
The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

author:The battle flag is red

Author: Little Orange

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the volunteer army won one victory after another, allowing the whole world to see the strength of new China and also making the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's army on the isolated island feel discouraged.

In order to sabotage the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Chiang Kai-shek's secret service tried all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, including an extraordinarily sinister and vicious plan, that is, to poison the wounded of the volunteer army by smuggling penicillin, a highly toxic first-aid drug, which was adulterated with severe poison! This evil plan was favored by Mao Renfeng, director of the Secrecy Bureau of Chiang Kai-shek's secret service, and named it "Project 901."

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Penicillin is the miracle drug that once saved and cured many people, "penicillin". This miraculous drug can be called the originator of the antibiotic family in human history, with a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal miracle effect, and was introduced in the 1940s, immediately becoming the most sought-after strategic material during World War II, and the price was extremely expensive. In China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, such import-dependent medicines were even more scarce, and the black market price was even more expensive than the same weight of gold!

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was very cruel and fierce, and the wounded and sick of the Volunteer Army were in urgent need of penicillin to save their lives; at that time, the hostile camp led by the United States blockaded China, and this drug was very scarce, and New China used all channels to obtain this life-saving miracle drug, which gave Chiang Kai-shek's secret agents an opportunity to take advantage of it. In order to implement the "901 Plan", Mao Renfeng personally selected the right-hand man, and he selected a secret agent named Xu Junzhang.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Mao Ren Feng

Xu Junzhang, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was originally a hot-blooded patriotic young student who planned to join the army and serve the country during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Xu Junzhang fought with Japanese spies and Wang Pseudo's "76 Devil Caves" in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and made a lot of merits, originally Dai Kasa promised to reuse him, who knew that after Dai Kasa's accident, Mao Renfeng changed the general to the Secrecy Bureau after he came to power, as Dai Kasa's confidant Xu Junzhang sat on the cold bench, and only now did Mao Renfeng remember him.

One day in October 1951, Xu Junzhang sneaked to Yijiangshan Island, which was still controlled by Chiang Kai-shek's army, on a Japanese fishing boat, and then secretly landed on the Shanghai Haiqiao in a small Zhejiang fishing boat, and mixed into downtown Shanghai as a drug broker, preparing to carry out a criminal plan.

As soon as Xu Junzhang arrived in Shanghai, he immediately went to find a 28-year-old friend named Kong Aifang. This Kong Aifang turned out to be the concubine of a secret agent leader surnamed Yao, and Xu Junzhang, in order to obtain the secrets of the "No. 76" headquarters, managed to hook up with Kong Aifang and obtained a lot of intelligence.

After the defeat was revealed, the head of the secret service surnamed Yao was also arrested by Rikou and almost killed, and Kong Aifang naturally suffered.

After knowing Xu Junzhang's true identity, although Kong Aifang did not dare to turn his face and not recognize anyone, he kept a distance from Xu Junzhang in his heart, at least breaking his love affair. Kong Aifang later married a capitalist, and after the liberation of Shanghai, the capitalist fled to Hong Kong, and the house in Shanghai fell into Kong Aifang's name. This Kong Aifang rented out most of the house, became a "charter wife", danced all day and played cards and shopping, and later hooked up with a small white face named Gan Zuqiang, but also lived a moist and happy life.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

The sudden arrival of Xu Junzhang surprised Kong Aifang very much, and Xu Junzhang deceived her into doing smuggling business in Hong Kong, and this time she came back to make a big deal, and wanted to find Kong Aifang to do it together, and Kong Aifang believed it. Xu Junzhang secretly observed Gan Zuqiang, and knew that this guy was not a good kind, and he could just use it.

Gan Zuqiang came from a family of seafarers, so he learned fluent English since childhood, and loved boxing, his body was strong and powerful, plus he was young and handsome, so he pretended to be a child of overseas Chinese, specially hooked up with rich rich women and rich ladies, and ate soft rice.

Fish looking for fish and shrimp looking for shrimp, the secret agent loves to find such a mercenary adventurer, so Xu Junzhang also tried his best to win gan Zuqiang over, asking him to do smuggling with himself and make sure to make a lot of money. Old Shanghai did more smuggling, and Gan Zuqiang was also convinced.

Seeing that the people who can be used have found it, Xu Junzhang began to carry out the conspiracy, perhaps some readers and friends wondered, the secret service activities are very focused on secrecy, Mao Renfeng formulated such a big conspiracy, according to the reason, should all use the elite strength and secret channels of Jiang Jun, xu Junzhang how did he come up and look for "outsiders" such as Kong Aifang and Gan Zuqiang? Not afraid of bad things?

