
The ragged homeless man turned out to be a fugitive from murder who had been absconding for 24 years

author:Bright Net

Murder solved

On October 14, 2021, a ragged homeless man in Lucheng District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, was controlled by the police, a humble little homeless man who was a 24-year-old Chenzhou Yongxing man who had been on the run for 24 years.

A bloody case caused by a duck

The ragged homeless man turned out to be a fugitive from murder who had been absconding for 24 years

Jiang Moujun, male, born in 1973, a native of Martin Town, Yongxing County, did not like to read since childhood, and dropped out of school early to work as a farmer at home. When his father died when he was twenty years old, he had to help his mother to take care of his younger siblings as the eldest son.

In the summer of 1997, a message broke the tranquility of the mountain village, and the humble little Jiang Moujun stabbed people with a knife. On the day of the crime, Hu Moujia, the secretary of the village branch, looked at the small jiang moujun with a sharp knife walking on the road, covered in blood, and there were words in his mouth, and the first sentence when he saw the branch book was "I fought with Jiang Mouping (the victim), I stabbed him, you go to deal with it", the branch secretary looked at the back of Jiang Moujun's departure and was shocked.

It turned out that Jiang Mouping had trampled on his own seedlings because jiang moujun's ducks had stepped on the field, so he beat the duck to death with a stick and took the duck home to cook. Jiang Moujun was indignant when he learned of this, and went to Jiang Mouping's home with a sharp knife to theorize, and during the dispute, Jiang Moujun was slashed by a chai knife, Jiang Mouping was stabbed to death by a sharp knife, and Jiang Moujun fled.

Yongxing police have been pursuing the murderer for 24 years

The ragged homeless man turned out to be a fugitive from murder who had been absconding for 24 years

After the incident, the Yongxing Public Security Bureau immediately carried out relevant investigation work, but Jiang Moujun disappeared without a trace like evaporation in the human world. In the past twenty-four years, Yongxing Public Security has never given up the pursuit of Jiang Moujun and has successively gone to Guangdong, Gansu, Shanghai and other places to pursue him, but due to the backwardness of the investigation methods in that year, the arrest work has not made breakthrough progress.

In October 2021, the police handling the case made full use of new technologies and new means of smart policing to once again conduct research and analysis on the case, and finally determined the scope of activities of Jiang Moujun in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. On October 13, the police went to Zhejiang to carry out work, and with the full cooperation of the Zhejiang public security, Jiang Moujun was finally arrested.

It turned out that on the same day, knowing that Jiang Mouping had been stabbed to death by himself, Jiang Moujun walked to Leiyang overnight and began a wandering life that lasted for twenty-four years. Wandering outside Jiang Moujun alias Li Mouming, sleep in the bridge cave, dirty on the river to take a bath, usually rely on petty theft to survive, and then wander to Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and finally settled here.

Return to your long-lost hometown and kneel to say goodbye to your mother

The ragged homeless man turned out to be a fugitive from murder who had been absconding for 24 years

"You're finally here, I know I can't escape, and now I can finally go back to my hometown." Twenty-four years in exile, suffered a lot, still has not settled down, dare not open their hearts to people, can not do work single-mindedly, a heart is always hanging, there is nowhere to put it, Jiang Moujun has long been tired of such a life, and now the biggest wish is to return to his hometown to bid farewell to his mother.

"It's not worth it, I'm ashamed of my mother's nurturing grace, and I very much regret the sins I committed impulsively," Jiang Moujun said in the face of police interrogation. On October 19, under the leadership of Jiang Moujun, Yongxing police went to a village in Martin Town to identify the scene, and the villagers heard that Jiang Moujun, who had been fleeing for more than 20 years, had been arrested and came to watch.

Jiang Moujun saw his mother as he wished, and left home in a hurry twenty years ago, and could only kneel goodbye twenty years later. Before leaving, the childhood playmate did not recognize the appearance of Jiang Moujun, but Jiang Moujun called out the nickname of the playmate, different choices determine different lives, choose the weapon of law to protect their rights, in order to have a happy life.

At present, Jiang Moujun has been criminally detained by the Yongxing police on suspicion of intentional homicide, and what awaits him will be the severe punishment of the law.

A small dispute

Depriving a person of his life

He also ruined his life

Blessings and misfortunes, bittersweet, a thought difference

After the rage, all the consequences

After all, you need to bear it yourself

Source: Chenzhou Public Security

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