
Li Ji's poems are still amazing! Look at the interpretation of the famous artists! Gu Congjun sent Chen Zhangfu to listen to An Wanshan blowing the song Gu Yi sent Liu Yu to listen to Dong Da's bullet Hu Di Lang and sent a message room to Wei Wanzhijing


<h1>Gu congjun marched</h1>


Climb the mountain in the daytime to look at the beacon fire, and drink horses at dusk to cross the river.

Pedestrians fight in the wind and sand, and the princess pipa has many grievances.

There are no cities in the wild clouds, and the rain and snow are even in the desert.

Hu Yan mourned and flew at night, and Hu Er's tears fell in both directions.

Hearing that the jade gate is still covered, you should drive your life away.

Years and years of war bones buried outside, empty peach into the Han family.

"Marching from the army" is an ancient theme of Lefu. This poem writes about contemporary matters, because of the fear of violating taboos, so the title is added with the word "ancient". It satirizes the good deeds of contemporary emperors, the use of military force, and the behavior of treating people's lives as grass and mustard, and it is more tragic than strong.

Shikai first writes about the tense military life. During the day, he climbed the mountain to see if there were border guards in the four directions holding a beacon; at dusk, he went to the Jiaohe River to let the horses drink water (the Jiaohe River is in the west of present-day Turpan, Xinjiang, which refers to the river on the frontier). The three or four sentences of "Diao Dou" are copper cooking utensils made in ancient armies, with a capacity of one bucket. It is used to cook rice during the day and to beat instead of more at night. "Princess Pipa" refers to the pipa tune played by a Princess of the Han Dynasty when she married Wusun Guo, of course, this will not be a sound of joy, but only a tone of mourning. One or two sentences write "daytime" and "dusk", so what about the night? The third and fourth sentences continue to depict: the wind and sand are thick and dark, and only the sound of the night patrol in the barracks and the sound of the lute that is like weeping and complaining can be heard. How solemn and bleak the sight was! "Pedestrian" refers to the soldiers, so that it resonates with the princess of the next sentence.

The poet then deliberately renders the environment on the edge. Where the military camp is located, looking around the wilderness, there is no city to rely on, and the "ten thousand miles" is extremely vast; the rain and snow are so numerous that they are connected to the desert, and its cold and cold situation can also be imagined. The above six sentences write the hardships of military life. Next, it seems that the sense of grievance of the "pedestrians" should be pointed out positively. However, the poet has a unique mechanism, and on the back of Fu Fan, he wrote two sentences: "Hu Yan mourns and flies at night, and Hu Er's tears both fall." Hu Yan Hu'er are all natives, still weeping and weeping, not to mention the "pedestrians" who have come here? The two "Hu" characters are intentionally repeated, and "Night" and "Double Double" are deliberately stacked with overlapping characters, which have the artistic power of baking clouds and supporting the moon.

In the face of such a harsh environment, who does not want to demobilize the class? But it couldn't be done. The sentence "Smelling the jade door is still covered", the pen is folded, as if it is a blow to the head, interrupting the "pedestrians" thinking of returning. According to the "Chronicle of Dawan", in the first year of the first year of emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Han army attacked Dawan, and the attack was unfavorable, and requested a boycott. Emperor Wu of Han was furious and sent someone to cover the Jade Gate and ordered: "Those who dare to enter the army will be beheaded." "Here the emperor of the dynasty is determined to go his own way, and the soldiers are exhausted. Subsequently, the poet pressed another sentence, the strike can not be, "should be driven to the light car with their lives", only follow the general of the headquarters "light car general" to fight with the enemy, this sentence its weight overwhelmed the above eight sentences. The next sentence, keep up the good work. What was the result of the desperate battle? It is nothing more than "the bones of war are buried outside the wilderness". The poet uses the word "year after year" to point out the regularity of this situation. The whole poem is one step at a time, from peacetime life in the military, to wartime emergencies, and finally to death, for what? The pressure of these eleven sentences forced out the answer to the last sentence: "Empty see Pu Tao into the Han family." ”

"Peach" is now the grape. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty opened the Western Regions in order to seek The Heavenly Horse (that is, the present-day Arabian Horse), he launched a chaotic war. At that time, there were also seeds of "Pu Tao" and "Amaranth" that accompanied Tianma into China, and Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty planted them next to the Palace Annex. Here, the phrase "Empty Sight Pu Tao Enters the Han Family" uses this allusion to ridicule the emperor who is good at daxigong and sacrificed the lives of countless people, in exchange for what? There's only a mere peach. The implication is that it can be seen how the emperor has taken people's lives.

