
Spicy perfume hot pot fish

author:Brave Sichuan A-jun

Flavor type: spicy

Features: bright red oil, fresh fish, tender, spicy and mellow, rich aroma.

The marinade ingredients are combined

Ingredients: a tail of grass carp (about 1000-1250 g)


Perfume fish seasoning 180 grams Pixian watercress 50 grams Tempeh 10 grams Cooking wine 15 grams 

Dried chili pepper festival 100 g Dried peppercorns 20 g Green onion knots 20 g Ginger slices 25 g  

100 grams of garlic 15 grams of cooking wine 20 grams of rice wine 5 grams of pepper   

Refined salt 20 g Chicken essence 15 g MONOS glutamate 5 g egg liquid 1 pcs 

7 coriander 300 grams of pork fat 1000 grams of hot pot oil 1000 grams of fresh soup

Combination of ingredients for the saucer (for example, five people eating)

Main ingredients: 60 grams of garlic puree 350 grams of sesame oil

Seasoning: 20 grams of salt 15 grams of monosodium glutamate 100 grams of crisp flower kernels 10 grams of cooked sesame seeds 

Recommended Dishes:

Spicy chicken fillets 150 g Fish balls 150 g Garlic sprouts 200 g Celery 100 g Green shoots 150 g Chinese cabbage 150 g Amaranth powder 100 g

Production Procedure:

Marinade production:

  1, the grass carp to scale, gills, dissect the abdomen, remove the internal organs, clean, remove two pieces of fish meat, with a diagonal blade about 5-6 cm long, about 2 mm thick large pieces, fish bones chopped into knots, fish head split into two halves, add refined salt, egg white, cooking wine, a little green onion, ginger slices for 10 minutes. Finely chop the watercress, boil the garlic and soak it in cold water until cold, remove it, and drain the water.

  2, the wok is placed on the medium heat to inject lard oil, until the oil temperature rises to 3-4 into the oil temperature, the onion, ginger slices stir-fry, put in the bean paste, tempeh, fry until the bean paste is crispy, put in the perfume fish seasoning, add garlic, mix into the fresh soup into the rice wine, pepper to burn out the flavor, put in the fish head, fish bones, cook slightly, under the fish fillet, when the fish fillet is eight minutes cooked, add chicken essence, monosodium glutamate to push well into the hot pot pot, put in the coriander.

3, wok on the medium heat, put in the hot pot oil to wait for the oil temperature to rise to 3-4 into the heat, under the green onion, ginger slices stir-fry fragrant, put in the dried pepper festival, fry until the spicy flavor just out, under the dried peppercorns, fry until the hemp flavor just out of the drizzle into the fish basin, sprinkle with coriander.

Saucer Making:

1. Peel the crispy flower kernels and slightly press or crush the flower kernels.

  2: Divide the garlic paste and small ground sesame oil into five plates, add salt, monosodium glutamate and flower kernels, and sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds.

Dish processing:

Select the chicken breast meat of fresh native rooster, remove the bones, tendons and skin, the slices are about 6-7 cm long, about 4-5 cm wide, and about 1.5 mm thick, rinse with water, drain the water, add refined salt, cooking wine, green onion and ginger water, egg white, chili noodles, pepper noodles, red oil, pepper powder and mix well to become spicy chicken slices. Select fresh fish to peel, remove the thorn and beat it with the back of a knife, use a toothpick to pick the tendons, put it into the basin, add green onion and ginger water, fine salt, pepper noodles, a few grains of minced raw peppercorns, egg whites and stir well, squeeze into guiyuan-sized balls, put into a pot of boiling water, keep it slightly boiling until it is cooked, and fish out the fish balls. Garlic seedlings should be washed to remove yellow leaves, old leaves and roots, change to about 5-6 cm long knots, celery remove leaves and roots, wash and change to sections about 5 cm long, and put all dishes into a neat dish after processing.


Place the pot on the stove and do not light it. Each person has an empty bowl, scoop into the pot marinade to eat the fish meat, fish head sauce to eat, after the food in the pot is eaten, light the fire, the dishes are around the pot, the saucer is on the table, and after boiling, the dishes are blanched and dipped on the plate.


  1, fish fillets can not be too thin, too thick, thin easy to rot, too thick is not easy to cook.

  2, with silver carp, carp can also be used.

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