qinzong. It was just that Wu Ling's "resignation" was missing, and Song Gaozong did not mention this matter again, which shows that Song Gaozong did not let Wu Ling really ask to return to Qinzong.

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Distribution map of the imperial tombs of the Northern Song Dynasty

In the "History of Jin", it is also recorded that Wu Ling's envoy, "The Song envoy prayed to the mountain cemetery".

That is to say, the Southern Song Dynasty only mentioned the matter of praying for the repair of the mausoleum in the National Book, which is also in line with Wu Ling's "first words, begging to repair the mausoleum".

As for Wu Ling's second remark, it is not mentioned at all in the National Book, it is a secondary task of the Southern Song Dynasty, to express its meaning, and to go back to explain to public opinion. As for Wu Ling's third remark, it was completely unexpected by Wu Ling, who did not expect that Yan Liang would show signs of relaxation, and immediately lost his square inch and answered in a confused manner.

We can think of it this way that the mention of the witch envoys to welcome back Qinzong was just a performance, a farce.

After Wu Ling's mission this time, the Southern Song Dynasty did not take action to welcome back Qinzong, and it was estimated that he was frightened by Yan Liang's loose mouth.

It was not until the death of Emperor Qinzong of Song in the twenty-sixth year of Shaoxing (1156), and then another five years later, that Emperor Gaozong of Song learned of Emperor Qinzong's death in the thirty-first year of Shaoxing.

In the sixth year of Qiandao (1170), the Southern Song Dynasty sent Fan Cheng's ambassador Jin to return to the mausoleum, and Jin Shizong not only agreed, but also proposed to "return to the Qin Temple Zi Palace".

When Fan Chengda brought back the news, the performance of the Southern Song court was even more interesting.

At this time, Emperor Gaozong of Song had already ascended the throne of Emperor Xiaozong, but he still controlled the government.

After hearing the news that Jin Shizong had offered to return the coffin of Emperor Qinzong, Emperor Gaozong of Song immediately panicked and immediately sent Zhao Xiong as an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin, proposing to refuse to move back to the coffin of Emperor Qinzong, and at the same time not to move other mausoleums.

This time Kim Sejong was angry.

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Kim Sejong

Jin Shizong said to Zhao Xiong: "It has always been said that the song dynasty came to pray for the coffin of Emperor Huizong, which has been returned. Now that we are talking about peace, song guo has come to pray for the coffin of Emperor Qinzong, and the father and son will be buried together, so that they can be worshipped at that time. Last year, the envoy came, but he vainly asked Gongluo mountain mausoleum, and the kingdom of Shangguo stopped Xu Fengqian, and Xu Yi sent back the coffin of Emperor Qinzong. The Kingdom of God has ordered the move here, and Hou lai will report it.

The Jin Dynasty has already moved the coffin of Song Qinzong, just waiting for the Southern Song Dynasty to take it, and now the Southern Song Dynasty is saying that it can't take it, isn't this playing me, how can Jin Shizong not be angry?

Jin Shizong accused the Southern Song Dynasty: "Now because of the appointment of envoys, the appendix of the letter said, 'It is difficult to relocate for a long time, and it is difficult to ask for the coffin of Jingkang alone.' 'I have always promised to be moved, but now I think it is difficult to resign, but Yu Yi'an is here?' ”

Even Jin Shizong's behavior in the Southern Song Dynasty could not be seen, and he reprimanded "Yu Yi'an Zai".

If Song Qinzong were alive, it would be understandable that Song Gaozong would refuse to welcome back Qinzong out of selfishness.

So why is It that Emperor Qinzong is dead, and even the Jin Dynasty offered to return the coffin of Emperor Qinzong, Song Gaozong, still refused?

In fact, it is still selfishness, or the issue of the throne.

Whether it is the living Song Qinzong or the dead Song Qinzong, as long as he returns to the Southern Song Dynasty, let's not say whether the living Song Qinzong will regain the throne, let's say that how to treat Song Qinzong in etiquette is a headache for Song Gaozong.

Did Emperor Gaozong of Song inherit the throne from his brother Emperor Qinzong of Song or his father Emperor Huizong of Song?

It's about orthodoxy.

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Song Gaozong

The answer given by Emperor Gaozong of Song was that his throne was inherited from his father, Emperor Huizong.

This has already excluded his brother Chinzong.

When Emperor Qinzong died, Emperor Gaozong had already explained this problem before he returned to Qinzong, let alone more than ten years after his death.

If the coffin is buried in the imperial tomb, it is equivalent to recognizing the throne of Emperor Qinzong, and where does this place Emperor Gaozong?

Wasn't the orthodoxy of the throne that Emperor Gaozong had painstakingly established for decades futile?

Therefore, it is a truth not to welcome back the coffin of Qinzong and not to welcome back to the living Qinzong.

Poor Emperor Qinzong did not even have a burial place in the Song Dynasty as an emperor.

Let's go back to the "Testament of the Dynasty and the Wild" left by the unknown family.

Song Qinzong could not return to China while he was alive, and after his death, the Jin people took the initiative to return the coffin to Song Gaozong

Anon. "Testament of the Asano"

Emperor Gaozong's mother, Empress Wei, swore an oath to Song Qinzong's request: "I will return first, and I will not welcome it, but I will be blind." ”

As a result, Empress Wei became blind shortly after her return. It was clear that she had not fulfilled her vows.

After Empress Wei became blind, the doctor was helpless, and later a Taoist priest came to treat the empress.

"There are Daoist priests recruited, zhonggui guides into the palace, the golden needle is swept away, and the left wing is detached but restored."

Empress Wei was overjoyed, and hoped that the Daoist priest would also cure her right eye, and there would be a generous reward.

The Daoist priest smiled and said, "It is enough to look at it with one eye." Swear by one eye, but also. ”

The Daoist priest only cured one eye of Empress Wei and left one eye to "keep the oath"—let her remember the oath she had made to Song Qinzong.

Although the record of the "Testament of the Dynasty and the Wild" has the fatalistic color of karma, it also reflects the people's dissatisfaction with Song Gaozong's failure to welcome back Song Qinzong, and it is more clear why Song Gaozong did not welcome back.

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