
Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

author:Yan Zhao Wushuang

In the history of the Qing Dynasty, Hezhen can be regarded as a well-known figure. Chief scholar of the cabinet, military minister of the imperial court, and red man on the side of the Qianlong Emperor. In the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it can be said that one person is above ten thousand people, and it has won the trust of the Qianlong Emperor.

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

So, how did Hezhen get to the top of his life?

Diligent and studious

Qianlong was born in the fifteenth year (1750) and his mother died in childbirth when he was three years old. His father, "Chang Bao", was a man of peace and integrity, a clean and honest official, and was the capital of Fujian Province.

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

After his mother's death, his father Chang Bao married another wife.

The young Washu was blinded by his stepmother's white eyes and was almost thrown out of the house. At a young age, he tasted all kinds of life, knew the importance of reading, and was bent on changing the fate of life.

At the age of nine, he and his younger brother entered the Xian'an Palace to study, determined to become a literary and martial arts all-rounder. Not wanting the suffering to strike again, his father died of illness a year later, and he had no choice but to sell his ancestral property for study.

The diligent and hard-working Hezhen attracted the attention of the Minister of the Interior, "Yinglian", who was very appreciative of Hezhen and knew that he had lofty ambitions and was definitely not a thing in the pool. So he gave his daughter Xu to him, and the 18-year-old Hezhen became a family, and the relationship between Yinglian and Lian played a vital role in Hezhen's future career!

Court guards to "Military Aircraft Ministers"

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

Thirty-three years after Qianlong, He Yan took the imperial examination, but unfortunately did not win the examination. However, his father-in-law Yinglian said that the imperial court emphasized martial arts over literature, and the flag people mostly chose guards, military merits, pen-and-post styles, and officials and cadets as officials.

After Yinglian's suggestion, finding an errand for the palace guards was the best way for the sons of the Eight Banners of Manchuria to be promoted. In accordance with the regulations of hereditary office, he was admitted as a third-class bodyguard.

The duty of the palace guards is to protect the personal safety of the court and the emperor. At that time, the Eight Flags disciples did not pay attention to the level of education at all, which became an opportunity for Hezhen.

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

After serving the emperor carefully and silently for three years, he finally had the opportunity to show in front of the Qianlong Emperor, and from then on, the official yun hengtong, from the third class bodyguard to the imperial guard, and a year later, he also paid homage to the household attendant.

After being appreciated by the Qianlong Emperor from the age of 26, he became the emperor's personal attendant, carefully pondering the mind of the saint, making the emperor's service comfortable, winning the emperor's trust, and step by step to the position of military minister.


At a young age, He Yan became the military minister of the imperial court, marking the first step in his power. However, the official arena is like a battlefield, and the momentary pride is nothing.

The officialdom is always sinister, and the young Andanshi's journey is smooth, and he will certainly be jealous. As the saying goes, "often walk by the river, where there are not wet shoes", fortunately, He yan is cunning and alert, and he is deeply favored by the emperor, so that he can turn the danger into a disaster again and again.

He Yan himself is a smart person, and after more than ten years of official career, he has seen through all kinds of characters. Step by step, climbing to the highest point, truly achieving the power of the opposition, except for the emperor, one person under ten thousand people.

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

A slave is a slave, and a master is a master, and this is the cleverness of Hezhen. It is always a docile kitten in front of the emperor, and in the eyes of the court ministers, it is like a flood beast. He Yan knew that as long as he relied on the Holy Lord, this towering tree could stand firm and enjoy glory and wealth forever.

The new emperor succeeded to the throne and suffered

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

He Yan, who was already an extremely popular subject in the imperial court, could be said to have no desire or desire. But he always has an old day, and the emperor always has an old day.

Therefore, he began to emulate the traitor "Cao Cao", and when Jiaqing ascended the throne, He Yan thought of "blackmailing the emperor to make the emperor" and achieve his goal of controlling power.

The Jiaqing Emperor was 36 years old when he succeeded to the throne, with great ambition and calmness. He had long been dissatisfied with what He yan had done, and he was not accustomed to taking charge of the government alone.

Success is not accidental, the "Second Emperor" who is in power and opposition, recounting the legendary life of Hezhen

The so-called "heaven has no two days, the country has no two masters", and Hezhen's behavior made Jiaqing Emperor Longyan furious. After the death of Emperor Qianlong of Taishang, he could not wait to execute Hezhen.

The Jiaqing Emperor pronounced the Twenty Great Sins of Hezhen and ordered him to raid his home and obtain 800 million taels of silver. During the Qianlong period, the annual tax revenue of the Qing court was only 70 million taels. The property hidden by Hezhen was equivalent to the income of the Qing government for fifteen years at that time.

Although he was extremely evil, he was after all the favor of the former emperor, and finally gave him to commit suicide in prison. Since then, there have been folk rumors, and the deeds of Hezhen falling to Jiaqing to eat.

At last

The stars ring the cold moon, and the lonely man weeps.

In his past life, Huai Cai mistakenly took this body.

Three days before he died, he lamented the deeds of his life, which meant that Huai Cai had mistakenly become this person. This sentence is not entirely excusable, and Hezhen can indeed afford the four words of talent. He was proficient in Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan languages, and was well versed in all the historical texts, excellent in writing and martial arts, and quite good at riding and shooting.

Speaking of all-round talents in literature and martial arts, all of them are exquisite in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Goodness and speculation on the mind of the Holy Spirit, emotional intelligence is higher than IQ. We can't judge the quality of the characters, but Hezhen is indeed a talent of the country, but there is a wrong path!

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