When you talk about the idea, Mao Renfeng's plan is to disguise itself as an ordinary "smuggling case", that is, to want the public security organs to crack it. It turned out that the CIA had just developed a nerve agent, which was not detectable by the ordinary detection technology at that time, and Mao Renfeng just wanted to mix this poison into a batch of penicillin, and then disguise a smuggling case, Xu Junzhang first wanted to find a scapegoat as a receiver, and then deliberately found someone to report and expose, so that the public security bureau cracked the case and seized the goods.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Mao Renfeng was sure that New China needed penicillin too much, and that the seized goods would certainly not be destroyed, but tested, and if the test was correct, it would certainly be used on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea on a priority basis. In this way, this batch of "penicillin" mixed with undetectable agents will be injected into many volunteers, and within half a year, these wounded and sick will inexplicably infect and die! According to the calculation of the number of drugs in this batch, this conspiracy can take the lives of tens of thousands of volunteers, compared to the Chiang Kai-shek army group to win a major battle without spending a single soldier, this is the core content of the "901 Plan", it is really insidious and vicious.

Xu Junzhang's task was to first encourage Gan Zuqiang to do this smuggling deal, and then he provoked Kong Aifang to be a "whistleblower", and this big case was completed seamlessly, and Xu Junzhang could also return to the isolated island to ask for rewards.

At the same time, another hidden agent under Xu Junzhang, Qiu Xuewu, also appeared. This person is also a secret agent of the veteran military command, and after the liberation of Shanghai, he was ordered to lurk and wait for an important mission.

Qiu Xuewu first played a smuggler, through Xu Junzhang to know Gan Zuqiang, there are many people like this in old Shanghai, Gan Zuqiang has always been envious of them to make a lot of money, and now he knows a "nobleman", very happy.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Qiu Xuewu immediately told Gan Zuqiang that the opportunity to make a fortune had arrived, and there were batches of penicillin, which was enough to have more than 3,000 boxes! It has arrived immediately, to find the pick-up person, ask Gan Zuqiang if he wants it.

Before the liberation of Gan Zuqiang, he was also "running the dock", and he had heard that penicillin was as expensive as gold, and now in the war period, I am afraid that it will be bullish! So when I heard it, I was very excited, as if I saw a golden mountain, and immediately said that I wanted this batch of goods. Qiu Xuewu deliberately opened a "preferential condition", that is, Gan Zuqiang first paid a deposit of 10 million (old currency, equivalent to 1,000 yuan of new yuan), which is indeed not high. But Gan Zuqiang is a wanderer who eats soft rice, where can he get this money?

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Qiu Xuewu saw that the time had come, and deliberately gave Gan Zuqiang a trick, saying that there was no cash, and any valuable house deed could also be used as collateral.

Gan Zuqiang suddenly had an idea, thinking of Kong Aifang's house, at that time Shanghai had new regulations on the delivery of house ownership, even if he got the house deed or even the transfer document of the original owner, he could not deliver it, and the original owner must have personally signed it, originally Gan Zuqiang wanted to deceive Kong Aifang's house deed and "disappeared", now it is not OK, Gan Zuqiang seems to have to "protracted war", and Kong Aifang married, completely deceived Kong Aifang is possible.

Gan Zuqiang did not have that patience, now the opportunity came, as long as he stole the house deed and took it as collateral, he could make a big fortune, Gan Zuqiang immediately decided to start, he also told Qiu Xuewu about this idea, And Qiu Xuewu immediately agreed.

Who knows, Gan Zuqiang and Qiu Xuewu conspired in the back room, and Xu Junzhang deliberately took Kong Aifang home to let Kong Aifang "accidentally" overhear Gan Zuqiang's plot. Kong Aifang was angry at this time. However, Kong Aifang's next psychological changes made Xu Junzhang's idea frustrated, and although Kong Aifang began to be very angry, this woman was already inseparable from this little white face and wanted to marry him. She knew that Gan Zuqiang stole the house deed to make a big deal, Kong Aifang felt that after Gan Zuqiang earned money, he would also return the house deed, and there was money, just two people married, so Kong Aifang actually "wanted to understand".

Xu Junzhang saw that Kong Aifang would not report this, so he came up with another plan, this time he decided to give the lustful Gan Zuqiang a "beauty plan", and then deliberately let Kong Aifang bump into it, and as soon as the woman's jealousy broke out, she dared to do anything.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Xu Junzhang told Qiu Xuewu about this idea, and Qiu Xuewu immediately went looking for it, and Qiu Xuewu did develop many new agents in Shanghai, including a 22-year-old female nurse named Liu Chuanli, who was very beautiful and charming, and this task was none other than her.

