
Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

Native to tropical America, macaws are the most beautiful and colorful parrots, the largest parrots, and are large climbing birds. Native to forests, especially in Mexico and Central and South America.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

Macaws have an extremely long tail and a large sickle-shaped beak comparable only to cockatoos. The face is featherless and can turn red when excited. Both sexes have similar appearances. It is the most colorful and largest of the largest parrots. The most interesting thing is its face, some of which are covered with stripes, like the flower face mask in Peking Opera.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

The macaw's diet consists of many fruits and flowers, and is eaten in large quantities. A powerful beak pecks the nuts open and sucks out the pulp with the tongue. Macaws are also known as Hercules, mainly because of their powerful pecking power.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

The macaw also has a kung fu, that is, it is not invaded by poison, which stems from the soil it eats. The macaw's diet consists of many fruits and flowers, including many poisonous species, but macaws are not poisoned. Pecking at dirt blocks on rock walls is due to the act of neutralizing toxicity after eating unripe or poisonous fruit. The soil they eat contains special minerals that make them virulent.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

Macaws are easier to train and can get along with other species of parrots, but can also bite other animals and strangers. Some can live to be 80 years old. It will imitate the gentle voice of a human, but in most cases it will scream like a wild parrot.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

Macaws are social birds that like to move in pairs, often gathering in small flocks of 10 to 30, and more than 40 family members can be seen together during the breeding season. The macaws were clever, and they shouted loudly, rattled, and quacked in echo as they echoed through the forest canopy. Communicate within the group by vocalizing, marking territory and identifying each other.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

Since the 16th century, when Spanish and Portuguese colonists brought macaws back to Europe, they have become good friends. In Central America, poaching has become a very serious problem, coupled with habitat destruction and lack of nests, how long their figures can fly freely has become a worrying topic.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

Legend has it that when white Europeans invaded South America, a soldier shot a pair of macaws, one of them crashed to the ground and the other flew away. After a while, just as the soldier was carrying his prey in his hands and getting complacent, the vanished macaw suddenly fell from the sky, first pecking at the shooter's eyes, and then twisting the double-barreled shotgun on the ground into an "iron twist" with his mouth.

Kyo and Jun said that the macaw with| a face like a Peking Opera face is Hercules, you know

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