
Only by living well can you make a fortune - Dong Yilin mascot adds bricks and tiles to you

author:Home Improvement Business News

Chinese has attached great importance to feng shui since ancient times. In the countryside, it is still retained to build houses, build roads, bury, and even the reclamation of farmland and reservoirs in strict accordance with the requirements of feng shui. However, many real estate developers now either do not understand feng shui, or build where there is land, and they cannot take care of feng shui problems at all. So, how to adjust the feng shui environment of the residence? The art industry has a specialty, and the Dong Yilin mascot gives us the right choice.

Only by living well can you make a fortune - Dong Yilin mascot adds bricks and tiles to you

Master Dong Yilin has been unremittingly studying the theories of the I Ching disciplines such as feng shui kan public opinion and zodiac numerology for decades, relying on the profound and profound traditional "I Ching" culture, constantly innovating and innovating, innovatively combining traditional Chinese culture with modern life, and establishing a new Yi Manager concept brand - "Dong Yilin Mascot". It integrates traditional culture and modern life wisdom, is the perfect combination of tradition and fashion, the product plays a decorative role at the same time, but also in order to adjust the lack of magnetic field of the human body and indoor environment. People who aim to help people with different zodiac signs can avoid evil, which can not only resolve unfavorable factors, but also add icing on the cake for good luck.

With the rapid urbanization process, all parts of the country are staged real estate development, especially in order to save land resources, high-rise residential buildings are becoming more and more common, not only to save land, but also most people prefer to live in high-rise, because the high-rise lighting is good, good ventilation. At the same time, many people deliberately avoid the 14th and 18th floors when choosing floors, and developers even directly avoid the 14th and 18th floors, because people feel that these floors are taboo. But we are also very troubled when choosing other floors, and we don't know which floor to choose that suits our numerology. In fact, not only the floor, but also the space, time, magnetic field and other factors of the residence affect the fortunes of the family. Therefore, feng shui is also called "geographical environment science". Mainly studying the impact of space and magnetic field on people, and the diversification of modern housing, the feng shui of houses has gradually become a hot issue of concern to the world.

Only by living well can you make a fortune - Dong Yilin mascot adds bricks and tiles to you

In view of the problem of non-standard design of buildings now, Master Dong Yilin specially summarized several common feng shui self-test self-testing methods:

First, observe whether there are roads in the surrounding area that rush directly into the residences, whether there are tall shaded trees nearby to block the lighting and ventilation of the room, if there is, you need to hang five emperor money to resolve;

Second, standing at the door of the house, see if the door is facing the elevator entrance or someone else's door, if so, it is open, which is easy to cause the loss of family wealth and cause hidden dangers to the health of the family, and hang Dong Yilin's special open peach wood Chinese knot in the position of the door in the room can be resolved;

Third, ensure that the entrance to the entrance is unobstructed and unimpeded, so that you can gather gas and wealth. The beams of the house should not be placed on the top of the center of the house, which will make people feel a serious sense of oppression, resulting in mental tension, and hanging the five emperors can also be resolved.

Only by living well can you make a fortune - Dong Yilin mascot adds bricks and tiles to you

Finally, one thing to pay special attention to: due to the current architectural aesthetics, and the real estate developers in order to save space, the shape of the house is becoming more and more irregular, however, the house with the missing corner is the most undesirable. Because each corner of the house corresponds to the members of the family and various fortunes, the lack is a loss, which is a big disobedience. In view of this situation, Master Dong Yilin specially designed a mascot designed to resolve the "straight rush" of home feng shui - Taishan Stone Dare. It is made of Taishan, the head of the Five Peaks, which absorbs the essence of hundreds of millions of years, and placed in the missing corner of the house to fill in the brakes, so as to ensure the perfection of qi luck.

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