The whole poem is tight and deliberate, until the last sentence, which is the finishing touch, showing the great irony of this poem. The poem cleverly uses syllables to express the meaning. The first two words "day" at the beginning of the sentence are both in the sound, with the meaning of the opening drum board. The "Diao Dou" and "Pipa" in the third and fourth sentences use double sounds to enhance the beauty of syllables. The middle section turns into the sound rhyme, "double double fall" is the cooperation between The Jiangyang rhyme and the sound, just like the cloud gong and the drum board ensemble, one wide and one narrow, one put and one close, the syllable is the most beautiful. After the middle section enters the rhyme, the last section chooses the six rhymes with the largest mouth. In terms of five tones, the first paragraph is a feather tone, the middle part is a horn tone, and the last paragraph is a quotient tone, and the syllables are staggered, each extreme. The whole poem successively uses overlapping words such as "one after another", "night and night", "double double", "year year" and so on, which not only emphasizes the semantic meaning, but also superimposes the rhyme, and has a lot of color on the syllables.

(Shen Xiqian)

<h1>Send Chen Zhangfu</h1>

In April, the south wind is barley yellow, and the jujube flowers are not falling and the leaves are long.

Qingshan saw him at dusk, and hissed out to miss his hometown.

Chen Hou (1) stood tall and frank, and the bearded tiger eyebrows were still large (2).

Ten thousand volumes of books were stored in his belly, and he refused to bow his head in the grass.

Dongmen drinks wine from my Cao, and everything is as light as a feather.

Drunk lying do not know the day and night, there is time to look at the lonely clouds high.

The waves of the long river are even dark, and the boat crossing at the mouth of the river cannot be stopped.

Zheng Guo's tourists did not reach home, and Luoyang Xingzi sighed emptyly.

I have heard that I know a lot of people in the past, how was the dismissal yesterday and today?

Li Ji's farewell poems are known for being good at describing characters. This poem is a masterpiece.

Chen Zhangfu is a very talented and learned person, his original home is not in Henan, but he has been living in seclusion in Songshan for a long time. He had applied for the department and the first, but because he did not register his household registration, the officials were not hired. After he wrote a letter to argue, the officials could not refute it, and specially invited him to govern and made an exception to hire him. This matter was praised by the disciples of the world, and made him famous in the world. However, his career path was not accessible, so he had no intention of official affairs, and still often lived outside the monastery and was active in the Luoyang area. The poem was written around the time when Chen Zhangfu returned home after his dismissal, and Li Ji sent him to the ferry port to bid farewell with a poem. Many people in the past thought that Chen Zhangfu's return to his hometown in Jiangling was his hometown, but according to the poem, "old hometown" and "old forest" seem to refer to the Song Mountains in Henan. The poem calls Chen Zhangfu "Zheng Guoyouren" and "Luoyang Xingzi", which shows that both sides are both fallen people in tianya, and their feelings are very close.

The first four sentences of the poem are brisk and comfortable, full of nostalgia. In summer, the weather is clear, the fields are yellow, the roads are shady, riding out on horseback, all the way to the green mountains as a companion, and I miss the leisurely life of living in the mountains and forests of my old hometown in the past. There is a kind of open feeling here, showing the true color of a hermit, and does not mind the gains and losses of the career. Then the eight poems, depicted in vivid details and highly artistic generalizations, praise Chen Zhangfu's zhijie integrity, and see his frank, uninhibited, high and self-respecting ideological character. The first four sentences write about his character, appearance, talent, and discipline. It is said that he has the character of a gentleman and frankness, is dignified, full of economy, is not willing to fall into the grass, and stubbornly wants to go out of the mountains and enter the world. "Refusing to bow his head in the grass", apparently referring to his protest against the fact that he was not employed without a reason. The last four sentences write that his form is detached and his mind is clear, summarizing the situation in which he is honest and hidden, saying that he drinks freely with his colleagues, despises the world, drunkenly avoids officials, and pins his trust on lonely clouds, showing that he is not in harmony with the officialdom after entering the army, so he borrows wine to hide virtue and maintain a clean and high self. It goes without saying that such thoughts, characters, and behaviors doom him to leave the official arena sooner or later. These eight sentences are the most brilliant pen and ink in the whole poem, the poet first highlights Chen's uprightness, then writes his appearance to grasp the characteristics, and can express his personality; writing talent emphasizes zhijie, and can show his demeanor; writing behavior points out the attitude towards the world, and writes about encounters to focus on ideological tendencies. It not only withheld the farewell, but also showed the reason for the dismissal of officials to return to their hometowns. The second sentence of "long river" is endowed with more than xing, which not only remembers that the ferry port is suitable for wind and waves, suspends the ferry, but also alludes to the sinister road and no one to help. Therefore, the practitioners and the senders, the dismissers and the retainers, Chen Zhangfu and the poets, all waited at the ferry port, and none of them landed. A "not home", an "empty sigh", there is a kind of pity. The poet thinks that he does not have to mind this frustration, so the last two sentences are written in a tentative tone, expecting the situation after Chen's return to his hometown, showing a calm and open-minded attitude, and easily concluding a farewell.

