
Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

author:Stone road handicrafts

Silver-clad gold, used to describe the peculiar phenomenon in Shoushan stone, does not only refer to a certain type of stone species; its outer skin is white, and its heart is yellow, just like the eggs in daily life. In the face of such a phenomenon, one question after another plagues colleagues in life, how the yellow inside passes through the white of the outer skin to create a spatial range of its own, or how to cultivate itself into a positive fruit under the tight wrapping of the outer layer, and how to show the golden polar fruit color............

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

The author has been in contact with silver-clad stones for a long time, and found that their survival also has its own unique environment, mainly in three aspects, namely monolithic generation, tendon formation, and egg shedding generation (strictly speaking, it is also monolithic generation).

Monolithic generation is the original matrix of the stone is the state of all yellow, and then with the impact of the water flow, rolled down to the soil full of gravel to continue to study, with the infiltration of water or rainwater, the color of the outer layer slowly turns white, the unchanged is the inner yellow.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Rib formation is also an important means of its own, this only as a patent for cave stone, often found in the outer layer of the stone is surrounded by a circle of ribs, from the ribs of the meat removed, is the silver gold pebble. It can be seen that the rib grid of the outer ring is the conveyor chain of the factory, and the elements of the periphery are constantly created through this chain on the outer skin, and the unwanted elements are also exchanged through it.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Egg spawning refers to being sandwiched in the surrounding rock, or scattered near a mine, and is made by a single individual; the entire shape is almost goose-shaped, and the surface is uneven, resembling human sweat pores. The nature of egg removal also belongs to the category of monolithic, the difference is that this kind of generated skin is not only the skin of the meat, but also the appearance of the finished meat is often hard cake skin or white sand. Perhaps it is the reason why the periphery is too much blocked, the transformation of such stone species is not complete, the situation of flesh and heart or color is not the end is more common, and the risk is greater than the generation of the first two.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

In fact, the stones created by the three are not only the case of silver-clad gold, such as external yellow and inner white, outer red and inner white, outer white and inner red, etc. Are not uncommon, but the characteristics of silver-clad gold are the best of them, so the article specializes in this area. After a long period of inhalation and exhalation countless times, the merits of these stones are complete, and all kinds of confusion cannot be solved by the stone friends, and it can only be said that these stones are also sentient things. Now, with their respective fates, they run to the master's hands and accept the continuous transformation of the humanistic environment, and their improvement is endless.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Among all the silver-clad gold stones, the most talked about are three types of stones, such as Tian Huangshi, Qi descending stone, and Shanbo stone.

Tian Huang silver wrapped in gold

The silver-clad gold field yellow is produced in an extremely unstable external space, that is, the continuous impact of rain or streams, such an area can not be covered by the junction of fields and streams, of course, it may also be washed into a stable space after the transformation of this area to continue further study. But after all, it is a naturally generated object, and there is also a transition between meat and skin, so the contrast between meat skin is usually not a strong grade. This can be used as a comparison with the dyed skin, the appearance of the dyed stone is not only unnatural, that is, the place with the skin contrasts with the high color layer of the flesh layer at 360 degrees without dead angles.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Of course, as the top product of the field yellow, they not only achieve the ultimate in color difference, but also interpret the beauty of transparency, which is unmatched by other stone species. If on the basis of the two, and then import the radish shredded, it must be the highest pleasure point of touching the body and mind.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Flag lower silver and gold

Compared with the "invisible" color difference of Tian Huangshi, the flag descending stone jumps directly from one space to another, which can only show that the fleshiness between the skin and flesh is not based on a common point. Two completely different colors, how to achieve tacit understanding has gone through a long process, can not use a rational mind to think.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Not as transparent as Tian Huangshi, the flag descending stone uses sufficient effort in condensation, which seems to be able to absorb the gaze of the upper stone surface, and after being used for self-use, it also makes people deeply intoxicated and refuse to return. The artist makes full use of the appearance, and the feeling of color difference is extremely beautiful with the cooperation of condensation.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

Shan Bo silver wrapped in gold

The stones of the body of Shanbo are often more common in the egg removal body, and the egg removal is not only the patent of the Shanbo, how to no. 2 mine, pine cypress ridge and so on. The flesh of the egg-laying stone is relatively high, and when a meat-freeing good uncle is displayed in front of us, it is extremely difficult to stop the temptation to play with the hand plate, such as the hand caressing the stone surface seems to have a layer of oil forced out. Like the Flag Descending Stone, Shanbo's stones are extremely difficult to achieve the cleanliness of Tian Huang, and now they are also used as "advantages", with other characteristics, distinguishing foreign stone species, and jointly guarding the monopolistic concept of Shoushan stone.

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

(The image comes from Shoushan Stone Culture Network, and the content and views of this article only represent the author himself.) )

Shoushan stone's silver-clad gold, know these points you can have a good chat in the circle of friends

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