
The trapeze Jordan and his women

author:Flick your finger

This article only tells some of jordan's past before his first wife. On April 28, 2013, Jordan and his second wife, Yvette Prieto, were married in Palm Beach, Florida.

Jordan has been full of charm, has loved, and has been lost....

The 12-year-old girl broke his heart

In 1974, when Jordan was in the 5th grade of elementary school, he fell in love with Angela West, a girl who was 1 year older than him. Angela is beautiful and pure in Jordan's mind, and they take the school shuttle to school every day.

The trapeze Jordan and his women

He came up with a clever way to get close to Angela — to make a seat for her. In order to be the first to get on the bus in the morning, Jordan went to bed early every night. The next day, before dawn, he jumped out of bed, and by the time his mother called, Jordan had already sorted out his school bag and was on the road. However, Angela never sat in the seat that Jordan had worked so hard for her, and she preferred to squeeze in with the other two girls every day rather than sit next to Jordan, and she did not even pay attention to Jordan. Poor little Jordan stared sheepishly out the car window, tears swirling in his eyes.

This incident made Jordan, who had just opened his heart, feel very confused and disappointed. Still, Angela West was the first girl he liked, and she always had a place in Jordan's mind.

Athletic stars and female models are just passing clouds

Before Jordan became an NBA emperor superstar, he had also met the woman who made him infatuated.

At the 1984 Olympics, Jordan met track and field athlete Jim Gallagher. She finished second in the women's 800m. When Gallagher stepped off the podium, Jordan was the first to run forward, hugging her tightly and sending her flowers. Since then, the two have quickly fallen in love like glue.

The trapeze Jordan and his women

One night, the coach of the American basketball team suddenly walked into Jordan's bedroom, which frightened the pair of mandarin ducks. Jordan was in a hurry and hid Gallagher in his closet.

The next day, Jordan scored 14 points in the second half of the title race, giving the U.S. olympic title. Jordan became a household name in the United States. At this time, however, Gallagher's relationship with Jordan quickly cooled down. Soon, Gallagher quietly left Jordan. In the face of the lace news in the press and the press,Jordan didn't give any explanation, but shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

When Jordan was proud of the spring breeze on the field, he had another scandal on the love field.

At a family gathering, Jordan meets Robin, a black supermodel. Jordan was impressed by Robin's posture and beautiful eyes. Robin was also attracted to Jordan's flying man-like performance on the field. Jordan often watched Robin's fashion shows, and whenever she appeared in gorgeous costumes, Jordan always clapped her hands and praised her for being "a beautiful black pearl.".

The trapeze Jordan and his women

Robin Givens had a brief marriage to Tyson and had a scandal with Brad Pitt and former U.S. President Donald Trump

Maybe Jordan's friends are not used to Jordan being with models, or maybe the fans don't like Robin Givons, so just as the two are engaged in a romantic story like firewood, they are accused by public opinion, interfering with the phone calls and letters between the two. Robin finally understood that there was an insurmountable obstacle between her and Jordan. When the two broke up, Robin said bitterly: "I didn't expect love to be so vulnerable, the pressure from society was too great, and we had to break up." ”

The versatile mixed-race girl returned the weary bird to its nest

While Jordan succeeded in his basketball career in the NBA, he finally gained something in love.

In 1986, Jordan met Juanita, 4 years his senior, at a restaurant. Juanita is a mixed-race man, 1.85 meters tall, who has worked as a bank clerk and interior decorator. At the same time, he is also a good real estate agent. He now works in a restaurant in Jordan. Juanita is a knowledgeable strong woman, cheerful and open-minded, not only versatile, but also a good wife and mother.

Shortly after meeting Juanita, Jordan bought a 5,000-square-foot house in Chicago and asked her to decorate it. She arranged the interior elegantly and warmly, which made Jordan very satisfied. Here, Juanita accepts Jordan's marriage proposal.

The trapeze Jordan and his women

Referring to his wife, Jordan said: "My wife gave me a lot of support and encouragement. She taught me how to be human, and she made me a real man. ”

On October 6, 1993, Jordan left the NBA to try to prove his athletic prodigy on the baseball field. However, his dream was shattered. When Jordan was most depressed, it was his wife who wiped away his tears and encouraged him to return to the basketball world. Juanita packed up for Jordan and personally took him to the airport.

Jordan's comeback started out mediocre. As soon as the game was over, he called his wife and kept talking. Although the wife does not know basketball, she understands her husband's heart best. She told Jordan: Don't let the people who love him down, let jordan prove invincible.

The trapeze Jordan and his women

When Jordan led the Bulls to championship, his wife always took her children to the airport to meet him. Back at home, Jordan helped his wife clean the room, clean the floor and wash the dishes, Jordan said: "Juanita is really hard, she has to take care of the children, but also to go to work, she did a lot of things for me, she is the bond between me and the children." 」 My wife, like a mother, gave me happiness and love. She gave me a comfortable home, and I am so grateful to her. The happiness that God has given me, I want to hold firmly in my hands. ”

In December 2006, Joe's gang officially announced that he and his wife Juanita had ended their 17-year married life, although the reason for the divorce Jordan has been kept silent, but it is not difficult to deduce that this is not unrelated to Jordan's affair. In the end, Jordan gave his ex-wife a divorce fee worth $168 million, setting a record for the most expensive divorce fee in sports at the time.

The trapeze Jordan and his women

In addition, 1 month before Jordan's second marriage, a woman named Pamela Smith sued Jordan, saying that she had an illegitimate child with Jordan and is now 16 years old. Named Grant Pierce Jay Jordan Reynolds. A paternity test is also required. She also said that the lawsuit was not Pamela's intention, that her son begged her to do so.

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