As far as the whole passage is concerned, the poet shows Chen Zhangfu's ideological character and encounters with his broad feelings, the friendship of his confidants, the summary of art, and vivid descriptions, which makes people sympathetic and deeply dissatisfied. The tone of the poem is relaxed, the style is bold, not to make bitter words for frustration, not to write sorrows because of parting, and it is indeed unique in the farewell poem.

(Ni Qixin)

[Note] (1) Chen Hou: An honorific title for Chen Zhangfu. (2) Curling. Large jaw (sǎng voice): Broad brain phylum.

<h1>Listen to An Wanshan blowing the song</h1>

The Nanshan bamboo is the 觱篥 (1), which is derived from The Turtle (2).

Rumors spread that The Han Dynasty song turned strange, and the Liangzhou Hu people blew it for me.

Neighbors sighed a lot, and distant guests wept when they were homesick.

The world did not understand the reward, and the long drift wind came and went.

The dry mulberry old cypress was cold and fluttering, and the nine chicks chirped chaotically.

The dragon groaned and the tiger roared for a while, and the hundred springs of ten thousand springs were phased and autumn.

Suddenly, it was more "Yuyang Mixing", and the yellow cloud was depressed and dark.

The change of tone is like the spring of "Willow", and the flowers in the forest are new.

Candles are listed in the high hall of the year, and the wine is a cup of wine and a song.

Li Ji has three poems about music. A song to write the piano ("Piano Song"), mainly based on the word movement and stillness, all from the background. A poem written about Hu Di ("Listening to Dong Da Bomb Hu Di Lang and Sending Room to The Matter"), with two bins entrusting a master, is writing Hu Di. This poem is written with the sound of appreciation as the backbone of the whole poem, and the front is inked. The axis of the three poems is very easy to be the same, but the poet writes chunlan qiuju, each of which is very clever. The rhyme of this poem is particularly ingenious, with a total of only eighteen sentences, according to the development of the poem, seven different rhymes are transformed, and the sound rhyme mood complements each other perfectly.

"Nanshan cut bamboo for the stalk", first point out the raw materials of the musical instrument, "this music book from the turtle out" indicates the origin of the instrument. The two sentences are written from the source, with a simple and unpretentious pen, using the same rhyme, and the piano song and The Hu Di song start from the pen, which is the characteristic of Li Yi, and the poems that write music always open with a plate drum. Next, I turned into the low four rhymes, writing the circulation of the song, the blower and its musical effect, "the circulation of Handi songs, the Liangzhou Hu people (referring to An Wanshan) for me to blow, the neighbors sighed more, the distant guests were homesick and wept", writing the music beautiful and beautiful, with a strong infectious force, people were deeply moved. The following suddenly raises the syllables and turns with a high and deep upper rhyme, saying that people only know how to listen in general and cannot appreciate the beauty of the music, so that the song played by An Wanshan is still a feeling of desolation, and he is alone in the storm. The word "self" in the sentence "Self-contact in the long wind" is particularly important. At this point, he suddenly swallowed and did not say anything, but turned to the fluent eleven yu rhymes to describe the various sounds of the song. The sound of the stalking, some such as the cold wind blowing the tree, the sound of the fluttering; the tree is divided into broad-leaved deciduous mulberry, thin leaves of long green old cypress, its sound has its own difference, with a pen very fine. Some are like the nine sons of the phoenix, each with its own chicks, some like a dragon chanting, some like a tiger roaring, and some like a hundred flying springs and various sounds of autumn intertwined. The four frontal verses depict the changing sound of the tongue. The next step is to write the inflection in a vivid and vivid analogy. First become calm, then the next becomes lively. Calmly compared with the drum of "Yuyang Mixing", it is like a sand and dusty sky, the clouds are yellow and the sun is dark, using the sound of swallowing down, and the lively song of "Willow Branches" is compared, like the spring royal Shanglin Garden, a hundred flowers bloom, using the vibrant eleven true rhymes. Then, suddenly, the poet returned to the real world from the intoxication of sound. Willow blossoms are a youthful sight, but what season is it? The word "Night of the Year" points out that this is the Chinese New Year's Eve, and it is not a dream, it is clear that it is in the high hall of the candle, so the poet has the idea of "floating like a dream, for the joy of geometry". Enjoy it! "A glass of wine and a song", writing the poet's love for music, echoes the above foreshadowing sentence "the world does not understand the appreciation", showing the difference between the poet and the "world", so An Wanshan does not have to have the feeling of being cold and cool in the long wind. Because the last two sentences are written in the mood of "Drawing on the Shadow, but the day is insufficient", so a short rhyme was selected, still ending with a drum, before and after, seeing the poet's intentional arrangement.

