
This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

author:Du Rui cuisine

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<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > the mark of an era</h1>

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

In the past years of material scarcity, people could only eat a comprehensive steamed bun during the busy season of farming, doing farm work every day, grabbing harvest and grabbing seeds, and consuming a lot of energy. In the winter, it also entered the winter break, there was not much farm work to do, and every day I ate cornmeal nests and cakes, and the comprehensive steamed buns became a rarity. After a long time, people really can't survive, or when the farm work is not too busy, they eat a kind of half-fine grain, half-coarse grain pasta. This pasta is called "silver-clad gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it must be at least 40 years old.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

This pasta has an elegant name, called "silver wrapped gold", commonly known as "foreskin rolls" in our hometown. It is a steamed bun roll made of more than half of the "white flour" wrapped in a small half of the "golden corn flour", which is figuratively called "silver wrapped gold" steamed bun. Although the taste is not as good as the fine noodle steamed buns of the whole fine grain, compared with the coarse grain of pure corn flour, it has improved a lot, but it is also a rare delicacy, which is a microcosm of an era. Today, I will share the noodles I ate as a child with my friends and reminisce about the past. There is no big difficulty in making this pasta, the key is the ratio of flour to cornmeal, which is generally wrapped according to the ratio of flour to cornmeal 2 to 1. There is less flour, and it is easy to wrap cornmeal and expose the filling.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > silver-clad golden buns</h1>

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

Dough ingredients: 600 g flour, 300 g water, 6 g dry yeast

Ingredients for corn dough: 150 grams of refined corn flour, 50 grams of black bean noodles, 120 grams of boiling water

Ingredients: 50-100 g flour (for flour)

Note: These ingredients are about 100 grams / piece of silver-clad gold steamed buns, 12-13 ingredients, please double or double the amount of materials according to the number of people in the family.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > the production process</h1>

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

1, the first noodles: weigh 300 grams of water, add 6 grams of dry yeast, stir into a uniform yeast water. Pour 600 grams of flour into the basin, pour the yeast water in, stir with chopsticks into a coarse flocculent shape, and form a uniform and delicate dough. The surface of the fermentation basin is covered with plastic wrap, according to the room temperature, seasonal changes, room temperature fermentation for 1-1.5 hours, fermentation to 2 times the size, the dough will be fermented. The fermented dough is plump, dip your index finger in a little dry flour, insert a hole in the center of the dough, and the opening of the hole neither retracts nor collapses, and the dough ferments to exactly ten.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

2, simply add cornmeal, steamed steamed bun is not fragrant, this time added a small number of black bean noodles, in that era, it is absolutely impossible to eat bean noodles. Don't underestimate this small amount of black bean noodles, which can make the steamed steamed buns rise several grades, whether it is the taste or taste, it is an absolute aroma bearing. Weigh 150 grams of refined corn flour and 50 grams of black bean noodles.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

3, almost 30 minutes to ferment the dough, start to mix corn black bean noodles. Boil 120 grams of boiling water, pour into the cornmeal, and stir with chopsticks while pouring to heat the cornmeal evenly. This kind of blanched cornmeal is particularly sweet and soft, which is a very practical cooking trick. After handling, put the black bean noodles into the corn flour, and form a uniform and delicate corn black bean dough, cover the surface with plastic wrap, and wake up the noodles at room temperature for 30 minutes.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

4: Sprinkle a small amount of flour on the board to prevent sticking, take out the fermented dough and move it to the board. According to the size of the tendons and water absorption of your own flour, add 50-100 grams of dry flour in 4-5 times. Each time, after the dry flour is completely integrated into the dough, the next flour is added, and the softness and hardness are controlled at the tip of the nose, and the slightly hard point is chewy to eat.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

5: Knead the dough evenly, roll out into a large thick cake, and wrap the corn black bean dough like a "big bun". Be sure to pay attention to the tight wrapping and no gaps. Then roll out the compound "silver-clad gold" dough thin on one side and form a rectangular dough about 1 cm thick, 20 cm wide and 60 cm long on the other side.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

6, cut the dough into long strips about 5 cm wide with a cutting knife, slightly thinn one end, roll up from the other end, and a raw "silver-wrapped gold" steamed bun embryo is ready. Wet and wring out the cotton cage cloth, lay flat on the bottom of the steamer, and put all the raw steamed bun embryos into the steamer basket, taking care to retain enough gaps to prevent sticking together after steaming.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

7: Pour enough water into the steamer in advance, heat the fire until a large amount of hot gas comes out, and stop the fire to wait for the pot. The steamer is directly on the pot, and the hot air that comes up just happens to form the necessary conditions for secondary fermentation: a temperature of about 38 degrees Celsius and a humidity of about 85%. Cover the steamer and let rise for 10 minutes. Turn on the high heat, boil the foot gas and then count, steam for 20 minutes, and then steam.

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

8, steamed silver bun gold steamed bun first do not rush to lift the pot, slightly set aside for 1-2 minutes, wait for the hot air to dissipate a part and then lift the pot. After lifting the pot, take out the steamed steamed bun immediately to prevent the steamed bun from sticking to the cage cloth and leaving the bottom. Steamed "silver-wrapped gold" steamed buns, even if you don't have to use the dish, take a bite, the natural wheat aroma mixed with the rich aroma of black beans and corn, dry eating is completely delicious. This noodle is called "silver-wrapped gold", which condenses the imprint of an era and has been eaten for at least 40 years.

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > considerations</h1>

This pasta is called "silver wrapped gold", which is a microcosm of an era, and those who have seen it at least 40 years old have to be at least 40 years old and have an era of imprint silver wrapped gold steamed bun production process precautions

1, the ratio of flour and corn black bean noodles is the key point, must be in accordance with the ratio of 2 to 1 ingredients, flour is too little, can not be wrapped, easy to break the skin and mutilate.

2, cornmeal after blanching, can increase the water absorption of cornmeal, can make cornmeal more sweet and sticky, which is a super practical cooking trick.

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