
During the snow season, when encountering these 2 dishes are not soft, the taste is salty and sweet and appetizing, and the good and delicious plum vegetables steamed tofu salted egg festival melon soup for slimming

author:Sheng Jingke

Today's guide: plum tofu salty and sweet appetizer, gherkin soup refreshing satisfaction! During the snow season, encounter these 2 dishes are not soft, the taste is salty and sweet and appetizing, and the weight loss is delicious!

Chinese tradition has the habit of eating vegetarian food in the first fifteen years, but in fact, less meat food helps to reduce the burden on the body and take into account balanced nutrition, in fact, it can be "vegetarian" at any time.

Facing the colder winters, be thinner, wear a little more, and don't feel shy.

However, vegetarian food is not the same as bland and tasteless, and it is good to use the right amount of pickled ingredients to flavor and make vegetarian dishes refreshing and delicious.

During the snow season, when encountering these 2 dishes are not soft, the taste is salty and sweet and appetizing, and the good and delicious plum vegetables steamed tofu salted egg festival melon soup for slimming

Tofu is a good source of protein, steamed with pickles, the taste and texture are added.

Plum cuisine is a common pickled ingredient used by the Hakka people to make dishes, due to the harsh living environment in the early years, the Hakka people preserve food with the spirit of diligence and thrift, and derive the food culture of making the best use of things;

Plum dishes can be paired with a variety of ingredients, and the dishes are endlessly varied.

Guangdong plum vegetables have sweet and salty points, sweet plum vegetables are sweet but not greasy, with tender and smooth tofu, delicious rice;

You can also put a little more effort into frying the plum vegetables and then steaming them with tofu, the taste of the plum vegetables is more obvious, and the sweet and salty interweaving is endless.

During the snow season, when encountering these 2 dishes are not soft, the taste is salty and sweet and appetizing, and the good and delicious plum vegetables steamed tofu salted egg festival melon soup for slimming

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > steamed tofu with plum vegetables</h1>


2 pieces of tofu, 1 sweet plum, a little green onion


1/2 teaspoon light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil


. Slice the tofu, arrange on a plate, wash the plum vegetables and green onion separately, and cut into pieces.

. Soy sauce, sugar, water, boil hot and add a little sesame oil, it becomes "soy sauce sauce".

. Sauté the fragrant plum vegetables in oil and add some sugar.

. Place slices of tofu on a plate, put the plum vegetables on top and steam for two minutes in water.

. Drizzle the oil on the plum vegetables, then pour in the "soy sauce sauce" and serve.

During the snow season, when encountering these 2 dishes are not soft, the taste is salty and sweet and appetizing, and the good and delicious plum vegetables steamed tofu salted egg festival melon soup for slimming

Salted eggs are widely used, because they can be stored for a long time and have become a common dish for general families;

Salted egg yolks are often stir-fried in a crushed manner to make a delicious "golden sand" dish;

In fact, it can also cook soup, and the salty taste is released into the soup, and it is delicious without adding salt.

Boiled salty egg white granules, soft sponge will not be too salty, soup is still clear, with salted eggs boiled a pot of cucumber soup, low calories and rich in nutrients, clear heat diuresis and help to reduce fat, melon fiber is rich and full, is definitely the first choice for slimming.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > salted egg soup</h1>

2 gherkins, 2 salted eggs and 3 slices of ginger

1. Scrape the gherkin with the back of a knife, wash and cut into pieces, separate the salted egg whites and egg yolks for later, and slice the ginger for later.

2. Pour water into a pot, bring to a boil and add sliced ginger, gherkin and salted egg yolks.

3. Roll over low heat for 30 minutes, then add salted egg whites and mix into egg flowers to cook, then drink.