The biggest difference between this poem and the first two poems, in addition to frequent rhymes, the main thing is that the last two sentences are touching the poet's feelings. In the song, the poet only lightly pointed out the clouds and mountains of others, and served Qinghuai, and he was not emotional; the poet in the Hu Fu song only advised Fang to give the matter a slight name, and did not touch himself. This one is different. Time is Chinese New Year's Eve, the church is a high fever of candles, the poet is keeping the age, a year will end at night, where there is no sense of Shaoguang is easy to pass away, the years are staggering! In such a situation, what should be done? "A glass of wine and a song" is exactly one of the methods that cannot be helpless when "I am vague about this and do not feel that I have mixed feelings". This mood is not found in the first two poems, and the poet only uses fourteen words to mention it at the end, and then put it down, and the implication of its intention, the implication of the pen, is also not found in the first two poems.

Later, Li Shangyin once had the sentence "A cup of song and a song, do not feel that the sunset is late", and the words of the Northern Song Dynasty Yanshu's "Huanxi Sha" also have the sentence "A new song and a cup of wine, last year's weather old pavilion, when the sunset returns", the material and the words used are the same as Li Qi's two sentences. But in the same feeling of confusion, Li Yi used Gao Hua's literal and quite healthy syntax to conceal the table, Li Shangyin spoke with a comfortable attitude and a slight sigh of emotion, and Yan Shu spoke in detail with euphemisms and swaying wind tones. The styles are different, but there is a commonality, which shows that Li Ji is far away.

[Note] (1) 觱篥 (bìlì別立): also known as: "筚篥", also known as "笳管". An ancient reed instrument, now lost. It is mainly made of bamboo, with eight holes (the first seven and one after the first), and the pipe mouth is inserted with a whistle made of reeds. (2) Guizi (qīucí qiuzi): The name of the ancient western city, in the area of present-day Kuqa County, Xinjiang.

<h1>Ancient meaning</h1>

Boy affairs long march, less small swallow guests.

The gamble is under the horse's hoof, which is seven feet lighter.

Before killing people, they must be like bats.

Huang Yunlongdi white clouds flew, and they could not return without repaying their kindness.

The little woman of Liaodong was fifteen years old, and she used to play the pipa and could sing and dance.

Now the sound of the Qiang flute is stopped, and my three armies are in tears.

The poem is titled "Ancient Meaning" and is indicated as an imitation ancient poem. In the first six sentences, a boy who joined the army on the frontier is described as a god-like Bishaw, vivid and active in front of the reader's eyes. The first sentence of the word "boy" first gives the reader the impression of a big husband. The second sentence, "Little Youyanke", explains that the boy engaged in the Long March is a person from the area of Youyan who has been a generous and tragic person since ancient times, and zhang Ben is described below for his bravery and fierceness. These two sentences lead to the following four sentences. He bet with his friends under the hooves of the horse to win or lose, and never regarded the seven-foot body as much as it was, so as soon as he went to the battlefield, he bravely killed the enemy, and the enemy did not dare to move forward. "Gambling is better than under the horse's hooves, it is seven feet lighter, and it is impossible to kill people before", these three sentences show the boy's arrogance vividly. Such a boy, everyone wants to see it! But poetry cannot be written in its entirety, as it is, and can only grasp the characteristics. So grab the beard to depict. However, the three strands and five long beards not only do not match the age, but also the demeanor is too ethereal, so the poet created the image of the short beard. The five characters of "mane like a mane" write out the characteristics of short, numerous, and hard beard, which shows his brave and fierce spirit and the angry spirit of the mane when killing the enemy, concisely, clearly and powerfully highlighting the image of this boy from the military plug. Here, in order to harmonize with the poetry, the poet adopts short five-sentence sentences and short and solid rhymes, which strengthen the artistic effect of the poem.

Next, the poet used the sentence "Huang Yun Longdi Baiyun Fei" to arrange a background for the protagonist of the poem. Closing his eyes, a bearded man, with a high-headed war horse under his crotch, a snow bright single knife in his hand, a vast wilderness behind him, a dusky cloudy sky, how majestic and reckless this weather is. But the beauty of this sentence is not only that. Stuffed with windy sand, the sand rolls into the clouds, so the cloud color is yellow, while the inland cloud is pure white. In this sentence, the surface of the yellow cloud and white cloud seems to be writing the scene, but in fact, it is contrasted in two pairs, allegorizing to the scene, and the writing is extremely delicate. The first six sentences of writing about this boy are purely thick lines and hard style, but does this boy who is on the verge of the expedition not have some homesickness? And after looking forward at the yellow cloud on the dragon, the boy could not help but look back at his hometown. Where is the hometown? But seeing a white cloud, I can't help but feel homesick. This layer of meaning, the poet uses the most concise and subtle method, expressed in the gap of words, in the absence of words to see kung fu. But if you continue, write homesick and eager to return, it is not like the identity of such a boy, so at this time when you want to vomit and do not want to turn, use the seven words of "not repaying the favor and not returning" to pull it around, indicating that although this boy is occasionally homesick, but because he has not yet repaid the national favor, he resolutely does not want to go back. These two "get" words, both from the boy's heart, are used in one sentence, which shows his determination to cut through the iron, and at the same time, intentionally or unintentionally reflects the two "cloud" words used in the previous sentence. The first six sentences are short-paced, and when these two sentences are written, the scenery contains emotional rhymes, so the poet uses seven sentences here, and then changes the five micro rhymes with low tones and floating tails. However, due to the fact that the intention in the eighth sentence is still resolute, the two inset "get" words are inserted, so that there is still a fierce strength in the melodiousness.

