
Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

author:Cao Cao Kan History

If a country lives and dies by profit, it is better to avoid it because of misfortune and happiness.

Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > the efforts of people of insight</h1>

China can have such a vigorous development today can not have such a status today can not be separated from the efforts of outstanding figures in all walks of life in our country, our country has experienced that difficult years, in that difficult years many people chose to carry the gun and use their arms to protect people's safety.

In addition to the military, there are many people in our country who have spent their lives broadening the boundaries of knowledge so that China can fundamentally eliminate its backwardness and ills.

And in those difficult years, an old man named Wang Ganchang made a lot of efforts for the successful development of the atomic bomb, unfortunately, when he was 90 years old, he was knocked down by a speeding bicycle when he was out for a walk, and then Mr. Wang Ganchang unfortunately died, and the hit-and-run person we have not been able to find.

Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

Mr. Wang Ganchang was born in Jiangsu at the beginning of the last century, he read in a private school when he was young, although his parents died very early, but he did not give up life.

At a young age, his grades were very superior, and Wang Ganchang, who was loved by his teachers, often participated in some parades during college, but Wang Ganchang's teacher at that time told Wang Ganchang that it was useless for you to do these things, and that the real solution to China's problems was to change China's backwardness from a technical point of view.

Wang Ganchang listened to the teacher's words and agreed with him, since then he has spent most of his time in scientific research, after completing his studies at Tsinghua University, Wang Ganchang went to study abroad and won the Nobel Prize with the team during this period.

Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > Wang Ganchang's patriotism</h1>

After returning to China, Wang Ganchang has been engaged in the research of physics in China, and at the same time he has taught many students the advanced technologies and advanced ideas he learned abroad, and he has been a teacher in Shandong University and Zhejiang University.

Wang Ganchang understands in his heart that only talents are the foundation of scientific progress, and he also expects his students to be better than blue out of blue.

Later, Wang Ganchang was invited by Premier Zhou Enlai to participate in the research work of two bombs and one satellite, although Wang Ganchang was 50 years old at the time, but Wang Ganchang did not hesitate.

Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

He knew in his heart that the harsh environment of the Tibetan Plateau would make him have a physical reaction, but he also understood what the meaning behind the success of this research was, and after entering the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, he not only had to endure the pain of altitude sickness, but he could not meet and talk to the people at home for a long time.

Soon after Wang Ganchang and others arrived on the Tibetan Plateau, a rift appeared in the relations between the Soviet side and China, and the Soviet side withdrew all their experts, at that time Wang Ganchang and his team still insisted on their original intentions in the face of such a situation, and finally under the unremitting efforts of Wang Ganchang and his team, China's atomic bomb was successfully launched.

Wang Ganchang did not live up to the trust of the organization in him nor did he live up to the people's expectations of him, and after the success of the research of the two guns and one star, Wang Ganchang still did not choose a comfortable life but continued to do his own academic research, Mr. Wang Ganchang was still active in various international academic forums when he was in his seventies.

Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > hit-and-run</h1>

Mr. Wang Ganchang attaches great importance to his physical health, and he often goes out to exercise when he is in his eighties. People around me said that Mr. Wang Ganchang's spirit has always been very good.

That day, Mr. Wang Ganchang went out to exercise as usual, but on the way out, a fast bicycle rushed towards him, and the man knocked Mr. Wang Ganchang to the ground, and he did not even get out of the car to check mr. Wang Ganchang's injury.

When Wang Ganchang's neighbors found him, they quickly sent Mr. Wang Ganchang to the hospital, and Mr. Wang Ganchang saved his life. Although the lethality caused by the bicycle impact is not fatal, Mr. Wang Ganchang's 90-year-old age cannot bear such injury.

Two bombs and one star founding Father Wang Ganchang: 90 years old walking was hit, died soon after, the perpetrator has not yet paid the love of Wang Ganchang hit-and-run

After Wang Ganchang was hospitalized, his wife had been taking more care of him, but soon there was another bad news, Wang Ganchang's wife fell due to an accident, and after a period of fruitless treatment, she regrettably passed away, after hearing this news, Wang Ganchang's illness became more serious, and it was not long before Mr. Wang Ganchang died in Beijing.


Wang Ganchang, as a pioneer of science as a hero of the country, encountered such a thing in his later years when he should have had a full house of children and grandchildren, a happy family, and enjoyed life, which was really lamentable, and the police's evidence collection was very difficult due to the lack of technical perfection and no witnesses around the periphery, and people have not yet caught the hit-and-run person, and I don't know whether the hit-and-run person has ever regretted it after leaving the scene.

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