The next thing went very smoothly, Gan Zuqiang, who was set up by Xu Junzhang, naturally met the charming and sexy Liu Chuanli in the dance hall, the two people quickly fought hot, Gan Zuqiang began to stay home at night, Kong Aifang suspected that there was someone outside this little white face.

On this day, Xu Junzhang deliberately mysteriously told Kong Aifang that when he saw Gan Zuqiang and a "little goblin" opening a room in a hotel, Kong Aifang went to "catch the adulteress" with Xu Junzhang in a hurry.

At this moment, Kong Aifang's heart is all hatred and a strong desire for revenge, she is eager for Gan Zuqiang to die immediately, "the most poisonous is not the woman's heart", Kong Aifang suddenly remembered the smuggling case she overheard, decided to let Gan Zuqiang steal her house deed, after doing business, immediately report him, the government will definitely shoot this negative person.

So Kong Aifang deliberately left home for a few days, to Gan Zuqiang to succeed, the rest of the development as Xu Junzhang planned, Kong Aifang went home and saw that the house deed was gone, immediately wrote an anonymous whistleblower letter, and threw it to the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

The public security bureau of the new China, which has a heavy anti-special task and a very high degree of vigilance, must not only check the matters stated in the letter, but also try to find the whistleblower for such anonymous reporting letters.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

The Shanghai Public Security Bureau immediately sent two cadres, Luo Qingshan and Yuan Meng, to investigate together, and the two men worked hard to finally find Kong Aifang and learned about the situation in person. Kong Aifang put aside the matter of Gan Zuqiang's smuggling, but did not mention Xu Junzhang. Luo Qingshan and Yuan Mengyi didn't feel anything, so they really accepted it as a smuggling case.

Next, the batch of goods should appear, Xu Junzhang deliberately asked Qiu Xuewu to write a letter to tell Gan Zuqiang (in order to protect himself Qiu Xuewu can no longer meet Gan Zuqiang), the arrival address of the batch of goods, the secret agent knows that the public security bureau that has targeted Gan Zuqiang must have seen this letter first, and sure enough, the public security bureau secretly monitored the freight yard, Xu Junzhang not only wanted to protect Qiu Xuewu from accidents, in fact, he also wanted Gan Zuqiang not to have an accident, otherwise the public security bureau interrogated, there were too many plots in it, and he would immediately feel that this was not a simple smuggling case, then the previous achievements were abandoned, so, Gan Zuqiang also did not come forward to pick up the goods, but when he hired someone to drive a truck to pick up the goods, he was detained by the Public Security Bureau.

The Public Security Bureau immediately interrogated him, and because Xu Junzhang's arrangements were in place, the Public Security Bureau did not find anything wrong for a while, and it was indeed a smuggling case. Since the smuggled goods were in short supply of penicillin, the superiors were immediately alarmed.

After studying, they really decided to immediately send this batch of goods to Beijing for further examination, and if there is no mistake, they will send it to the Volunteer Military Hospital.

At this point in the play, Xu Junzhang really thought that everything was fine, so he planned to retreat and hide himself, but he disappeared without telling Qiu Xuewu, who knows, he did not quit this, causing unnecessary trouble, and finally ruined the big thing.

Qiu Xuewu saw Xu Junzhang missing, felt that he was "abandoned", scolded Mao Renfeng for being unfair, and began to find ways to protect himself. His first thought was to kill Kong Aifang and Gan Zuqiang, two outsiders, Gan Zuqiang did not know where he was at the moment, Kong Aifang was honestly at home, so Qiu Xuewu decided to kill Kong Aifang first.

Just when Kong Aifang was hospitalized with appendicitis, Qiu Xuewu sent a secret agent to the hospital to kill her. The agent did not dare to kill people, so he made a pot of chicken soup, put it in severe poison, and sent it to Kong Aifang's hospital bed.

It was also Kong Aifang's life, that day she just changed the hospital bed, the result of the pot of soup was mistakenly drunk, the result was poisoned, the matter immediately alarmed the public security bureau. The personnel sent by the public security bureau were Luo Qingshan and Yuan Mengyi, and when they checked, they accidentally found that Kong Aifang was also in the hospital, and immediately thought that it was possible that the smugglers would retaliate against Kong Aifang, so they learned about the case with Kong Aifang again.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

Kong Aifang was also scared at this time, feeling that someone wanted to harm him, so this time he explained the whole thing in detail, and the three words of Xu Junzhang finally surfaced.