The general idea, written further, should be based on the "unrequited gratitude can not be returned" and played. However, unexpectedly, suddenly appeared a "little woman of Liaodong" who was only fifteen years old, and her face and body did not have to be written, and people could imagine from her wonderful age and "habitual playing pipa can sing and dance". With the appearance of "Liaodong Little Woman", it has brought people a moving "Qiang flute out of the plug". In the first ten sentences, there are characters, there are sets, there are colors, but there is no sound; in the sentence "Now for the Qiang flute to plug the sound", the young woman blows out the flute, so that the whole poem has sound and color. "Qiangdi" is an instrument on the frontier, and "out of the plug" is also a musical tune on the frontier, which is strung together with the above "Youyan" and "Liaodong". This flute sound is so mournful and sad, evoking the infinite feelings of homesickness, listening to this song, I can't help but "make my three armies cry like rain". Here, the poet actually wants to write about the tears of this young boy, but such a tough man, who will be excited when he hears the young woman QiangDi? Therefore, the poet does not write about the boy's tears from the front, but writes about the tears of the soldiers of the three armies, not only falling, but also falling like rain. In such a situation where everyone is touched, this boy is no exception, and this does not need to be clear. This method of baking clouds and supporting the moon is subtle and refined, and the skill is extremely deep, which is not easy for ordinary people to do. In addition, these four sentences use the upper sound of the seven ibis rhymes, "five", "dance", "rain" three words, the radio is swallowed downwards, so it received a sentimental and emotional artistic effect.

The whole poem is twelve sentences, galloping and frustrated and fluttering. The first six sentences, with all their attention, stopped at the sentence "Yellow Cloud Longdi White Cloud Fly", and the sentence "Unless you have received the favor, you can't return", which is another setback. The following throwing pen in the air, suddenly appeared Liaodong little woman, two sentences in a row seem to have no interference with the above text, "now for the Qiang flute out of the plug" a sentence with the word "now" to wake up, "Qiang flute" and "out of the plug" and "out of the plug" echo with the above "Youyan" and "Liaodong". Finally, with the sentence "Make my three armies cry like rain", the young boy of the first sentence is included, and the sudden connection above is held, and the blood vein of the whole head is suddenly connected. In a few short chapters, there can be such a scale of thousands of miles, which is not found in Li Ji's previous seven ancient poems.

<h1>Send Liu Yu</h1>

In August, the cold reeds are flowers, and the autumn river waves are white.

The north wind blows five two, who is Xunyang guest.

Cormorant Mountain is lightly raining and sunny, and Yangzhou Guoli is twilight.

Pedestrians stay overnight in Jinlingzhu and listen to the sound of geese on the sand side.

Liu Yu did not know who he was, as can be seen from the poem, he and Li Ji were friends, but the relationship was not very close, and the two were in the area of Yangzhou, Zhenjiang at that time. In August, Liu Yu traveled to the west of Jiangxi and prepared to go to Jiujiang, and Li Ji wrote this poem to bid farewell. The poem is between sentient and ruthless, and the pen is light and eternal, but it is not perfunctory.

At the beginning of the poem, the atmosphere of parting is rendered with a scene: "The cold reeds in August, the waves of the autumn river are white." "In August, autumn is cool, the reeds on the shore are white, the waves in the river are also white, plus the autumn wind is serene, so the waves wet the reeds with the help of the wind, and the reeds flutter with the wind, and the two seem to be "white". This "white" is not the white of severe winter frost and snow, nor the white of the three spring willows and pear blossoms, but the white of the cool autumn and August, neither brilliant nor fierce, but pure and sparse. At that time, "the north wind blew five two". Five-two is an ancient weathering apparatus, made of chicken feathers five two (or eight two) tied to the top of a high pole. The north wind blew the "five twos" on the mast, which seemed to be rushing to leave the passengers. "Who is the Xunyang guest", indicating where the ship went. Xunyang, or Jiujiang, is to the southwest of Zhenjiang, and the north wind is just a tailwind. It seems that the ship is about to start in the good wind. So, "Who is Xunyangke?" Of course, Liu Yu, this point, the poet understands, the reader also understands. However, the poem deliberately uses the question sentence style to make the tone of the text suddenly ripple and enhance the charm. In August, the wind is high, the reeds are cold and the waves are white, who wants to stay in the wind? At present, Liu Yu wanted to brave the storm and go to Xunyang, so "who is" asked, the implication is that it is better to hope that Liu Yu and live. The poetic heart is more curved so far, and the poetic taste is more eternal.

