
Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

author:Cooking big names

Hello everyone, the big name who cooks rice like to use a big bowl is here again, thank you for coming!!

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

It is hot and hot summer people's appetite is poor, just want to eat some light things, but often eat so nutritious and can not keep up, so today this dish is the right time, this dish appetizing spleen, clear heat diuretic, but also no lack of nourishing effect, that is, my hometown dish, sour shoots white shell boiled chicken

Sour shoots, I don't know how much you usually use when cooking vegetables? It is made by salting boiled water and salting in spring and autumn. The addition of sour shoots to the dishes is particularly delicious, especially rich and long. And the seasonality of fresh bamboo shoots is particularly strong, and it cannot be eaten after the season.

In addition to being delicious, it also has great benefits for the human body. First of all, it is particularly spleen appetizing, lactic acid bacteria produced by the fermentation of sour shoots can enhance appetite and promote the decomposition and absorption of protein, the second is that it has a lot of dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis to prevent constipation, and the potassium content is very rich, which is very beneficial for promoting blood pressure balance.

Sour shoots contain very low calories, are ideal ingredients for weight loss people, and contain a lot of amino acids and vitamins, which is a very nutritious and people-friendly ingredient.

If you think about it, nourishing chicken with nutritious appetizing and greasy sour shoots with hot and diuretic white shells is not a delicious dish tailored for summer, simply delicious and not wanted.


1 pound of chicken, ginger slices, green onion, garlic, sour shoots, white scallops, yellow dried chili peppers, green peppers, red beauty peppers

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it
Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it


Salt, chicken powder, sugar, cooking wine, oil consumption, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it
Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

【Detailed steps】

First, the chicken chopped pieces soaked for 15 minutes to soak in blood water and then drained, with 2 grams of salt, 10 grams of corn starch, a little old pumping evenly

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

Second, fry in a pan until golden brown on both sides, then put aside in a bowl, pay attention to fry until seven ripe.

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

Third, pour more oil into the pot and heat it up, then add the sour shoots and stir-fry the dried water, then put the ginger slices, pat the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, and then put the dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

Fourth, after the stir-fry, put the chicken down for a while, pour the cooking wine along the edge of the pot, fry the cooking wine out of the aroma and put a bowl of water down with medium heat to simmer, after the water boils, add white shells. Because before the chicken was fried until it was seven ripe. Remember to cover it with a large pot lid.

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it
Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it

Fifth, after the soup is strong, it can come out of the pot.

Summer does this chicken, appetizing spleen, go greasy, beauty and beauty, you deserve it