
The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

author:Yunnan Radio and Television Station

A few days ago, the temperature in many parts of Yunnan soared to more than 30 degrees, and the highest time in Kunming was also 28 degrees, is this rhythm summer?! But look at the calendar, it's still spring!

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

However, starting from today, Xiaobian can tell everyone that this summer is really coming! The season of exposed flesh is really coming! Because today is "Valley Rain"!

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

What is valley rain

Valley rain is the meaning of "rain born of a hundred grains", the sixth solar term of the twenty-four solar terms, but also the last festival of spring, the arrival of the valley rain festival means that the cold wave weather is basically over, the temperature rise is accelerated, which is greatly conducive to the growth of cereal crops.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Valley Rain Three Seasons:

First wait

Ping was born

In the spring water, duckweed is growing.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle


Woo Woo Woo Woo

The dove chirped and flapped its wings and flew around. Remind people that the season for sowing is coming

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle


Dai Ren descended to Sang

Dai Sheng bird began to be seen in the mulberry tree. Dai Ren, also known as Dai Sheng, is a yellow-and-white striped bird with crown hair on its head, which inhabits mulberry and hemp trees commonly planted by farmers.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Local customs:

Sacrifice to the sea

For fishermen, the Valley Rain Festival is popular for sea sacrifices. The rainy season in the valley is the time when the spring sea is warm, and the hundred fish travel to the shallow sea, which is a good day to go to the sea to fish. As the saying goes, "ride the valley rain to the Internet".

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Pick tea

The custom of picking tea in the southern valley rain, it is said that the tea of the valley rain on this day will clear the fire, ward off evil spirits, and blind the eyes. Therefore, no matter what the weather is on this day, people will go to the tea mountain to pick some new tea and come back to drink.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Admire the peonies

Before and after the valley rain is also an important time for the peony flowers to bloom, so the peony flowers are also called "valley rain flowers". "Gu Yu Three Dynasties Look at Peonies", peony appreciation has become an important entertainment activity for people's leisure. So far, Shandong Heze, Henan Luoyang, Sichuan Pengzhou more than the valley rainy season held peony flower party, for people to play and party.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Forbidden Scorpion Spell

In the old days, the rainy days in the valley around Linfen, Shanxi Province, painted Zhang Tianshi's charm and pasted it on the door, called "Forbidden Scorpion". The forbidden scorpion spell in the Fengxiang area of Shaanxi Is printed in woodcuts. The folklore of "forbidden scorpions" reflects people's desire to drive away pests and desire a good harvest.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Sacrifice Cangjie

The custom of "Valley Rain Sacrifice Cangjie" in Baishui County, Shaanxi Province, is a folk tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years since the Han Dynasty.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Five poisons are forbidden

After the valley rain, the temperature rises, the disease and insect pests enter the high breeding period, in order to reduce the damage of insect pests to crops and people, the farmers enter the field to kill insects, while posting valley rain stickers, praying to drive away najib.

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Health Essentials:

Due to the increase in rainfall after the valley rain festival, the humidity in the air gradually increases, which will cause the human body to produce an uncomfortable reaction from the inside out, so it is necessary to pay attention to getting rid of dampness.

On the other hand, the temperature of the valley rain festival is high, the rain is frequent, and the breeding and activities of snakes and ants and mosquitoes have become frequent, and the small partners try to wear long clothes and trousers and spray mosquito repellent water to avoid being bitten.

Recommended Recipes:

Rabbit liver egg soup

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Ingredients: 1 to 2 rabbit livers, 1 to 2 eggs, salt and other condiments to taste.

Directions: Slice the rabbit liver, marinate it with corn starch, salt, ginger and soy sauce; bring the water to a boil in the pot, add the marinated rabbit liver, beat the eggs and stir well, boil for a few minutes, add the appropriate amount of condiments and eat.

Efficacy: Nourish the liver and eyes, clear the liver and relieve pain, suitable for night blindness and liver fever and red pain.

Fish maw turtle broth

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Ingredients: 20 grams of fish maw, 100 grams of turtle meat, salt and other condiments to taste.

Directions: Cut the turtle meat into pieces, cook the soup with the fish maw, add the condiments, and when the turtle meat is cooked, it can be eaten.

Efficacy: Tonic kidney and anti-sequelae, suitable for kidney deficiency night urine, enuresis, chronic nephritis.

Goji berries stewed egg

The summer of rain is coming, and the spleen is idle

Ingredients: 15 g goji berries, 1 to 2 eggs.

Directions: Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well, add goji berries, add a little condiment, simmer in water and use.

Efficacy: Tonify liver and kidneys, blind, suitable for liver and kidney deficiency waist and knee soreness, impotence, premature ejaculation, sperm retention, visual dizziness, dizziness, yin blood deficiency.

Today is the last festival of spring, babies hurry to grasp the last little tail of spring, enjoy the beauty of spring again, and then smile to welcome summer~

Author: Li Menghan

Source: Yunnan Network Radio and Television Station