But Liu Yu couldn't keep it in the end. The north wind blows five or two, not to mention the rain stops the tide, and it has the conditions to raise the sails. "Cormorant Mountain is slightly rainy and sunny, Yangzhou Guoli Twilight Is Born", these two sentences are not general descriptions, but both hint at the departure of the guest, and make up the place of departure (Cormorant Mountain is in the Zhenjiang area, its place is no longer available). The poem has thus changed from the previous eleven strange rhymes to the eight Geng rhymes, giving people a sense of freshness, which is very harmonious with the beautiful scenery expressed in these two sentences. Therefore, Liu Yu left at this time when the wind climaxed and the rain rose and the sky was clear. The poet stood staring at the distant passenger ship and could not help but think: Where will the passenger ship berth at night tonight? "Pedestrians stay overnight in Jinlingzhu and listen to the sound of geese on the edge of the sand." General send-off poems are often easy to fall into the parting time of the farewell, after the separation of the sorrow of the lone return to this trap, but Li Yi applied his rich imagination to the traveler, on behalf of the pedestrians. Be here, and the heart goes away with the friend. Later, in the Northern Song Dynasty Liu Yong's "Raining Bells", "Where is the wine awake tonight?" Willow Bank, Xiao Feng And Moon", using this method. The poet speculated that Liu Yu could probably anchor by the Jinling River tonight, when a series of desolate geese would be heard in his ears. There are geese in the reeds, which is common, so the poet easily associated with geese from the reeds along the Zhenjiang River. But this understanding alone is not enough. Geese are gregarious birds, and they are also gregarious in the reeds at night, and they generally do not make a sound when they roost, and if they make a song, it must be out of group. Liu Yu went to Xunyang alone, it was tantamount to a lone goose isolated, that last night, Po Wen Geese, will definitely think of those friends in Zhenjiang, or even deeply regret this trip. The word "try" implies a meaning. On the other hand, the people who remain missed Liu Yu, which is needless to say. The last sentence not only echoes the reeds with the word "goose", but also associates from the sound of geese, euphemisms, no obvious and revealing atmosphere, and there is no sentimental taste, which opens up the wind of later charm.

<h1>Listen to Dong Da's big bomb hu di tease and send a message room to give things</h1>

Cai Nu used to make a beard sound, and there were eight beats of one shot and ten.

The Hu people wept and wept the grass, and the Han made the intestines cut off to return to the guests.

The ancient heavens were cold and the wilderness was heavy and snow-white.

First flick the strings and then the horn feathers, and the autumn leaves in the four suburbs are frightened.

Dong Fuzi, the theosophical, deep mountain eavesdropping to the goblins.

Words are spoken sooner and faster, and the reciprocation will be reciprocating.

The empty mountains and birds are scattered, and the clouds are cloudy and sunny.

The sour chicks lost their flock at night, cutting off the sound of Hu'er's motherly voice.

The river is pure of its waves, and the birds are also singing.

The Wusun tribe is far away from its hometown, and the sand and dust are mournful.

The tone of the voice changes suddenly, and the long wind blows the forest rain and falls to the tiles.

The spring flutters and the wood is flying, and the wild deer is walking down the hall.

Chang'an City is connected to the East Gate, and the Phoenix Pond is opposite the Qingzhuo Gate.

Gao Cai stripped away his fame and profits, and looked forward to holding the piano every day.

Li Ji's poem was composed around the sixth and seventh years of Tianbao (747-748). Dong Da, also known as Dong Tinglan, was a famous violinist at that time. The so-called "Hu Di Sound", that is, "Hu Di Lang", is translated into a piano song according to the tone of Hu Di. Therefore, Dong Da played the piano instead of playing Qin Hudi.

This seven-character ancient poem, through Dong Da playing the historical song "Hu Di Lang", to appreciate his exquisite and moving playing skills, but also sent a room to the matter (Fang Zhen), with a happy mood for him to meet Zhiyin.

The beginning of the poem does not mention "Dong Da" but says "Cai Nu", which is abrupt. Cai Nu refers to Cai Yan (文姬) at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Wen Ji returned to the Han Dynasty, he felt the sound of the flute, flipped the flute into the piano song, and composed "Hu Di Eighteen Beats" (beat, equal to duan). The third and fourth sentences are to say that when Wen Ji was playing the piano, the scene of hu people and Han making sorrow cut off their intestines reflected the touching charm of the piano music. The five and six sentences make up a stroke, writing out the desolate and desolate environment when Wen Ji played the piano, the ancient heavens, the heavy wilderness, the beacon fire, and the white snow, intertwined into a bleak and sad atmosphere, making people feel the mournful and moving sound of music more and more. The above six sentences are the first paragraph, and the poet makes a very vivid description of the origin and artistic effect of the "Hu Zi Sound", introducing the reader to a humorous artistic realm. Readers should ask: How did Dong Tinglan, who is a famous teacher of a generation, play such a deep and affectionate "Hu DiLang"? So the poet went with the flow and turned to a positive narrative. From Cai Nu to Dong Da, hundreds of years apart, a piano sound, skillfully connecting the two.

