
One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

Classical poetry often uses various rhetorical means, and at the same time, the scene blends and the virtual reality, the purpose is to create a euphemistic and harmonious mood, so that the reader has the feeling of putting himself in the shoes of the poet, so as to better appreciate the complex emotions of the poet.

At the same time, in order to make the whole poem more artistically expressive, the author will also adopt the technique of layering progression and echoing back and forth, and even make a slight preparation, and then gradually generate and spread out, so that the whole text can be integrated.

One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

The appropriate use of echo writing can make the structure of the poem appear compact and rigorous, such as Wang Wei's "New Qingye Wang", which closely follows the title of the poem at the beginning and the scenery and people at the end, expressing the author's yearning for and attachment to the pastoral life.

There is a poet in Sheng Tang who is also very good at various expressive techniques, not only skillfully applied, but also unique in expression, which fully reflects the artistic height of Tang poetry. The following introduction li yi bid farewell to Wang Changling, wrote a masterpiece, echoing from beginning to end, and good poems are always tireless to read.

One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

Tang Dynasty: Li Ji

Cao Shui went far east and sent Jun Duo twilight. The flooded noji temple came out, and the back was lonely. Looking forward for thousands of miles, there is no Pu Barnyard in the middle. The sunset is full of boats, but love microwave clear. Lift up the wine forest on the moon, undress sand birdsong. Night to the Lotus World, in the dream jinling city. Sigh this parting, leisurely river and sea trip.
One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

Li Ji was a jinshi and a first in the first year of the Sheng Tang Dynasty, and served as a lieutenant of Xinxiang County, and later returned to the former garden. Li Ji is good at the Seven Ancient Themes, his biansai poems are tragic and majestic, and the farewell poems are very subtle. He and Wang Changling are close friends, although they gather less and more, but as long as they have the opportunity to reunite, they always talk about wine and poetry.

Li Ji and Wang Changling were both lowly and famous, but they occupied a place in the poetry of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. They are brilliant, and when they were young, they were also full of spirit, and Wang Changling's poems were full of emotion and profound connotations, and Li Ji also praised him very much, and this poem expressed the feeling of parting and reluctance.

One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

Farewell poems are common themes, so it is very difficult to be unique, not only to conceive new ideas, but also to be emotionally sincere. This poem uses the twilight of the image to express the abstract detachment, which is very unique.

The opening chapter is explained in the evening, the place is Caoshui in Luoyang; the word "sending jun" indicates that the topic is the theme of farewell. The word "twilight" leads the whole text, and the next five couplets write out the twilight scene through layers, expressing their own feelings of pity.

One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

The poet walked out of the deserted wild temple, looked back at the lonely mountain, and showed a slight bright color in the afterglow of the sun. Turn around and look forward, the sunset is clear and leisurely, the passenger boat is rippling; the twilight is desolate, and it is touching the sorrow. The host and guest drank the wine silently, not only was it difficult to enjoy it, but also a thousand sorrows surged in their hearts.

"Lifting wine on the forest on the moon" expresses the melancholy of even if the beautiful scenery of the good day and the time is like an arrow, after the farewell, it is already the moon hanging on the branches, and the sand birds are singing, making people sleepless. The poet came to the lotus world in a trance, and the jinling in the dream was gloomy and gloomy, which made people feel lost.

The last two sentences are full of affection, "Sigh this parting, leisurely river and sea." Remembering this parting, the author sighed, and the friend traveled all the way, about to drift in the middle of the yo-yo river and sea, but did not know when they would be reunited again.

One of Li Yi's masterpieces echoed from beginning to end, and Wang Changling was also very touched to send Wang Changling after reading it

Li Ji's farewell poem is layered, rich in imagery, and full of deep friendship. The author begins with a "twilight" word, and then through the sunset microwave, the birdsong on the moon, as well as the night flower world, the dream jinling, and other various twilight scenes to set off, so dot dyeing techniques, so that the whole text is faint, although not mentioning a word, but the affection between friends is overflowing with poetry.

The author also pays great attention to the echo of the beginning and the end, ending with a jingyu to end the whole text, using the word "leisurely" to point out the feelings of separation again, and more powerfully render his sincere feelings.

When Li Ji was young, his family was well-off, and later his family fell in the middle of the road, so he worked hard to study, although he had served as a county lieutenant, he gradually tired of his career, but liked to have close contact with poetry friends. Although the Tang Dynasty lacked a mediocre official, there was one more outstanding poet, and future generations could have the honor of reading such a masterpiece!

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