
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

author:Wisdom Yantai

This thing is quite drunk, originally we were looking at it as a joke, but we didn't expect to study it a little bit later and be even more stunned... Who is responsible for this matter?

What broke the news was our favorite 1818 GoldenEye.

The matter itself is completely uncomplicated and extremely simple, but it has been caused by the police, that is, Sister Zhou opened a restaurant in Hangzhou.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

There is a Sichuan dish in the restaurant called fish eggplant:

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

It's made like this.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Then, interestingly, when this dish was served to the customer, the customer was not happy, and asked, why does this fish-flavored eggplant have no fish, but meat? Isn't this deceiving consumers?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Sister Zhou also explained how the normal fish flavor eggplant is burned:

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

After Sister Zhou explained, the customer was not satisfied, saying that he did not eat meat.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Apparently, the customer lady does not eat meat, and according to the picture of the police law enforcement camera, it can be clearly seen that the customer is very angry and believes that he has been deceived. And think of yourself as a normal communication of good intentions.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Customers think they are very aggrieved:

1, fish fragrant eggplant this dish is indeed no fish only meat, she can see clearly.

2, she is very kind to communicate with Sister Zhou.

3, she did not embarrass Sister Zhou, but asked to re-make a bowl of fish eggplant without meat and fish, that's all, is it wrong to ask the merchant to make a veritable dish?

But unexpectedly, Sister Zhou rejected her, believing that the customer was making unreasonable trouble.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Apparently, things have reached an impasse here.

The customer thinks that he is justified and has no fooling around, but Sister Zhou thinks that the customer is fooling around, and the atmosphere between the two sides is getting more and more tense.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

But Sister Zhou denied the incident, saying that her attitude had always been very good.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

At this time, the contradiction reached an intensification point, and the customer dropped the meal on the ground.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Judging from the picture of the law enforcement recorder, the customers were indeed more excited at that time.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Sister Zhou admitted that she was more emotional at that time:

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

When the customer saw Sister Zhou coming, he directly pulled her away:

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In the end, the matter reached the police station.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

According to the feedback of the police, the store finally lost 200 yuan to the customer:

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In the end, the customer tipped over the dish and lost 20 yuan to Sister Zhou.

The whole thing is over, we really look a little dumbfounded, but after a closer look on the Internet, it is even more dumbfounded!

Do you think such things are accidental? No! The exact same thing happened a few years ago, can you believe it? Things from 2015.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Miss Liu is in her 20s, a native of Shanxi, and traveled to Chongqing a few days ago. At about 6 p.m. on July 16, near a small area in Xiejiawan, Miss Liu found an individual restaurant to eat. The owner of the restaurant, surnamed Zhao, is 33 years old and a native of Hechuan, who has been working as a chef before and has been running a restaurant here for more than a year.

Holding the menu, Miss Liu only ordered a plate of shredded fish and meat. However, a few minutes later, when the dish was on the table and just two bites were eaten, Miss Liu felt that the taste was not right, so she called the boss and the chef.

"Are you a shredded fish?" Miss Liu questioned the boss and asked the boss to make an authentic shredded fish and meat. In the face of Miss Liu's questioning, the boss was immediately dumbfounded, he had never encountered such a request.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

The owner immediately explained that the shredded fish and meat made in his shop was this flavor. But Miss Liu believes that the boss is sophistry and deceiving consumers. Immediately, she made a big noise in the store and called the police on 110. Receiving the alarm, the police of the Xiejiawan police station quickly rushed to the restaurant. Miss Liu told the police that the shredded fish and meat she ate today did not have any "fish", and it was not the taste of the shredded fish at all. At the same time, Miss Liu insisted that the boss refund the money and compensate for the loss.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In 2018, shenzhen had the exact same thing, the man did not pay, because there was no fish in the fish eggplant.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

The two sides quarreled over whether there were any fish in this "fish-flavored eggplant" and almost started to move. The lady of the restaurant was also angry, and the chef also came out to quarrel, saying that he had been doing this for more than ten years and how to do it wrong.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Diners insist that fish-flavored eggplant must have eggplant. The hostess said he was unreasonable, he said he was very reasonable, your dish is called fish eggplant, you must have fish.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

The lady boss shouted wrongly, saying that the fish fragrance is the harmonic sound of "afterscent", not really there are fish, the diners think that you are deceiving people, write clearly the fish fragrance must have fish, you give me meat to calculate how it is??

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

The diner also asked the hostess: Do you dare to go out with me to fight a lawsuit?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

The hostess cried out that she had been making fish-flavored eggplant and fish-flavored meat shreds for decades, where are the fish?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

So the question is, should there be fish in the fish shreds? There are many kinds of sayings about this "fish", but one of the more widely circulated is that its taste is made of condiments, and this method originates from the unique cooking method of Sichuan folk fish seasoning.

That is to say, the "fish aroma" series in Sichuan cuisine is without fish, just a seasoning method.

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

But this misunderstanding has always existed, netizens have also launched a hot discussion, it turns out that many people have misunderstood...

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In response to this matter in Hangzhou, many netizens are very sympathetic to the boss:

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight
Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

We are also thinking about a question, Chinese cuisine is complex, similar problems are definitely not only the "fish aroma" series, in other words, so many "name" and "actual" can not be 100% corresponding to the dishes will cause contradictions between customers and restaurants?