"First flick the strings and then the horn feathers", to "Wild deer yo yo go down the hall" is the second paragraph. Dong Da played the piano, and indeed he was extraordinary. The phrase "flick first" is to write about the movement at the beginning of the piano playing. The seven strings of the guqin, with palaces, shang, horns, signs, feathers and changing palaces, changing emblems into seven tones. Dong Da gently brushes the strings, the order is from the commercial strings to the corner strings, which means that the beginning of the tune is slow and low. With the sound of the piano, the "autumn leaves in the four suburbs" were startled (shè set) down. A "shocking" word, out of the blue, extremely vivid. The poet couldn't help but praise "Dong Fuzi", saying that his playing was like "theosophical", not only alarming the human world, but even the deep mountain goblins also quietly came to eavesdrop! The two sentences of "late speech" summarize Dong Da's skills. "Speaking faster and faster", "will be repeated", the fingering is so skillful and handy, the melodious tone, overflowing with passion, as if flowing from the chest of the player.

Dong Da's fingering is dazzling, so what is the sound of the piano? The poet does not start from the front, but uses various images to illustrate the mournful and beautiful voice. When the sound of the piano is suddenly retracted, it is like an empty mountain, and the birds scatter and reunite. When the tune is low, it is like a floating cloud covering the sky; when it is clear, it is like a cloud opening the sunrise. The hoarse sound of the piano, as if it were a lost flock of chicks, emitted a bitter cry in the dark night, and the sour tone was the continuation of Hu'er's motherly voice. At this point, the poem suddenly opened a stroke, and then remembered the scene when Wen Ji and Hu Er said goodbye, took care of the first cai female piano sound, and used the chick goose to metaphor for Hu Er, which made people feel the sadness of the piano tone. The next two sentences lead to natural scenery to reflect the great charm of the piano sound. The sound of the piano reverberates, the river is stagnant, the birds are chirping, and everything in the world is moved by the sound of the piano. In fact, the river will not be really quiet, the birds will not stop chirping, just because the sound of the piano captivates the listener, "the ocean is full of ears", only the sound of the piano. The poet goes on to point out that Dong Da's playing of the piano is not only beautiful, he can also perfectly convey the charm of the piano. Listening closely, the voice of the pharynx is full of foreign sorrows such as Princess Wusun of the Han Dynasty who has been far away from a foreign country, and Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty who has gone far from sand dust to Luojiao (another transliteration of Lhasa). This is very much in line with the mood of Cai Nuzao's "Hu Di Lang".

It was not until the next four sentences of "Yu Yin" that the poet described the sound of the piano from the front and used many figurative metaphors. "Ghost sound" is a deep sound, but once it is transposed, it suddenly "floats" up. Suddenly like "long wind blowing the forest", suddenly like rain hitting the roof tiles, suddenly like a spring sweeping through the treetops, suddenly like a wild deer running to the hall to make a yo-yo sound. Brisk and melodious, endlessly changeable, how not to make the listener fascinated?

In this paragraph, the poet is full of splendor and exuberant, showing the scene of Dong Da playing "Hu Di Lang" from different angles. Due to Dong Da's pure fire skills, Cai Nu's rich piano rhyme of "Eighteen Beats" has been fully reflected. The poet's admiration for Dong Da is unspoken. The last four sentences are "concurrently sending room to things". The imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty was Chang'an, and the imperial palace was facing the north and south, and the two provinces of menxia and Zhongshu were forbidden. "Phoenix Pond" refers to Zhongshu Province, and Qingzhuomen is the Que Gate of Menxia Province. It is the most important position in the province under the door. The poem does not mention people but people in them, and implies that his secret court and official position are enviable. Finally, the poem concludes with a hymn. Fang Zhen is not only tall, but also does not value fame and fortune, and is super-elegant. Such a tall person is looking forward to you holding the piano day and night! Here it is also implied that Dong Tinglan has to meet Zhiyin, but fortunately can be envied. And Li Yi's appreciation of Dong Dan's "Hu Di Lang" and the depiction of the gods he made were naturally beyond the ability of Zhiyin.

It is worth noting that the poem is related to three aspects - Dong Tinglan, Cai Yan and Fang Zhen. Writing Dong Tinglan's skills should be written through his performance of "Hu Di Lang". To write "Hu Di Lang", he naturally connected with Cai Yan, not only to her creation, but also to her life, experience and the special environment in which she lived. The characteristic of the whole poem is that it skillfully combines the acting skills, the sound of the piano, the historical background and the feelings of the historical figures reproduced by the sound of the piano, and the pen posture is flowing in a vertical and horizontal manner, suddenly in the sky, suddenly underground, suddenly in history, and suddenly in the present. It is both meticulous and natural. Finally, the implicit praise of Fang Zhishi is not only a congratulations for Dong Tinglan, but also a little admiration for the author. Although Li Ji had been an official for a long time at this time, he had not forgotten his love affair, how he hoped to meet Zhiyin and show his skills!

