
The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so pitiful that he died a tragic death during his reign, and he did not even deserve to be a hero

author:History is a hundred schools of thought

For the ministers in the court, it is a very high honor to be able to enjoy the temple after death, because the temple is the family temple dedicated to the emperor, and being able to enjoy the temple means being able to enjoy incense with the emperor, and for the emperor, giving the meritorious person the temple is a means of wooing the minister, and the emperor does not want to be too lonely out of selfishness, and it is best to have a minister to accompany him.

Meritorious servants deserve to enjoy the ritual system of the Taimiao Temple, which has existed since ancient times, dating back to the Shang Dynasty, and it is recorded in the Shang Shu Pan Geng that "He yu da enjoys the previous king, and Erzu enjoys it from him". The Zhou Li Xia Guan Si Xun also records that:"Whoever has meritorious service shall be inscribed on the king's Great Constant and sacrificed to the Great Emperor." "Although there is this ritual system, but the matter of enjoying the Taimiao temple is really too high an honor, the general meritorious people are not qualified, and there is no approval of the Son of Heaven, such as Jiang Ziya made an immortal contribution to the establishment of the Western Zhou, and in the end, he did not deserve the Taimiao Temple, and the courtiers who deserved the Taimiao temple will be buried with the ceremony of the king of the county after death." The honor of enjoying the Taimiao Temple was not enjoyed by any minister until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so pitiful that he died a tragic death during his reign, and he did not even deserve to be a hero

The real minister's enjoyment of the Taimiao Temple began during the Three Kingdoms period, and the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Book of Wei, volume III, "The Chronicle of the Ming Emperor", records: "(In the first year of the Qinglong Dynasty) in the summer of May, nongshen, the former general Xiahou Huan, the great Sima Caoren, and the cheqi general Cheng Yu were in the taizu temple court. ", with a precedent, then the subsequent emperors and ministers can be at ease with the implementation, starting from the State of Wei in the Three Kingdoms, until the Ming and Qing dynasties, there are many ministers who deserve to enjoy the Temple, but it does not mean that if they have great merits in the society, they will certainly be able to enjoy the Temple, but also depend on the emperor's mood and the thoughts of the living ministers, such as Yue Fei is not worthy of the Temple.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so pitiful that he died a tragic death during his reign, and he did not even deserve to be a hero

Song Dynasty Southern Song and Northern Song Dynasty, only one emperor did not deserve meritorious service, that is, Song Qinzong, in fact, Song Qinzong was also quite unlucky, when the Jin state strong army came to attack, forced to take the throne, deposed Tong Guan, Cai Jing and others, reused Li Gang, under the resolute request of Li Gang, repelled the first attack of the Jin army, after the Jin army left, Li Gang was deposed, so there was a very humiliating Jing Kang change in history, the second emperor Hui Qin was taken captive, first imprisoned in the Five Kingdoms City, and later brought to Yanjing, Song Qinzong died very tragically, According to historical records, Song Qinzong was invited by the Jin Emperor Yan Liang to play polo, Song Qinzong was not in good health, his riding skills were not good, and he could not play polo, and finally fell off his horse and was trampled by the horse and died. The news of Song Qinzong's death did not reach the Southern Song Dynasty until five years later, and Zhao Zhuo gave Song Qinzong a temple name and a nickname.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so pitiful that he died a tragic death during his reign, and he did not even deserve to be a hero

In addition to Song Qinzong, every emperor had a minister worthy of the Temple, such as Zhao Pu and Cao Bin, Song Taizong was Xue Juzheng, Pan Mei, Shi Xizai, and even Song Huizong, who was considered to be the Emperor of The Emperor, had a minister: Han Zhongyan, Han Qi's son, And Emperor Gaozong of Song had four: Lü Yihao, Zhao Ding, Han Shizhong, and Zhang Jun, who created the most suitable ministers of the Song Dynasty, which was also related to the form at that time, Yue Fei had great merit but did not deserve to enjoy the Temple. That was because Yue Fei was a criminal minister at that time, and he was not entitled to it.

Song Qinzong did not have ministers to enjoy the Taimiao Temple, the specific reason is also officially recorded, Qinzong reigned for only more than a year, the temple court can not find a good and respected heavy courtiers to enjoy, so Qinzong's temple is just a lonely family, unaccompanied. This is a special case of the Temple Court of the Song Dynasty Emperor. During the Southern Song Dynasty, after discussion, the courtiers made the decision not to be entitled to the Qinzong temple court. Discussions and decisions are discussed in Rites 11-6 of the Song Hui's Essential Compilation:

The official Shangshu Wang Yingchen said: None of the ministers of the Qinzong Emperor's plan to co-govern have been able to fulfill their duties, and if they should be storied, they should be counted, so they should be honored in the temple, and the next should not be persuaded to have merit. As Tai Chang said, at that time, the minister of death was not one, and after Jianyan, all of them were given away in the first order, and now they want to make the temple of Qinqin, and there is no allusion. If you create and do it, you should study the end of the matter, the difference is heavy and heavy, and there are trade-offs, especially not easily. Emperor Wenzong and Emperor Wuzong of the Former Tang Dynasty did not have any meritorious servants, and Taizu and Yingzong of this dynasty had neither a royal collection nor a cabinet. Gai worships the ancestors, must judge the facts, must be reasonable, not vain and elegant, in order to suppress people's feelings. There is no one to match, and there is no begging. "From there, it is stopped."

The gist is that there are many ministers who died for the country during the Song Qinzong period, but none of them are highly respected, if it is worthy of merit in order to deserve the meritorious service, there is no point, so finally decided not to reign Song Qinzong deserves meritorious service, although this discussion occurred in the Song Xiaozong period, but everyone should know that at this time, Song Gaozong was the Emperor Taishang, and the news of Song Qinzong's death reached Song Gaozong, it was the year before Song Gaozong planned to take the throne, Song Gaozong was also relieved, and finally no one could threaten my throne and not give Song Qinzong a meritorious service There is also the meaning of Song Gaozong, that is, Song Qinzong is not worthy, it is Song Qinzong who died in the Northern Song Dynasty, and I Song Gaozong rebuilt the Southern Song Dynasty, making his position more justified.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so pitiful that he died a tragic death during his reign, and he did not even deserve to be a hero

In this way, Song Qinzong became the most miserable emperor of the Song Dynasty, forced to be the emperor, only one year after being abducted, becoming a prisoner of the order, and finally trampled to death by a horse, and dying his own brother and not being given a minister, it was simply too tragic.

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