For example, Suzhou's famous dish squirrel cinnamon fish, does it need a squirrel?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, this dish is just a fish made into the shape of a squirrel. Therefore, squirrel cinnamon fish does not have squirrels~ ~

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Another example is the famous sichuan dish: how many ants do you have to get ants on the tree?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, it is minced meat noodles, named after the minced meat attached to the vermicelli, resembling ants crawling on the branches. Ants on the tree without ants ~

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Another example is huaiyang famous dish lion head, according to the standard of "one dish and one head", the lions in the world are still enough?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, the lion's head was originally called sunflower chopped meat, a large meat round, but it was made like a lion's head. There really aren't lions in the lion's head

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

There are many names for similar "shapes" in Chinese cuisine, such as tiger skin green peppers. How many tiger skins do I need? The tiger is afraid that he is going to curse the mountain gate...

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, it is a green pepper made of tiger skin pattern. Therefore, there is no tiger in the tiger skin green pepper

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Also, the famous dish here in Guangdong pee cow pills, do you think there are really .........

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, the expression means that the beef balls are very strong, and the broth inside will float out between the lips and teeth. So there is no urine in the pee cow pills...

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

The special snacks of northern China, donkey rolling, this donkey is also really busy to die, for everyone's bite to eat, how much to roll?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, it is the soybean noodles sprinkled in the final production process, just like the gusts of yellow soil raised by the wild donkeys in the countryside when they roll happily, hence the name "donkey rolling". So there are no donkeys in the donkey rolling

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Similarly, there are famous snacks in Jinzhong, cat ears, a cat with 2 ears, how many cats are enough?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, it is essentially just a traditional flavor of pasta, commonly known as "milled knots", "milled dumplings", etc., its shape is like cat's ears, small and exquisite, smooth and sharp. So there are no cat ears in the cat ears.~

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In addition to animals, many of China's dishes are related to people.

For example, the famous Luohan Zhai, how many Luohans are needed for a dish?

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, Luohan Zhai is also known as "LuoHan Cuisine", which was originally a Buddhist famous zhai. Named after the Eighteen Arhats gathering together, this dish is a "family portrait" of the temple flavor, carefully prepared with eighteen kinds of fresh and fragrant ingredients. Therefore there are no arhats in the Arhat Jai...

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Similarly, there is the Famous Fujian Dish Buddha Jumping the Wall... Don't......

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, it is made of abalone, sea cucumber, fish lip, yak skin glue, apricot abalone mushroom, hoof tendon, flower mushroom, cuttlefish, Yaozhu, quail egg, etc., added to the broth and Fujian old wine, simmered over low heat.

The literati applauded this dish one after another, and someone impromptuly wrote a poem: "The incense of the altar is floating around, and the Buddha smells that the Zen has jumped off the wall." Since then, this dish has been called "Buddha Jumping the Wall." Therefore, there is no Buddha in the Wall of Buddha Jumping

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Similarly very scary, there are Sichuan cuisine classics, couple lung tablets... husband and wife...... lungs...... this......

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, in the 1930s, Guo Chaohua, a native of Chengdu, and his wife worked together to make and sell cold mixed lung tablets, and the couple personally operated, walking the streets and alleys, carrying baskets and selling. It's cheap, tastes good, and is popular.

In 1933, Mr. and Mrs. Guo set up a shop near the Banbian Bridge in Chengdu (now the right side of the back gate of the People's Park), the name of the store was officially named "Husband and Wife Lung Tablets", and the plaque was on a black background with gold characters, which was personally inscribed by the calligrapher Zhao Yunyu.

Therefore, couple lung tablets really mean "husband and wife selling" lung tablets, so there are no couples in it...

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Similarly, there is the famous teochew snack, wife cake, as we all know, our country is monogamous, so every time a wife cake is made, there is a wife gone...

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

In fact, the "wife" of the wife cake refers to Zhu Yuanzhang's wife Ma Shi, in the early days of the uprising, because there was a lot of war at that time, the grain was often insufficient, the army still had to run east and west to fight, in order to facilitate the soldiers to carry dry food, so Ma Shi came up with wheat, winter melon and other things that can be eaten together, ground into powder, made into cakes, distributed to the non-commissioned officers, not only convenient to carry, but also can be eaten anytime and anywhere, which has played a great help to the marching army.

Modern wife cake is added with sugar winter melon, wheat flour, cake powder, caramel, sesame and other ingredients, sweet and delicious ~ so there is no wife in the wife cake Oh ~ ~

Because there was no fish in the eggplant, the customers threw the plate furiously, and the hostess howled and pounced on the fight

Of course, these are famous dishes, and the names of many individuals are even more varied, such as the "mother-child meeting" we have seen, which is actually soybean + bean sprouts!

One of our editors occasionally came across a dish with a nostalgic name, what's it called? Oh, "Walking on the country road." At that time, everyone guessed, would it be a native chicken raised in the countryside? Finally, I came up to see that it was braised pig's trotters, and then there were some coriander on the side!

Similarly, there is also called "absolute double pride", that is, green pepper + red pepper. We even had a bowl of ramen with no beef at all called "cow ramen", and the answer is that the ramen master's surname is niu...

Of course, we still think that if there is a dish that is not clear or ask clearly, what taboos they have to explain first, there have been many netizens who asked us some dishes, such as desert storm, crystal love, tropical rainforest, mountains and seas, dragonflies and water from the name is completely impossible to judge, it is best to ask clearly.

Source: Mordor

Disclaimer: Wisdom Yantai published this article for the purpose of transmitting more information. If there is a source labeling error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, welcome to contact the private message to correct and delete, thank you.

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