(Yao Dianzhong)

<h1>Send Wei Wanzhijing</h1>

Singing away from the song to the wanderer, last night the frost first crossed the river.

Hongyan could not bear to listen, and the situation of Yunshan was a guest.

The color of the trees in Guancheng is approaching, and the anvil of the imperial garden is much louder.

Don't see the chang'an happy place, the air makes the years easy to stumble.

Wei Wan later changed his name to Wei Hao. He once sought the Immortals to learn the Tao, and lived in seclusion on Wangwu Mountain. In the thirteenth year of Tianbao, because of Li Bai's name, he went south to wu and Yue to visit and search, and finally met Li Bai in Guangling, and the distance was no less than three thousand miles. Li Bai admired him and made him compile his poems into a collection. When he was parting, he also wrote a long poem "Sending Wang Wu Shan Man Wei Wan Back to Wang Wu" to send him. Wei Wan was a generation later than Li Yi, but from this poem, the two seemed to be very close to each other. In his later years, Li Ji often went to Luoyang at home in Yingyang, and this poem may have been written in Luoyang.

At the beginning, "Singing away from the song to the wanderer", first said Wei Wan's departure, and then used "last night's slight frost first crossing the river", pointing out the scene of the previous night, with the stroke of the inverted halberd, extremely powerful. "The first crossing of the river" personifies the frost and writes out the depressed atmosphere in late autumn.

Autumn night frost, close friends parted, naturally teased out a "sad" word. "Hongyan can't bear to listen to it", which is immediately followed by the second sentence, rendering the atmosphere. "The situation of Yun Shan is a guest in the middle", continue to write the main topic, and take care of the first sentence. The geese, going south in autumn and returning north in spring, are uncertain, like travelers. Its chirping geese drifted from the end of the sky, making people feel miserable. And people with a full stomach of sorrow are, of course, even more unbearable. Yunshan mountain is generally a desirable scenery, and for people who are lonely and frustrated, sitting on the cloud mountain, they will feel that the road ahead is vast and sad. Wanderers in other places, and this is the most important thing. This is Li Ji's own mood to experience the other party. The two imaginary words of "unbearable" and "situation is" echo back and forth, back and forth, and are affectionate and profound.

In the fifth and sixth sentences, the poet made another affectionate conjecture about the long-distance travelers: "The color of the trees in Guancheng is near, and the anvil of the royal garden is much later." From the west of Luoyang to pass through guhangu pass and Tongguan, in the cool autumn of September, the grass and trees are shaken, and a depression marks the arrival of the cold day. Originally, the cold made the tree change color, but the cold was not visible and the tree color was visible, as if the tree color brought cold, and when the tree color was seen, the cold was near, and it was the tree color that brought the cold to it. A "urge" word, the ordinary scenery is written with emotion, very vivid, the evening anvil is many, for Chang'an unique, "Chang'an a month, ten thousand households pounding clothes". However, why did the poet not introduce Chang'an with such a majestic scenery as Chengguan and The Qinghua of the Imperial Garden, but only highlighted the "anvil of the Imperial Garden", which made people think deeply. Wei Wan had probably never been to Chang'an before, and Li Ji had been to Jingshi many times, where he had "poured money and bankruptcy" and experienced bitterness. In the two sentences of speculation, the poet sighed all his life, all in silence. The six words of "cold near" and "more late" are opposite, implying that the years are not waiting, and the years are easy to grow old, which leads to the last two sentences.

"Don't see the chang'an place to be happy, the empty makes the years easy to stumble", purely the tone of the elder, gave Wei Wan a kind instruction. Here, Chang'an is written in a fictitious way with the three words "Xingle Place", corresponding to the "anvil of the royal garden" in the previous two sentences, one virtual and one real, which precisely indicates the poet's will. He earnestly warned Wei Wan that although Chang'an was a "place of pleasure", it was not something that ordinary people could enjoy. Don't easily consume precious time, but seize the opportunity to achieve a career. It can be said that the words are long and serious.

This poem is praised by posterity for being longer than refining sentences. The poet intertwines narrative, scenery, and lyricism. For example, the two sentences of the second link use the inverted technique to strengthen and deepen the description. First out of the "Hongyan", "Cloud Mountain" - the object that the senses contact, and then write "listening in sorrow" and "guest in the middle", which is born from the scenery, in line with the law of understanding, and easily evokes people's resonance. Similarly, the "Sekijo Tree Color" and "Royal Garden Anvil" of the third link, although they are images in memory, are related to environmental conditions such as climate and time, and they are sound and color, which is very natural. The word "urge" and the word "direction" are even more important to see the merit of scrutiny.


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