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Disney+ has produced a new horror anthology drama "Beyond Reality", which released a trailer today. The anthology means that each episode is a separate story (such as "Love Death Machine" and "Black Mirror"), and "Beyond Reality" has a total of 8 episodes, telling 8 different stories, and the protagonists are mysterious things that appear at night, including ghosts, aliens, witches and so on.
However, the target audience of this drama is relatively young, so there will be no horror and elements at the level of "Ghost playman".
Outside of reality
Fantasy / Horror / Comedy Released in the United States on October 13, 2021
"Beyond Reality" is based on the novel by young author of Goosebumps, R. Lee. L. Stein's original comics, starring McKenna Grace (Genius Girl), Lexie Underwood, Cedric Joe (Slam Dunk in the Air 2), Mark Webb (The Amazing Spider-Man, Five Hundred Days with Summer), and was written by Seth Grahamme Smith (Shadow, Lincoln the Vampire Hunter), and began streaming Disney+ on October 13.