It just so happened that the new Chinese public security department had a detailed list of spies during the Jiang Jun period, and the big secret agent "Xu Junzhang" was impressively inside. Although he used a pseudonym this time, Kong Aifang still said his real name.

Up to this point, the case that the Public Security Bureau had originally planned as an ordinary smuggling case had now completely changed its nature, and it seemed that this was a serious case of sabotage by secret agents. The Shanghai public security organs immediately reported this information to Beijing, and the Ministry of Public Security also felt that there was a problem with this batch of penicillin, but at present, penicillin was needed too much, and the Ministry of Public Security immediately asked Soviet experts to participate in the testing, and the results were found to be highly toxic, and the Ministry of Public Security resolutely decided to destroy this batch of poisons, and Mao Renfeng's painstaking "901 plan" went bankrupt.

All that remained was to capture Xu Junzhang, Qiu Xuewu, Gan Zuqiang, and other criminals one by one. These people are now hiding very deeply, and the Shanghai Public Security Bureau still needs to rely on Kong Aifang to get more information, so it constantly inquires in depth to find some new details.

Sure enough, Kong Aifang told a detail that had not been mentioned before, that is, when Xu Junzhang deliberately told her that there was someone outside Gan Zuqiang, he once said that it was a nurse lady. With this information, the Public Security Bureau immediately investigated all of Shanghai, found five nurses, showed the photos to Kong Aifang, and immediately recognized Liu Chuanli of the "Bo'ai Private Hospital", which proved afterwards that this Liu Chuanli was indeed the key to arresting all the criminals.

After day and night surveillance and telephone monitoring of Liu Chuanli, the police first discovered Gan Zuqiang, this guy hiding in the past many old good friends these days, and even moved a crooked idea, wanting to forge Kong Aifang's household registration book, and then asked Liu Chuanli to come forward to pretend and successfully sell Kong Aifang's house. Gan Zuqiang is now looking for someone to forge those documents.

Speaking of Qiu Xuewu, this old agent is good at makeup, strong anti-reconnaissance ability, he and Liu Chuanli agreed in advance to meet every fifth day of the lunar calendar, once two people met in a coffee shop, Qiu Xuewu disguised as a sixty-year-old man, even the public security investigators did not recognize, tracking him will also be successfully dumped by him, indeed a cunning old fox.

How did this old fox relate to the isolated island? It was actually through a big tree in the People's Park, Qiu Xuewu often had to go under the big tree, there was a forked branch on the tree, if there was a notch on it, it meant that the isolated island had to send someone to meet him. He would have to wait for the joint for several days, every day at the appointed time with the newspaper of the day in his hand.

On this day, Qiu Xuewu came to the joint and found that the person who came was Xu Junzhang, who had not left Shanghai, and the isolated island did not allow him to return, asking him to continue to stand by in Shanghai and asking him to develop several excellent spies, which was a new task. Only after completing this task can he return.

Although Xu Junzhang was very angry, there was no way, after thinking about it, he felt that Liu Chuanli was a good candidate, so he wanted to focus on developing her, but Xu Junzhang did not have a contact method with Liu Chuanli, and still needed to contact Qiu Xuewu.

However, Xu Junzhang tricked Qiu Xuewu into coming back after he returned, that is, to develop a backbone and have new tasks, so he asked Qiu Xuewu to step up his ties with Liu Chuanli. What they did not expect was that at this time, Liu Chuanli had been successfully countered by the Public Security Bureau.

The volunteer army urgently needed penicillin, Mao Renfeng secretly arranged the "901 Plan", and penicillin was mixed with poison

It turned out that Gan Zuqiang did a good job of fake household registration, secretly looked for Liu Chuanli's family one night, discussed the next day two people went to the housing management bureau together to cheat, who knew that he threw himself into the net, and was arrested by the public security officers crouching near Liu Chuanli's home. The Public Security Bureau did a lot of ideological work for Liu Chuanli, and finally made her promise to make meritorious atonement for her sins and lure out Qiu Xuewu.

Liu Chuanli then asked Qiu Xuewu to meet, this time Qiu Xuewu actually dressed as a man and a woman disguised as an old lady, but the disguise was more realistic, and this time he could not escape with his wings and was caught by the Public Security Bureau.

Qiu Xuewu immediately also said that he would make meritorious atonement for his crimes, and told the public security bureau the next meeting place agreed with Xu Junzhang, and smoothly helped the public security bureau to bring Xu Junzhang to justice.

At this point, Mao Renfeng's meticulously planned "901 Plan" was thoroughly detected by our public security organs!

【Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, welcome to submit, private messages will be restored】

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